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Everything posted by Cotter

  1. "servers too busy, forum as bad as the team" Fortunately for us timmy, we never have any technical issues:devil:
  2. Well he used to be spotted regularly drinking in Tennents on Byres rd. Since he left the Herald for the Times I assumed he moved to London? Seem to remember the Radio Snyde crew making reference to this fact but I could be wrong.
  3. He's got to the point where I was questioning whether the article was for real. The "whataboutery" bit was outrageous. Well seen he doesn't live in Glasgow anymore.
  4. Cotter

    Post Split

    I think there is supposed to be a random element to the games post split but I'm not sure exactly how they go about formulating the fixtures. I don't think you could find anyone with a cohesive argument for the split. It's a complete embarassment which invites derision from anyone who cares to take an interest in our game.
  5. Final Boyd thread indeed:whistle:
  6. "yeah there's a few gays at the work":) Great hangover cure, now if only the cnut upstairs would give the hoovering a break...
  7. Pure genius. I need to hear this!
  8. So that's a total of about 35mins competitive football from Aaron and he's managed a goal and an assist. Also heard from a couple of mates that he looked the part against Milan. High time for a game. I'd like to see fleck more central, either behind a main striker or indeed as a striker himself, allowing Aaron to play wide left.
  9. I hope it's true, it's certainly doing the rounds big-time. But hey, it's more than likely just a bunch of mice spewing bile on the interweb:)
  10. Albartz run from almost the halfway line, fools a couple of defenders with a cock of the trigger, then finishes superbly bottom corner.
  11. Liverpool at 16-1 with +9 looks good to me.
  12. Ha ha! I'd forgotten all about that!
  13. It's certainly a well written peice and I agree with its core sentiments, i.e change is necessary, however, as is always my gripe with such peices, it offers no solutions except perhaps a hint that we sholud be staging walkouts in the near future. At least this peice admits as such and asks for ideas. Frankie makes the crucial point above: we have no Fergus Mcann waiting in the wings. Murray has stated he wants out til he is blue in the face which makes protests aimed at bringing an end to his tenure futile and possibly even harmful. The fan ownership model has been suggested but would be almost impossible to organise/mobilise given the apathy of most fans nowadays. This brings us back to the "Knight in Shining Armour" new investors who Murray would welcome! As soon as they materialise SDM will be off. I could understand a walkout if Murray was resisting overtures from an attractive buyer, but the fact is there is noone out there. I won't be walking out anytime soon.
  14. To a man, we were all pleasantly surprised to see Fleck start at the weekend there. The fact that he played so well seems to be viewed by some bears as a stick to beat WS with. I think Walter explained clearly and honestly his reasons for keeping Fleck back until now and you could just as easily say the boy's performance was down to good timing from a managerial perspective. Let's wait and see Saturday's line up before we start berating one way or the other.
  15. Great stuff. Well done Vanguard Bears. I hope this goes further than an internet petition and by all accounts VB are capable of making it happen. Living up to their name!
  16. Spot on. Unsurprising that some of the more outspoken doom-merchants on here have such laughable ideas as to what should be happening. Having said that I don't doubt for a second that under the stewardship of Gough we would now be bearing witness to the free flowing, devastating football we all crave! At least we would have beaten Zenit!!
  17. Fair enough. I am aware they are intended purely for bheggar related outbursts. My apologies:)
  18. Was a response to a post from Pete suggesting it was sad that i was praying for celtic to get beat. I will always enjoy a celtic defeat and I will always hope for one. BTW don't worry mate I'm one of the more optimistic posters on here and agree that all is not lost. I felt that way even before the sheep exposed sellicks glaring deficiencies:rfc:
  19. A scray thread if ever there was one. Finally some folks' "solutions" have been dragged out of them by a seemingly innocent hypothetical title question and by god are they utterly sensational. I can't believe we haven't appointed Jefferies/Gough/McInnes/Levein by now. Murray out!!!!! :wanker:
  20. I prefer to do both, but it isn't really working out that way these days.
  21. Fleck was fantastic. When was the last time a Rangers LM got man of the match? In a sane world he would have made the position his own with a performance like that, even if he is (surprise) naturally a striker. My worry is that with the tough games coming up WS will shite it and play Big Lee!
  22. In the next 2 games we play the day before the beggars too. We need to win them then sit back and watch them crumble! Mon the sheep!:box:
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