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Everything posted by Cotter

  1. I'll ask again: Mods, can we have a poll whether or not the gersnet readership would advocate the banning of his articles from the site as a point of principal I wouldn't mind an answer this time by the way......
  2. You didn't provide a link but you had the entire article in the OP. Everyone on here knows what he's about and we also know the club are going to do fuck all about about it. I'm not suggesting we bury our heads in the sand, just that we refrain from posting his drivel on a site which I frequent partly to avoid the sort of shitty, biased "journalism" he and his ilk tap out week after week. Every article he writes get posted on here FFS!!!!!!
  3. simple and stylish. Thumbs up from me.
  4. I humbly request that WE ban him. No more Spiers articles on gersnet please. Poll Mods?
  5. What a load of pish. Beveren? GET A FUCKING SCOUTING NETWORK! It doesn't need to be huge, just 4 or 5 knowledgeable guys permanently stationed on different continents with a yearly salary of 2 weeks players wages. FFS I'm sick of this nonsense.
  6. If someone has flu, tell them not to come to training. FFS. Clearly due to Scottish culture, flu means hangover in the eyes of the management. Ridiculous.
  7. Ach away and shite. WS could win us the CL and you would still be spouting the same old nonsense. I have asked you many times before and every time you have no answer: WHO WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE? Until you have a viable alternative in mind, cheer up and shut up.
  8. In relation to the thread title, I would like to point out that WS has never played 1 up at home against the scum. Naisy and Novo for me.
  9. Spineless Primadonnas 0 Paedo harbouring less talented players 1. Early goal and no support from that point on. *dons kevlar gear* Feel free to groan me, I can't be the only one expecting such a scenario
  10. I suspect his scoring ratio is far better than Miller's..... Good luck Charlie, hope you like that Chelsea shirt next season.
  11. Boyd. One yellow for an elbow and a second for celebrating a last minute winner......
  12. Walter has always played 4 4 2 against the tims at home.....
  13. Having spent a bit of time in Brazil recently and spoken to some locals, they reckon Fabiano is their best striker since Ronaldo was in his pomp.
  14. We'll be lucky to get a draw. Any team with the current encumbent of the Brazilian No.9 shirt in their ranks must be some outfit. And remember, Lee Mculloch plays for us.
  15. Good news, I think he's gonna have a huge season for us. Still see no reason to play big Lee at all, ever. Move Davis in one and put Fleck or Novo wide right.
  16. Stuttgart 1 (big Lee O.G) Rangers 1 (Mendes rocket).
  17. lol:) Hamburg will annihilate them BTW.:spl: edit: and Albertz will be cheering them on!
  18. now if we can just get it electrified to surprise the yahoos wi their inkies.....
  19. Promising Rangers player in knee ligament injury shocker....
  20. Cotter

    Alan Gow

    Walter signed him and NEVER played him in a competitive fixture IIRC. Something went on that we were not made aware of, end of story.
  21. Games moved at the behest of SKY, not the SFA folks.
  22. At least there was contact, eh Aiden? Anyway he might have just been tired and needed the lie down:giruy:
  23. I can say (from more than one experience) that McGregor is a boozebag arsehole that doesn't deserve his place back. Wish we punted him. Neil Alexander loyal.
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