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Everything posted by Cotter

  1. Considering the state of the team with injuries just now, it's not such a bad result. I don't think we switched off as such at 2 0. I agree with Cal that Wilson's slip and a dodgy pen were to blame. When will people realise that we can't go out and hump another SPL team without our top performers? How soon are Boyd and Davis likely to be back? Thomson and Lee in the middle was shit!
  2. PM me your address and I'll post you an AK from Bolivia!
  3. Well thanks for clearing that up mate, albeit with educated assumptions. I have yet to see any statements pertaining to any "middle ground" and what that may constitute.
  4. Ewan Chester is and always has been a fucking impostor. I agree. Let's have him shot.
  5. What is clear is that nothing is happening. When the news finally hit the mainstream media regarding just how bad a state we are in; it was widely reported that there would be a fire sale in January at the behest of the bank if new owners had not come forward by now. Recently I've read WS saying we don't need to sell. The same papers spouting the fire sale story are conveniently ignoring the blatant contradiction. WTF is going on?
  6. I remember Eck as the man that got us through to the last 16; one of the best nights I've had at Ibrox. However I also remember him as leading us to third place. And Capucho. And Maniero. And Olivier bloody Bernard!
  7. BBC transfer gossip suggests the Argie winger is on his way to Anfield for a paltry 1.5m! What a deal. Must be out of contract in the summer. Remember that wonderful 30 odd pass goal he finished at the WC in germany? Mon the reds!
  8. I think it was Murray. I still say WS wanted the players in before the Kaunas game and Murray wanted to gamble. Given that you are oft criticising Walter's practical nature, do you really think he was the one up for chancing it? I don't. Well done Walter.
  9. A decimated team. 4 4 2. A draw at the piggery. How did Smith leave his spine at home exactly. Agenda driven nonsense from the "I hate Walter Smith no matter what" bunch as per. Boooooooo!!!
  10. What the feck are you on about? Seriously?
  11. Heads should roll if we don't offer Boyd a new contract when we are broke. Now this undiscernible nonsense. FF beckons for you son.
  12. Well i had no choice but to watch the game in the bheggars long standing Melbourne supportes club. Granted I had one mate with me and my well known tim bird. I shit you not lads, there were about 200 strong of the timothy cunts. The plan was to keep a low profile (despite my trendier than those primarker losers style. Bench zippy in black and Royal). I was literally the only bear there. Out of 200! My temperament is generally diplomatic; but fuck me after a few jars I just couldn't help my self. I'm not saying I'm a hard cunt by any stretch of my imagination, but the fact remains however, that when Big Jig slammed that header home 2 mins after that wee ride scored; I fell to my knees, involuntarily- and screamed "Get it fuckin roon yez!!!!" I got a drink thrown over the back o ma heid by a bitter jungle jim. Again, against my personality, I turned round and politely asked if he would wish to step outside. And then, 2 minutes later, re-inacted big lee's heedy. With gusto. Hey lads, I'm a lover, not a fighter. But it was fuckin hilarious. WE ARE THE FUCKIN PEOPLE xxxxxxxx WOOOOOOOOORLDWIIIIIDE!!!!!!!
  13. Daily rebel in pre-old firm wind up shock. What a load of shite.
  14. Holy christ what a goal by Boogie!
  15. Does anyone know of another site to watch highlights on? Canny get them here!
  16. Fairly snappy decision though eh?
  17. Aye 0-0 I suspect. Fucking SFA have done us over again. Cunts.
  18. I'm not buying the "injuries made him do it" line. Well done Walter. And Ally. It's gotten to the stage where the clear increase in fightng spirit and improved organisation must be roundly appauded. Bring on the bheggars and silence to the eternal pessimists at least for a while. Please. Accept it.
  19. Yup, I subscribe to the Nacho Novo love in. Biggest heart at the club and scored the only goal that ever made me cry. You know the one. Against Fiorentna where he had to sling has huge baws over his wee shoulder before slotting us into a European final!
  20. Murray was regularly pilloried by Spiers and his cronies for not doing enough about sectarianism at Ibrox and yet I specifically remember him condemning the "F.T.P" Brigade. Has anyone heard the pope come out and condemn the wee boy shaggers most recenty in the news? What is his plan for eradicating such behaviour from his venerated institution? Sorry, but F.T.P. it is. :fish:
  21. Eh? How does this link relate to your original post about Souness showing some "real man mangament skills"outside a Glasgow pub? If you were not referring to violence then how can Coisty attest that this is true "stookie and all"? Please explain what Souness was doing as I can't make head nor tail of your post. I would thank you not to accuse me of distorting unclear misleading posts that are in no need of further distortion. Exatly what did you witness and why should Walter be emulating the wonderous feat? I am intrigued.
  22. Aye Walter should be knocking 7 shades of shite out of players post pub in the West End. Consider any future posts made by yourself conciously ignored by yours truly. Away back to FF from whence I suspect you came.
  23. He's certainly changed his tune since DM left and I think we all greatly appreciate it. Also, be fair to the guy re contract negotiations, we all know his hands are tied at the moment, although to what extent we know not. If he does get a decent notice period when/if the new guys come in and the opportunity arises, I hope he comes out and tells the bheggars to stick there rebel songs up their arses along with the rest of the "secret" SPL bigots. Gaun yersel MB!!!!:box:
  24. Is telling someomne to "piss off" abuse? I suppose it depends on how easily o'ffended you are :devil:
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