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Everything posted by Cotter

  1. Awful. See the big man around the west end quite a bit and by all accounts he's a lovely guy. Terrible news.
  2. Bordeaux Chairman quoted today as saying he "got a phone call from someone, I don't know if it was the agent or the agent's agent. I haven't heard anything but maybe Laurent (Blanc) is interested in him (Boogie)". I'm still worried.
  3. Does anyone know whether we can recall him if our need is dire and and if will be free to play against us?
  4. LIke I said on the Boogie thread, if we only bring in Tonel, move on some dead wood and get guys like Fleck, Aaron and Ness involved whilst retaining our top performers. I'll be happy. I really hope the barry money lets us keep Boogie, but I suppose you couldn't grudge the guy a move to a team from his homeland (I know, I know but come on he's really French) playing CL football. Agree with SA, we will see new signings.
  5. Fair enough Frankie. I had considered this, but like all of us I want Boogie and A.N other. If Fergie goes and we got Tonel in and no-one else I would be happy. In a relative sense of course. Just looking at my last post on this thread.....damn you beer!!!!
  6. Never been a Barry hater, mostly because it's always been crystal clear he loves the club as much as I do and has always given everything he has whilst on the pitch. Also because I remember what a fantastic player he was before his numerous injuries. Having your kneecap shattered would remove a bit of footballing finesse from the best of us. Recently, his best, although I believe he still gives it, isn't what it used to be However his touch is still second to none amongst our glut of midfielders. For this reason I think he'll do a good job as a sitting player for Brum. I'll never forget him doing that little backheel 180 turn (still does that btw) against Sensini then putting his hands on his hips before making a pass. GIRUY Serie A bawbags. All the best to a true blue.:cheers:
  7. Gio...Ferguson(when he was good)....Boumsong ...Arteta....Hutton....Cuellar....Bougherra..... And they have lost Petrov. FUCK RIGHT OFF RANGERS THIS IS SIMPLY UNACCEPTABLE. YOU CAN SHOVE YOUR SEASON TICKET UP YOUR ARSE.
  8. Tevez, Santa Cruz, Robinho and possibly Adebayor. Good luck big Lee and Broadfoot.....
  9. Agreed on all points. Just so sick of them being able to remain relatively stable whilst we scramble to replace our BEST player year after year. It is indeed a matter of time. I'll just have to console myself with the fact that we will use the cash for Tonel, Hutton and Trezeguet. Phew.
  10. Aside from Mcgeady MKII (Mcarthy), I reckon Arfield is the best young midfielder in the SPL. As for the left hand side, if Aaron/Fleck are to be left on the bench then Either Aluko or Gomis would improve the team. My god this is all very depressing....I'm off to the champions thread.
  11. Not Ferguson, not Mendes, not Boyd not McGregor. Boogie. Our best player. This happens to us every fucking year!!! Any bids for Scott McDonald? NO. Always us. If Bain had any idea how to do his job we wouldn't be in this position. We would be in a position to say no, he is not for sale since we've shifted lesser players and aren't desperate for your Euros. AAAAARRRGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. That's the best one yet. Made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Here's our old friend shizzle ma nizzle.... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uw5bqHqQnt8&feature=related&pos=8]YouTube - RANGERS FC: KINGS OF KINGS: CHAMPIONS!!![/ame]
  13. Not fit to lace Boyd's boots. P.S Frankie, you're at it right?
  14. Good on them. Playing an Albanian team next that came 6th in their league but won the cup. Steelmen favourites? BTW why the fuck have they let Hughes go? Thought he did well for them last season.
  15. All fair ponts Gribz, but I reckon if BF leaves and WS persists in sticking Davis out wide, Murphy would be great for us. We also need to remember that KT may not return the player he was. Edu's injury is also serious. I'm very hopeful that Aaron will actually come in and fill the LM position, but if we took a punt on a player of great technique such as Van Der Meyde I'd be happy. Remember, Walter has a talent for discipline and commands respect. If anyone can sort a player out mentally it's Walter.
  16. Love these Bosman lists. Always left dissapointed when the dust settles but at least they provide some fun in the sun. Here's my picks. Sami Hypia: This guy would stroll the SPL in a way that would make Weir look perpetually flustered. A leader, a CL winner, a Kop favourite. DW is 39. Sami is a fit looking 34. I'd love this guy at the back wi Madjid. He would swat wee McDonald. Lucas Neill: My knowledge of football outside of the bears is fairly limited but the posted knowledge suggests West Ham are releasing him. I was in Oz when this guy was pretty dominant at the WC in Germany. Another CB I'd be pleased to see join up at a relatively young 31! Pennant: Nuff said. I wish. Wages a problem and probable Fleck Stifler. Still.... Georgias Seitaridis: This guy is a Greek International RB. AT 27 yrs old I doubt he'll be available long. And get this, he's played against us and impressed so no need for scouting! Eck had him marked as a replacement for Ricksen before things went tits up, I forget why. Sorry OP, but I suspect this guy must have been snapped up and the source site is lazy. Cannavaro: lol. Mind when wee Barry rode ye? Again, I wish.. Julien Faubert: Released by Real Madrid. Worth a punt at a fraction of the cost WS allegedly was ready to pay for him when he returned? Would allow us to move Davis inside and have a genuine attacking threat down the right. Again, most likely out of our league, even in terms of a gamble signing. He may be a player that has fallen out of mind, yet that means fucking Benfica or some other such inferior outfit will snap him up. Andy Van Der Meyde: Right enough something must have happened here because this boy went from Inter, to Everton, to being released. Had a brief look on web and I reckon he likes a wee party. Fine by me if he has the talent and has reached an age where he has a handle on it. Walter on the other hand may make a few phone calls and decide against him. Still, mibees. Danny Murphy: At 32 he is fairly representative of "The List" this year. However, with BF expected to leave, I feel Murphy would be a fine replacement. This guy has serious talent and a fire in his belly. He's still kickin' it as far as I've seen this season past. I reckon he'd be a great acquisition. Dead ball specialist and long range rocketeer, a la Pedro. Amir Zaki: Erm, again I wonder if the Op's source site is correct. Says he's away back to Zamalek. Talented young striker that lit up the EPL for a while with a combination of technique and finishing. Gies him. The available info only covers England, Spain and Italy. When the full list comes out I'll tap out my seasonal Bosman wet dream. Is Nedved really avilable???
  17. Yep, best thread this transfer window I'll give you that.
  18. Congratulations Martin Bain. 500k for a goal scoring midfielder with a cultured left foot that, if we are to believe reports, impressed many a Championship manager during his recent loan spell. Utter desperation and negligence on our part or realistically the best we could hope for? I know which of the two scenarios seems more likely.
  19. Yet more Monty Python-esque pish from the predictably hapless and terminally apathetic buck-passers marketing our club as a worldwide brand.
  20. Novo to Brum my arse laddies. Enough strikers already down there.
  21. P.S Great anti Corduroy rant of precisely the sort I was after to get the old blood boiling whilst I await our blue chip signings!:spl:
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