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Ted McMinnime

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344 Excellent


  • Location
    Tyne Valley, Northumberland


  • Interests
    Glasgow Rangers, Rock Music, Collecting 60's/70's Vinyl


  • Occupation
    Government Service (Retired)

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  • Favourite Rangers Player
    Brian Laudrup

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  1. Congratulations to @der Berliner 👏👏👏 Many thanks to @Rousseau for the splendid organisation. 👍
  2. Spain 2 - 0 France Netherlands 1 - 1 England JOKER
  3. As another season of disappointment draws to close, I really took some encouragement from that Presser from young Ross McCausland. A real mature head on young shoulders. Confident, articulate and comfortable in front of the press, I thought he was a real "ambassador" for our academy and what can be achieved. Remarkable that in such a short space of time, he made 28 appearances now, and already has a winners medal. Lets hope one or two others can follow his lead next season. Well done, young Ross!
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