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Everything posted by Cotter

  1. Different Figueroa mate. Mcleish years.
  2. Well they weren't carrying anyone against stirling and they looked less than mediocre. It's not their fault and I have nothing but sympathy for them, but as a few posts have mentioned, they really don't look like long term Rangers. The ones that did left in the summer along with the rest of the team.
  3. Aye, right enough, it's been discussed enough as soon as we're the ones doing it.
  4. Green's going to have a helluva job filling thgose empty seats next year. Sad times.
  5. The 20,000 isn't embarassing, it's the 46,000 LIE we're putting out that makes me cringe.
  6. More sensible posts from you please lad. The negative nancies have us cornered!
  7. "Send me the contract and don't let rangers find out, may be the press can find out later" Sorry but I don't give a fuck if players behave this way on a regular basis. That's stabbing my club in the back. Plus he's mince. He can get tae, cheers Tommy.
  8. All good until the bit about the Berwick game mate. Easy to dismiss as Internet bampottery when you describe hundreds of Rangers fans audibly belting out all the old greats as 'contrived'. Strange that the scum's media man attended indeed, but do we really think they bought all the tickets and planted a sneaky choir in the crowd? Great article, just felt that you pulled the rug from under yourself with that one.
  9. Maybe we can get shot of him and timmy has done us a favour
  10. I would agree with that. We haven't really started down any road yet. Lets hope there are more templetons than dalys when the embargo goes.
  11. Believe me mate, I share your concerns about a vision for the future. However, I honestly don't think we could have expected much this season given the all that's come to pass over the last year. We've been told there is a vision and all will be revealed soon. I guess you can go one way or the other with that. I'm trying to stay positive. We've come a long way since the summer, whether the football is shite or not. I actually think we're on the right road...
  12. Promotion had to be absolutely guaranteed. Imagine we went with the youngsters and failed? Next year will be very instructive once the embargo is lifted. Until then I'm not taking the "nuclear option" and decrying everything Green and McCoist are doing as a shambolic, embarassing failure like you've decided to do recently. Patience.
  13. Shush mate, Billy Davies is the saviour of choice amongst those in the know. It's clear to see he could take a decimated,embargoed team and get them playing silky football in SFL 3. I mean come on, he's taken his team to fifth in the Chamionship, what more proof do you need?
  14. To be fair to Ally (imagine!) that article contains some very reassuring words. I await the plan regarding scouting and signing policy eagerly. Be interesting to see if the 'SPL' players are dropped when the title is won...
  15. So Ally was in on the corrupt and criminal activities of Craig Whyte now? Just cos he's struggling as a manager and is in the bad books? Disgusting stuff.
  16. Great stuff mate. Well written and bang on the money.
  17. I find our lack of a scouting network the most depressing aspect of all. Give us a sound bite about that please. Without it there really is no hope for a new dawn, just a predictable trudge back to mediocrity. Unacceptable.
  18. I will renew my online season ticket and continue to watch from afar. I have a sneaky feeling Ally is for the off anyway.
  19. "Sliding bravely out of Europe" No laughing at the back. Away and shite Iain.
  20. Definitely more enthused by links to young players I have never heard of. This is the market we should be operating in. Trouble is you really need to trust your scouts...would take zaliukas.
  21. He is Roy of the rovers.
  22. Sorry db, it is a childish reference to Wayne Rooney having had relations with 'older' ladies of the night on more than one occasion. It was my way of saying sandaza isn't fit to lace Rooney's boots.
  23. Sandaza is a whinging bufty. Wayne widny shag his granny if ye paid him.
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