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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Craig Whyte owes the Rangers support. Keith Klaxon Jackson informed us that he possessed, "wealth off the radar". Craig owns a highland castle, perhaps he could sell it and donate the sum to the club. On E-Bay, similar bouncy castles are fetching £100.
  2. Tom Anguish and the Guillotine. BBC Scotland supports all Scottish clubs in Europe? Of course, we know and, the rest of Scottish football knows; BBC Scotland supports one team more than all the rest put together. It is ra Sellik state of mind. Last night's 7-1 humbling in Dortmund presents a real problem for the denizens of PQ's Gang Hut. Domestically, it is a procession for their beloved green'n'grey hooped horrors. The national broadcaster is intent upon leading the gaudy coloured cavalcade. It is an exercise in triumphalism and the usual suspects are determined to be seen exercising ridiculous swagger when leading the parade. The Drum Major tosses the stick into the air, the cheers echo and, amid the cacophony you can hear the plaintive cry, 'in Brenda we trust'. In his two spells as Sellik Gaffer, Brendan has put out teams in the Champions League that have conceded seven goals on three occasions, six goals once and, five goals twice. He conducts the after match pressers with the same line of mitigation, suffered misfortune, endured higher standards of officialdom and, lessons have been learned from the experience. The last point is something PQ CSC ignores, despite another thumping the preferred narrative of way over the top hyperbole continues. Since the Slovaking easy victory over Bratislava the specific comments emanating from the Gang Hut have compounded : "Kyogo is akin to Messi" - I might have noticed this quality last night if he had not been replete in an invisible cloak. "Maeda is the best presser in world football" - James McFadden blamed him for two of Dortmund's goals. "Celtic are playing like the Harlem Globetrotters" - I suspect they were confusing the basketball entertainers with the reality, the Gallowgate Bogtrotters? "Celtic have invested in their future with Engels whereas Rangers are stuck with the same old faces" - I am sure he will be the third famous Belgian after TinTin and Hercule Poirot. PQ CSC has wound it's neck in reference website articles. The day after their Slovan victory, we were treated to 8(eight) pieces including the effect on the Scottish coefficient and how much money was earned from the game. There are only two articles this afternoon, one of which is a hard hitting critique by Tom Anguish. I thought they may have included Financial Analyst, Kieran Maguire's jottings ie Dortmund have three times the budget of Celtic whereas ra Bhoys have a budget 25 times that of St Johnstone? No, the continuing Sellik fantasy consumes the Gang Hut, there is no sustenance in cold porridge reality. Talking of Tom, the very essence of PQ was on display near the end of Sportsound. The panel was Kenny Macintyre(the Token), Pat Bonner, James McFadden and, Tom English. There had been a fastidious non mention of the last Scottish club to visit Dortmund throughout the show's four and a half hours. It was only three years past but the game was not referenced. The consensus being Brendan's team had been both naive and soft, would he/could he change it? Pat and James opined well rehearsed platitudes then, Tom dropped the R bomb. He compared Rangers 2-4 victory, recited the Dortmund team and, suggested a more practical approach from Brendan. The responses were illuminating. James dismissed the comparison with, "Brendan won't shut up shop and hope for a result" and Pat bullishly replied, "no Celtic supporter would take advice from a Rangers performance". Kenny moved the discussion on to the next game against Atlanta because the Producer/Director guillotined further discussion on that specific topic. A reminder of a Rangers victory was only going to rub salt into collective raw wounds. Pat allowed his mask to slip but, McFadden's retort is preposterous, Rangers parked the bus and got lucky on four occasions? Watch the game again Faddy. Brendan will continue to produce many more Champion League stinking turds and PQ will do Peter's bidding by rolling each and everyone of them in glitter.
  3. Reference Liam 'the Squeal' McLeod. Tonight at the Westfalenstadion it is the Champions League match day 2 fixture between Dortmund and ra Sellik. At half time, the score was Dortmund 5 Sellik 1 and Liam had lost his mojo. He ran through the scorers and timings of the goals then, ended with the most lame : "Dortmund's XG is only 2.12".
  4. I am hearing Humza Yousaf led ten thousand Palestinian demonstrators to the Westfalenstadion at half time, demanding an immediate ceasefire.
