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Everything posted by Cotter

  1. Can someone please clarify exactly what it is that we are protesting against David Murray about? I'll admit I'm deliberately playing the fool here, but this is simply a reaction to the sharp increase in posts of a repetitive and frustrating nature that all come to the same conclusion (Murray Out!) without offering any hint of a solution to the perceived problems. Of Course I'm not happy with the current state of affairs. The way the team performs affects my state of mind profoundly whether I like it or not and as a result I spend a good part of my day with the bears on my mind. Clearly our current problems should be placed at the door of our manager. He wasn't the ONLY viable option when he re-signed as some would have you believe, in fact he was flavour of the month as I recall, working minor miracles with an ordinary Scotland team. Le Guen was in the same boat, highly regarded and welcomed by the support at the time, his trouble was that Murray wouldn't back him financially. So Murray brings back Walter (AND Ally), backs him to the hilt with cash (albeit the bank's as per usual) and we start to look solid again. We get to a f#@king European final. Anyone that's actually looked at the figures knows that again, this season, Murray backed Walter amply. The pub team debacle is clearly and understandably when the "Murray Out" ball started to really gather pace, but it should be remebered that both Murray and Walter stated that CL qualification would not have an effect on this season's budget. Therefore we can only blame WS for failing to improve the team prior to the Kaunas games, no? Lafferty, Velicka, Edu, Aaron, Mendes, Bougherra, Miller. Murray has backed his manager and now we need to trim our oversize squad in january. Why is this surprising/ infuriating to some fans? WS was given free reign to sign players before the deadwood was moved on. Perhaps here is where we can justifiably point the finger at Murray. Before we do so though, we should remember that we demanded new blood after last years exploits, believing (wrongly) that we were cash rich and in a position to blow the tims out of the water on the back of our Euro run. Murray has many failings, but it seems to me that the logic behind the current "campaign" is based on is flawed logic. Surely it should be a "Walter You've Served Your Purpose" campaign. Christ I wouldn't be surprised if it Turned out that Murray told old Walt to play Fleck today.
  2. It's a shame to note that Murray can still manipulate the media to his own ends, yet when we need him to, it's Ivory tower time.
  3. Not a doubt in my mind we would take 250k for him.
  4. It's been in the Murray Park Cafeteria for a while now, we've just been trying hard not to look at it.
  5. Aye I'm up for that:fish:
  6. After the initial shock and depression of this revelation and what it means for the future of RFC in general, I must say that I remain unconvinced by Boyd as a player. He was pish against Celtic (hands up who REALLY thought he wouldn't be) and was back on his level scoring against ICT at the weekend there. The trouble is I have no faith whatsoever that WS could go out and get a real �£4m striker with the cash. I give you Kyle Lafferty. Will the cash be reinvested anyway? I doubt it. Either way a revolt is on the cards, particularly if Barry goes. Then we'll have no "Rangers Men" left. The tims are fuckin lovin this. BTW David Healy? GTF.
  7. There we have it. If he leaves there is no chance he will be replaced by a better player. It will be yet another depressing downsizing excercise leading to nothing but less quality on the pitch and less trophies in the already threadbare cabinet. I'm praying he stays.
  8. "Of course, we have scouts in place as people do at every club but, first and foremost, we must adjust our current squad before we look at bringing bodies in." Don't make me laugh.
  9. It's the silly season.....but if Novo goes and Shiels comes in, well I can see the banners being made already.
  10. Exactly. Complete manipulation and we all know it's going to be belted out by thousands on Saturday. Surely there must be a remaining gers supporting paper editor out there who can highlight some of the filth they sing. Or might sing if it were suggested FFS!
  11. And if we win both leagues, which we obviously would, who would go into the CL?
  12. Made up transfer stories tend not to contain swathes of quotes from both player and agent. I thought it a bit odd that the quotes had come out before Rangers had announced any deal. I remain confident that the deal is done and perhaps the announcement was being saved as a possible "pick me up" or "further boost to title challenge" story to be released after the OF game on Sat. I reckon the player and agent have had a slap on the wrist over this as they were more than likely told to keep it quiet. Just my experience of the way Murray does things.
  13. Time to finally unleash him upon the fiends. He really has improved his overall game, looking more athletic as well. All this whilst maintaining his almost ridiculous goals/games ratio. Mon the big man. I am converted.
  14. Absolutely sensational. Are there any Rangers fans left in the media at all? Now we are being goaded into singing a nursery rhyme, which we will, so they can then write follow up articles about how evil we are.
  15. Usually Al Jazeera sport 2 has our home gaames but I canny find a stream that works!!
  16. Bah humbug indeed! All he lad is saying is that he felt people were there for him at the club when his mum passed. Here, have some mulled wine my man...
  17. Ach don't pick up a paper then folks. The same pish is spewed out by footballers the world over, year after year. Murray park isn't the only place players are fed scripts. It happens at every "top level" club in the world FFS. Untwist the knickers.
  18. If the tickets are �£40 I'll buy everyone on gersnet one.
  19. Who knows, maybe Fleck and Aaron might get a game and destroy them!:fish: p.s I'll probably go as the club needs some cash and I've never seen Kaka play in the flesh. All this moaning about the club making money from fans. Unless you're in a heavily sponsored league then that's where the money comes from. Don't see the problem here? Get along and support yer team!!!
  20. Hold on a minute. JCD is on 20k a week FFS? He was already in his thirties when we signed him and has never been prolific. What a fucking joke. I'd be happy with Stranzl, Tonel or Berra to partner Magic. I just hope we finally get to realise the dream of having two quality CBs in the team rather than shipping one out to replace him with another. Seems like I've been waiting on this for years.
  21. This is very worrying indeed. A precedent such as this has huge ramifications for football fans the breadth of the country. However I suspect it may just be the the bears that feel the brunt of said ramifications. I am definitely starting to get paranoid now. No question.
  22. It think my thoughts on Big Lee are well known. Well, actually they're the same as everyone else's on this forum. HE CAN FUCK RIGHT OFF!!!!!
  23. Fantastic news. If we'd signed the guy when Big Eck wanted him, we could have had a player on our hands. Unfortunately it hasn't really worked out for him and this season in particular he has looked well and truly past it. Aye Johnny Sebo And Darche. Fearsome!!!
  24. Unless we get Berra, Driver and a competent RB we are indeed fucked for this season at least.
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