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Everything posted by Cotter

  1. ET says Ibrox sources are denying it. Whatever that means.
  2. Saw Dailly getting his medal. Doubt he had to give it back?
  3. Retard in Peice Containing Truth shocker.
  4. Take a look through the squad, indeed the first eleven and check their ages. Walt not playing young guys is a myth. At a time when sellick are in disarray, I feel we need a bit of stability to push them further into the mire. Sure if Hiddink or Mourinho fancied a pop at the SPL I'd welcome them with open arms but you only need cast a glance at the names being mentioned as possible replacements for chesney to realise this is far from the case. As always when this topic arises, as it did many times over the course of this season past, I ask the Walter Out brigade to give names of who they think we could realistically entice to Ibrox. Names. Reality. For all his baffling selections, the steady progress of the team from shambles into 4 4 2-playing SPL champions over Smith's current tenure is clear to see. There are a lot of young guys in our team that now have experience of winning a championship, long may it continue.
  5. Thought it was almost homoerotic til I saw it was made by a lassie. R.Kelly for a football montage? Lol.
  6. The league flag needs a wash, but it's home.
  7. We are well the funniest.
  8. I won't hear of it. DJ is funny guy and always manages to maintain the illusion of neutrality.
  9. Cotter


    Fucking terrified. Could possibly be the worst day of my Rangers supporting career. If we lose I need to trudge off with the in laws to watch West Ham with a brave face on while my cletic sympathising bird gloats. Doesn't bear thinking about. Then again if we win I'll happily make a spectacle of myself in whatever London pub I watch the game in. Pint everywhere, on my knees, screaming. I just want it over with!
  10. Considering the magnitude of the game I doubt Lafferty will feel especially under pressure as opposed to the other 10 players. He's been great since returning from injury so I'd play him. Fleck last 15 mins if we haven't scored.
  11. I wouldn't mind it as long as we win either! Was really a response to the Barry question in the previous post. Yes I think Barry will play along with Davis, Edu, Mendes and Lafferty. Misser up front, Big Lee CB.....
  12. That was possibly worse on the nerves than watching us yesterday. Kept leaving the telly. I even did the dishes it was that unbearable. So it's back in our hands thank fuck. Aside from the piggery, Tannadice is the place I would least like to go. Here's a thought though: the last time Walter won us a title was guess where? Is it written in the stars? Stand up and be counted lads. Again. COME ON!!!!!
  13. No worries mate. I agree it was slightly embarassing and like I said I would prefer it wasn't in the game but it is. Anyway, other threads to visit now after that sterling display by the HIVs!!!
  14. Hadn't even thought of that. Fuck.
  15. I think Hibs are a weak side and if WS had played the right players from the start midweek we would have put a few past them. Sadly I think we finally threw the title away against them as the scum will win today. Hope to god the HIVs prove me wrong.
  16. Utter pish? Incredulous that I should think that way? Calm yourself mate it's only an opinion, there's lots of them on this site and I'm sorry if mine offends you. I just don't see why we should have to rise above the rest when we're not on a level playing field. I would prefer simulation wasn't part of football, but it is and even if the Lafferty incident was extreme I still bear him no grudge for playing the game. Your perfect world thinking about what should have happened, i.e two bookings, is hopeful at best, naieve at worst.
  17. Who could we have had for �£3m that's better? Names please.
  18. I don't recall such a furore when Thompson "headbutted" Lovenkrands, was that because it looked a wee bit harder? Away and shite. If you're stupid enough to put your forehead against another man's nose after a challenge in a game of football, then you're a fucking fool, not the guy who plays the system he didn't create. There's clearly no honour in British football, as the ensuing sending off of Bougherra showed. I can't count how many times I have wished our players were more "cute" in Europe where we get done by divers year in year out. I don't even need to mention the current crop of cheating bheggars getting away with assault/diving every fucking week as several posters have already done so. So then, why should we be the ones that never cheat? Linesmen have all but ruined our season and Lafferty should be "ashamed of himself"? No. Kyle Lafferty Loyal:rfc:
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