  5. Haley Valentine? Today, PQ has announced the appointment of Haley Valentine as Director of BBC Scotland. She takes over from the departing Steve Carson in November'24. Ms Valentine is a graduate of Edinburgh University, began at the BBC in 1996 and, is described as an experienced journalist. She is leaving her current position as Head of BBC Midlands to return to PQ because she was the launch Editor of the now defunct BBC Scotland's flagship news and current affairs show, 'the Nine'. Any Gersnetters know anything further reference Haley Valentine?
  6. I thought Liam's nadir came at the end of the match with, "Rangers have pilfered three points". 'Pilfered' - stealing something of little value. The three points won by Rangers are of the same value as the three points won by Liam's favourites against Dundee and, are even valued the same as his auld man's favourites win at Perth. Maybe Liam should concentrate his energies upon his brother, Rory? We cannot visit the sins of Rory on his bruv' but, whilst a senior Police officer it was revealed Rory had a social media history of vile comments reference the Ibrox Disaster. If Rangers are pilfering, is Rory stealing the dignity of folks who attended a football match and had the air crushed from their bodies? Liam is the very epitome of PQ.
  7. Plus ca change encore. Having viewed another humiliation at ra Stade de Gadd, I decided a month in French froggy France was necessary. I found both sustenance and consolation in table d'hote lunches. This allowed me to view the ensuing Rangers games on line, with varying degrees of trepidation. There is an undeniable advantage to being abroad for every Rangers supporter, when attempting to view/hear BBC Scotland's live content you are met with Big Dick telling you, "due to licensing reasons, live content is unavailable in your location". Do not fret fellow Bears, the full spectrum from indifference to hate can be accessed on BBC Scotland's website. First up is Richard Foster, I read on line that Wee Dick had been the recipient of a six match suspension due to his claims that the VAR explanation to award Dessers goal against St Johnstone was, "lies, it's a lie". I clicked on to PQ's website for a the fuller story and eventually found a two sentence report. The national broadcaster fully facilitated Wee Dick's gaffe but, obviously refrained from taking credit. Turn the volume down when Wee Dick is being caned, turn it up to eleven when he swings the boot into Rangers. Next up is Tom English, he was not impressed with Rangers performance at Tannadice. Sitting on a balcony in Brittany, it was a hard view but, I thought Rangers looked untroubled. Our problem is something that has become more apparent, profligacy? Tom decided the Ref' cautioned several Rangers players because they were hanging on and were intent upon wasting time. I thought the match stats published along side Tom's comment rubbished his claim. Dundee United did not create a single attempt on the Rangers goal. Tom was off to PQ in the green, in the green for Euro' action. He was stuck in the studio on the night when the ra Sellik faced Bratislava because he continues to suffer a Peter ban from joining the Irish diaspora at the Brendan Bowl. It was Slovakaneasy for the hooped horrors and Vladimir Weiss won a BAFTA as perfect pantomime villain. We endured eight separate stories on the PQ website : a match report, Brendan's post match comments, where Sellik won the game, Sellik second in the CL table, report on the unmatched atmosphere, Sellik carrying the Scottish standard, Sellik's contribution to the coefficient and, how much Sellik earned from the result. It was an evening of party streamers and balloons that carried into the next day's news bulletins. In contrast, PQ was considerably more downbeat when Rangers travelled to Sweden. The broadcaster's build up told us we had never beaten Malmo in Euro' action and the club's social media was extracting enormous joy from previous meetings. If we were applying our shoulder to carry the Scottish standard, PQ were determined not to provide any wind to see it flying. Despit our profligacy, Rangers enjoyed a comfortable 0-2 victory in the land of smorgasbord. The evidence suggests BBC Scotland found the buffet rather unpalatable? The website carried two reports, a match report from Martin Dowden and an insight piece from Thomas Duncan. Alongside these two items, there were three reports on Sellik ladies qualifying for the Champions League, including a two minute highlights package. Forty seconds of the 140 showed arms linked Sellik players standing in front of a Broomfield stand containing a couple of hundred supporters singing, 'You'll never walk alone'. The next day's news bulletins did not carry a mention of the Rangers result but, the perceived good news of the Bernadettes qualification and ensuing draw did. We were spared a showing/hearing of the musical anthem about suicide. Finally, another story I picked up from BBC Scotland's website was Glasgow City Council's decision to cash in on the forty year popularity of Glaswegians adorning the Queen Street Duke of Wellington's equestrian statue with traffic cone head wear. GCC are placing a bigger traffic cone hat on Chookie Boots containing paid for advertising. You know the type of thing - 'Susan Aitken Meatloaf tribute act playing soon'? I suggest PQ invest and indulge, ah mean ra Chookie was born'n'bred in Ireland. Something appropriate eg - BBC Scotland, happy to blow Peter's cheese or truthful - BBC Scotland, a Celtic State of Mind. Plus ca change encore.
