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Everything posted by Cotter

  1. Yeah I agree about Lafferty. After the success of the Miller/Cousin partnership I think he should be given a go at centre forward. He is by no means the same but the most similar in terms of pace and stature. He also has a good touch and I reckon he'll turn into a great player for us. Henry was still playing out wide at his age:fish:
  2. Did they vertise this at all on Rangers TV? I didn't see it if they did. I watch it a fair bit as well. Oh Ali I miss you.......
  3. Here fucking here. Although I'd be gutted if a winning Scotland team was made up solely of beggars.
  4. Not sure what I make of this character, it would appear he's pandering to get folk onside and in turn make a bit of cash from booksales or whatever. Do I like the fact that he's pro rangers? Yes I canny help it. Do I enjoy his articles or find him amusing? Nah.
  5. Frankie if you think Rangers fans organising an "Ulster Day" has nothing to do with bigotry or sectarianism to the extent that you refer to the matter as "fact" then I give up....... Surely that's worse than my admittedly rash 99% comment? As a wee footnote I'd like to add that when I was 7 I asked my dad what a F*****n B*****d was because a group of those proud flag carriers had been screaming it at Motherwell players all game. Things never change eh?
  6. OK mate let me be a little more precise and answer some of your questions. 1. In my earlier post I was guilty of lumping politics and religion together when referring to the folk that fly Ulster flags at Ibrox. The reason I didn't separate the two is because 99%, sorry the vast majority of the people I SEE flying the flags do exactly the same in their minds and the waters will forever be muddy to them. Republicanism=Catholicism. Protestantism=Unionism. Its all the same to many and an excuse to jump on a tribal bandwagon. I am speaking from 20 years experience of going to Ibrox but maybe you have a different take on the people I've seen with Ulster flags. They tend to be about 17, Glaswegian, wearing the flag as a cape a la Superman, screaming "No Surrender" down the road with a bottle of Buckie in hand. So when I see the red hand at Ibrox I usually don't feel much as I'm so used to it, but when I consider it like I am now or when I see a huge one on TV in a European game I cringe. There you go. I cringe. Not because I think the image itself is secatrian but because I know that is how it is perceived by the watching masses, UEFA and people I have yet to meet that may at some point in my life question my motives for supporting Rangers after what they have seen. I'm sick of making excuses for the morons and having to qualify my status as a fan to those in blissful ignorance of the situation with the addition "but I'm not intae all that shite". 2. Of course I don't think the Ulster Scots banner is sectarian. I'm not an idiot. I am aware of the cultural links between us throughout history with folk music, religion etc etc before the troubles even started. My point remains that the Glaswegian neds that buy these flags outside Ibrox DO think they are sectarian and that's why they buy them. My posts are about how the club is being percieved and the motivations of the banner carriers and flag wavers. I am not saying a country's national flag or one depicting friendship are sectarian. Gies a break!
  7. But Gribz they have Irish roots and lots of Irish fans come over and they have great Irish players like Aiden! No problemo!
  8. Well yes I do consider myself to be a good fan. Definitely not a bad one. Even if I do say some rather contraversial things? The organisers know it will offend and annoy people because it will be perceived as sectarian. Mischievous scamps! I am simply concerned for our image Frankie and this is bad for it. Very.
  9. I'm as bad as the press am I? We are our own PR nightmare and are always blaming the club for their lack of reaction to bad press when really what we should be saying is "I wish they were better at cleaning up our mess." We get bad press but christ we make it easy for them with this sort of thing. This thread is the most interesting in a long time as it gets a lot of bears out of their denial-lined comfort zone relating to their own views on this subject. You might have roots in Northern Ireland but the point is, as if I really need to make it, that 99% of the idiots waving the Red Hand at Ibrox are doing it for religious reasons that again 99% of them don't even understand. I didn't "bring religion into it", it's already there by default when these flags are paraded around Ibrox and we all know it, so please don't insult me further with delusions I will never buy into. I love Rangers. I love Scotland. Yes I do remember TBO with the Saltires and Lion Rampants because I remember how it made me feel. I wanted to call up my celtic supporting friends and say get it up ye. I felt proud. It also makes me proud when I see Saltires at our away games in Europe. You never see that from them. What do I feel when I see the Ulster flag? It's not pride that's for sure. This is because I know what it means to the vast majority of people waving them and i know everyone else knows this too. Not because I immediately equate Ulster with sectarianism. I would wager that some, if not all of the folk who have replied to my posts on this thread with considered, negative rebukes think themselves to be against bigotry in general. Ask yourself why your really making excuses for this pish and if you really want to see change at Ibrox or you just want to kid yourself on that you do. Noone's fooling me. NOT HERE TO WIN FRIENDS LOYAL;)
  10. 1- The organisers of this fun day and those who agree with it wouldn't bother to celebrate our American/Spanish/SCOTTISH players and heritage because despite their protestations, the event has fuck all to do with that and we all know it. It has everything to do with the "mischief making" Frankie so eloquently alluded to earlier. i.e plain old sectarianism. How many Scottish folk do you know that own an Ulster flag bought it to genuinely celebrate the few N.I players we have had and to uphold our friendship with the fans that come over? 2- If your up for it for innocent reasons then why would the Tims having an Irish day bother you? They could trot out the same excuses some folk on here predictably have. P.S The best way to get it right up any selick fan with half a brain and a sense of pride in their club would be for us to have a SCOTTISH DAY!!!!!! I can but dream.
  11. ok mate edit: this post for fraser, forgot to quote.
  12. why didn't we have a spanish day last year? Novo and Carlos made the biggest contributions to one of the most exciting seasons in years. Arteta was quality when he was here. It's a mystery to me......
  13. Just like the "Oranje Day" we're leaving ourselves open to a battering. Not into it. Funny how the only two "days" have been Oranje and now Ulster. There will be plenty of people posting after me with somewhat credible justifications for this but I'm afraid I think it's simply unneccessary and it's also bad PR. I'll say it if noone else will.
  14. I'm afraid having a dig a player you have just picked for your national team is most definitely the behaviour of a fud. I don't remember any clamour for Burley to boss us either, all I remember was the moaners saying we should have got him after the way last season ended cos they couldn't think of anyone else. Saying that openly to reporters about a player is baffling and disgraceful.FUD FUD FUD.
  15. Broadfoot for Scotland indeed. Sensational stuff.
  16. Hold on a wee minute here. Can we not have a wild card system as well then please? What's the point of the window if some clubs in other countries circumvent it with rules like that? TRANSFER WINDOW IS A LOAD OF PISH LOYAL.
  17. Cotter


    Dire. Absolutely dire.
  18. By the way Cousin's gonna get a fright when he turns up at Hull. FFS.
  19. Have we fucking signed Pressley? WHAT THE FUCKETY FUCK?????
  20. Cotter

    Party Corner

    Jesus I'm so rough today. Need to stop doing my body in like this!!!!
  21. SO frustrating. The guy is an awesome player when he wants to be. That was hands down the best performance by a Rangers striker in the last five years. I hope he does stay and we get to see more performances like that but I reckon he's off. To Hull FFS. A crying shame:throwpc:
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