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Everything posted by Cotter

  1. In relative terms, �£3.5m is an outlay of almost Flo like proportions. He has to start showing he can play the game or get on the bench. But Walter plays who he buys doesn't he? Oh wait a minute Edu is a defensive midfielder that we could do with on the park right now and he's on the bench.
  2. Ach away. I never said we didn't harm the co-efficient in my post did I? What I did say is they have now well and truly fucked it.
  3. "exciting spaniard aaron showing his skills"
  4. Pathetic. They've ruined the co-efficient now. I'll enjoy the manner of their exit only for tonight. They deserve to suffer for their gloating behavior when we went out, singing "lets all go to glasgow airport, na na nah nah". Well they're going now-for the last time. I worry their impotence in Europe may have just cost us the league. We have similar squads but theirs is just that wee bit better especially after Thommo's injury. Pricks.
  5. Cotter

    On The Mend

    Awful, awful news. He's only a young lad too and with a new born baby to boot. So sad. Thoughts are with him.
  6. I would love to see him write an article with similar undertones about Celtic. Do they not have an underclass festering away spewing out internet bile whilst clinging on to archaic traditions celebrating the murder of women and children? Good old Spiers. Like Celtic, I love to hate him:flipa:
  7. Pete remembers him from PSV where he was awesome.
  8. A billionaire wouldn't be looking to make any money. What Murray says is true about high profile businessmen getting more publicity and kudos from owning clubs that compete at a high level. Being owner of Rangers has surely paved the way to a few deals etc for SDM. Whilst the SPL is poor and coverage limited as you say, should a Russian/Arab/whoever billionaire invest in Rangers and we started signing high profile players then coverage would improve and we would be in the CL every year, bringing said kudos and profile. To be honest though if that were to happen, you would hope that another investor would come in and buy another SPL club or two (hearts perhaps? lol) as our league is monotonous enough already. I think I would have to say though, that if I were an oil oligarch looking at the EPL and thinking it was already too competitive, I would buy a club in Spain, Germany or France before I would go near the SPL. We can but dream though...
  9. Walt couldny wait to get Big Lee back into the side. Absolute joke. Good shout about Edu being a better option if he can represent his country in that position for christ's sake. Don't think walt rates him. �£5.5m on Lafferty and Edu. FFS.
  10. If it were to be reinvested directly into the squad, then theoretically you could get a better player for �£5m. But.... 1. We all know 100% of it wouldn't be reinvested and 2. If Redknapp is gonna spend �£5m on a player then he is doubtless aware he could get a better, younger player. The only worrying thing is Redknapp's outspoken admiration for the guy and the fact he may feel a skilful, determined and experinced premiership player is just what he needs to augment his talented but youthful side. Fingers crossed it's a bullshit story. If it isn't, then I ask again as I did in the "Will Magic do a Boumsong" thread, why does this sort of thing never happen to the bheggars?????
  11. Evening Times says Marseille are preparing a bid of around �£4m for Bhougherra in January. http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/sport/display.var.2469710.0.marseille_set_to_bid_for_madjid.php Now can someone please explain to me why this always happens to us and never Celtic? By that I mean why do we lose our best players to "bigger" clubs season after bloody season while they get to keep their top performers without even a sniff of interest around them. Off the top of my head I give you Cuellar, Hutton, Gio, Arteta, Barry, Reyna, Tugay...I'm sure there are more as I've had this discussion with my mates a few times and we always come up with the same conclusion: Petrov to Villa is the only time they have lost someone that was truly part of the spine of their team. Larsson doesn't count he was there for years. No fair.
  12. "Holly Goalie" What an intelligent reference to the upcoming season of goodwill. i wish we wre are witty as them:mad:
  13. Thread title says it all really. Hasn't even been on the bench much at all this season. Is he injured? Bad times at home? I know he's not a boozer so was just wondering if anyone can shed any light on his conspicuous absence from a team badly needing a bit of flair on the left. Yes I know it's not his natural position but then we are being managed by Walter Smith so that shouldn't matter. Oh, hang on a minute, think I may have figured out the reason for hid absence for myself there....Walter :devil:
  14. Been away for a bit folks, sorry to keep you from the scoop. Anyway my gay hairdresser pal (he comes into my restaurant a lot) does a lot of work for the "stars" in and around Glasgow. So he's out at 29 (private members club in Royal Exchange Square) a couple of weeks ago and is having a wee drink with the owners in one of the anterooms when a tall lad, out cold, is helped in to the room and laid out on the floor. To cut a long story short it was McGregor and they couldn't get him out of the building cos the press were there and scented blood. Apparantly he came to and was spewing everywhere, in a bad way. So they take him down to the basement floor and sneak him out through the back of the attached restaurant, Rogano. Into a car and away he went to spend the night at my hairdressing pal's pal's house cos he'd burnt his bridges with whatever lady he was with at the time, plus he couldn't go home cos the press would be waiting outside. This was a Sunday night. Missed training the Monday, and the word is he's wasted all the time. It's not spin, it's just hospitality industry chat. I trust my source cos he doesn't give a shit about football and thought I might be interested in the tale. I was. And dissappointed indeed. Fame eh? Wee Fleck's gonna be OK though. Cleaner at my place is a friend of his family in Yoker. He's a good lad. Nae Booze. Yet......
  15. Superb. I can't believe how many replies this wee thread got. My god Cal, you are wonderfully representative of the academic community:devil: Anyway a gay hairdresser to the stars with countless Glasgow contacts, who is an acquaintance of mine, told me a wee story about McGregor that explains his absence from the team recently. who wants to hear it? :cheers:
  16. I know mate that reply was mostly for Cal. The restaurant's on Sauchiehall st. Not worth the trip from Bermuda I might add!
  17. LOL Jesus christ it's a wee story about Charlie wanting broon sauce with with his sea bass. I doubt my girlfriend counted the amount of chips he ate, or if he picked off the batter, but I will ask her for you, for the purposes of clarification of course. She may well say "who gives a fuck?"And yes it's a funny story cos Charlie looks fat on the park as we all can see. Craig since you mention it Mendes was also in recently and shock horror only had one main course. He probably doesn't need the same amount of protein as Charlie;) I don't think I'm somehow the big man cos a couple of footballers went to my bird's place of work. I just thought it was a funny story. "Spin and lack of clarification indeed". It's a forum not a newspaper mate and I am a Rangers fan!!!
  18. My bird works in a popular city centre restaurant. Charlie Adam was in recently and ordered 2 main courses. One battered chicken and a stuffed whole sea bass dish for his "side". He then demanded brown sauce for his sea bass. I can understand Le Guen's frustration:D
  19. I'm gonna send him a "sorry for your loss" card. There's always next year for europe...genuine empathy of course.
  20. I think he'll turn out to be a great central striker, although I don't quite understand the point of waiting to play him there as Walt's been doing. Baffling as usual. Style of play reminds me of a young Flo!
  21. Shame about aaron. Perhaps that's why one of the "best young players in Spain" has ended up at Ibrox. He's not actually that good.
  22. But they aren't Irish. That's the whole point:devil:
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