  8. I propose Windy Miller from Trumpton, he could whistle up the wind. Rangers could do with a period of fair wind.
  9. In over sixty years of watching Rangers, here is how it goes reference young player/new signing : 1. game one - this player has potential' 2. game two - future Rangers Skipper. 3. game three - future Rangers and Scotland Captain. 4. game four - get him tae fcuk. Albania is a mystery. A century past they had a King Zog and I believe they continue to broadcast Norman Wisdom movies every day?
  10. I note we have concluded with two loans. I believe they have been secured by the Bank of Santander and Airdrie Savings Bank?
  11. It's a Mystery. A wee timeline will help here. 1. February'23 -Stuart Kettlewell succeeds Steve Hammell as Motherwell Gaffer. 2. February'23 - Richard Foster appointed Chief of Coaching at Motherwell. 3. 18th March'23 - Motherwell 2 Rangers 4 at Fir Park. 4. evening of 18th March'23 - Richard Foster is a pundit on BBC Scotland's Sportscene. He complains long and bitterly about two decisions from that afternoon's game. Slattery should not have been the subject of a second yellow card on the 76th minute and Todd Cantwell's goal in the 62nd minute should not have stood because Sakala was offside in the build up. Both decisions were subject to VAR, Slattery backhanded Cantwell during the tackle and the lines were drawn proving Sakala was in line with the last Well' defender. Foster suggested the VAR lines were crooked in favour of the Rangers player. 5. Sunday afternoon 19th March'23 - Well' Gaffer, Stuart Kettlewell appeared on BBC Scotland's Sportsound and was led by Host, Richard Gordon in accepting, "Todd Cantwell cheated and hoodwinked the Referee". Further, Kettlewell demanded an explanation from the SFA's Ref' supremo. 6. 23rd March'23 - Kettlewell has said meeting and accepts both Refereeing decisions were correct. 7. 17th August'24 - Well's Chief of Coaching, Richard Foster is doing co-commentary duties for BBC Scotland's coverage of the Rangers v St Johnstone League Cup tie at Hampden. He loses his discipline over Dessers goal, claims it should not stand and rubbishes the VAR explanation which proves the timing of the Ref's whistle. 8. 24th August'24 - Richard Foster appears on BBC Scotland's Sportsound to relate he now accepts the Refereeing decision to allow Dessers goal and the VAR explanation. 9. 26th August'24 - the SFA charge Richard Foster(remember, he is 'Well's Chief of Coaching) with contravening Disciplinary Rule 77. 10. Hearing set for 11th September'24. Exhausting isn't it? Richard Foster's big error was threefold. He claimed Dessers fouled the Saints defender, he didn't. He claimed the Ref' blew his whistle for the supposed foul, he didn't. He rubbished the VAR explanation of the Ref's whistle being blown after the ball hit the net, "lies, it's a lie, unless he puts the whistle to his mouth for no reason". Foster's regular BBC Scotland colleague, Michael Stewart was reading from the same script on Premier Sports live coverage of the game, made the same claims. He is not being charged because he has no official designation at a Scottish club but, he hates Rangers just as much as Rangers. I am positive there must be a connecting reason? This thread is testament to the long running continuing problem the national broadcaster has with both Rangers and Rangers supporters. In the last few months, PQ has issued three apologies on matters Rangers. This adds to the dozens of sorries over the last twenty-odd years. It does NOT happen with any other club. Why do senior Producers at PQ allow, encourage and facilitate incidents such as performed by Foster? Here is the real rub, both broadcast and print media have highlighted and reported the SFA's charging of Foster apart from one, BBC Scotland. It has been two days since the charge and BBC Scotland has made no reference to something it facilitates on a regular basis. Truly, it's a mystery?
  12. Rumour Mill at One. The BBC has sacked Jermaine Jenas because he sent inappropriate text messages to a fellow Auntie employee. Jenas admits the charge and accepts the chastisement. The rumour mill turns and apparently the specifics of inappropriate behaviour centre on a photograph of a dismembered member, a study in tumescence, a large veiny horror or definitively, the BIG Dick. There may be children viewing the forum thus I will refrain from posting said photograph of BBC Scotland's Richard Gordon.
  13. Before ra Sellik had even played a match, they had purchased the original Sellik Park and constructed two grandstands. The first game to happen on the ground was an exhibition match between Hibs and Renton. In the aftermath of the game, Sellik signed the better halves of both sides before playing their first match against Rangers reserves(the Swifts). Remember, Scottish football had been on the go for a quarter of century and was firmly amateur. Did the cash rich club that could afford their own ground and two grandstands offer all those Renton and Hibs players an incentive to sign? We should be told.
  14. Living la Vida Loca. It is a quarter of a century since Puerto Rican prancer and warbler, Ricky Martin achieved the number one spot with his take on enduring a mad world. It is appropriate mood music for all Rangers supporters who continue to exercise patience whilst PQ takes truth on another crazy journey. It is a quirk of our fate that Ricky Martin or, Ricky and Martin performed a choreographed rant on the latest manufactured controversy. Ricky Foster and Martin Dowden seized the penalty to Rangers narrative. Richard Foster has turned out for Rangers on 53 occasions over two spells at the club, including a couple of appearances in the Champions League. Ricky took our money and never misses an opportunity to run to the national broadcaster and articulate disbelief. Eighteen months ago, he was appointed Chief of Coaching at Motherwell and after Rangers visited Fir Park he rushed into the Sportscene studio to vehemently disagree with two refereeing decisions. 'Well midfielder, Callum Slattery received a second yellow for backhanding Cantwell and Ricky did not accept the drawn VAR lines proving Sakala was onside for the concluding goal. This particular PQ crazy journey to the truth took a week. Big Dick provided further interference on Sportsound the next day when he led 'Well Gaffer, Stuart Kettlewell with the line, "Todd Cantwell cheated and hoodwinked the Referee". Kettlewell was invited to Hampden to discuss both decisions and he accepted both decisions were correct. A similar trip began on Saturday. Ricky thought Dessers fouled the Saints defender, Sanders then, he heard a whistle which he ventured stopped play. Good Sellik man, Martin Dowden penned the PQ website piece(it remains up today, Wednesday), "Controversial opener helps Rangers past St Johnstone". It has been Edited a couple of times but still contains the lines, "Dessers tangled with Sanders, Referee Mathew MacDermid seemed to give that as a foul" and, "St Johnstone were furious when the goal was ultimately awarded as they clearly felt play had been stopped by the Referee". Ricky leads, Martin reinforces la Vida Loca. Another good Sellik man, Kheredine Idessane has penned a second concluding piece for the website today, "St Johnstone accept no whistle before Dessers goal". Saints asked for a Hampden meeting, attended and after hearing the audio from the incident, are satisfied that no breach of VAR protocol took place. Where does this leave Ricky and Martin? Regular Rangers Hater in Chief, Michael Stewart was doing co-comms on Premier Sports for the game and unsurprisingly he deemed Dessers had fouled Sanders. We know the former Sellik TV Pundit sees himself as the Jiminey Cricket of Scottish football. I suspect both Ricky and Martin heard the Ginja Ninja giving it, "a little (dog) whistle"? Upside, inside out We're livin' la vida loca.
  15. Absolutely. Yesterday, the bigger picture could NOT be viewed by an element within our support. The St Johnstone SLO(Supporters Liaison Officer), a middle aged lady was attacked outside Hampden as she carried the 'away' supports drum. She was knocked to the ground and the drum was carried off. Today, a 22 year old Rangers supporter has been arrested in connection with the offence. I hope he is charged with both assault and theft(I have viewed the video). An element of our support is not content with shooting themselves in the foot, they insist on shooting themselves in both feet then, shooting themselves in the head.
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