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Everything posted by Cotter

  1. LOL mate. I saw your "Walter's lost the dressing room" statement. I think the magic edit fairy's been doing her rounds! Hilarious stuff.
  2. You really think he'll stay? Not worried by Bain's comments? All I can say is at least he's trying to get the price up, unusual for him!
  3. Hmm. Well the only reason a club would come out and confirm interest in their player from other clubs is to hopefully get others in on the act and start a bidding war. We wouldn't be playing this game unless Bain knew Wilson was for the off. It's a sad day when we can't keep a promising 18yr old. Silly decision from the lad considering he is getting first team football here and is guaranteed more CL experience next season. He'll be a benchwarmer in the Prem. Surely he knows that?
  4. Not sure Rafa will even be around much longer. Also it's the Sun. Nuff said.
  5. Cheers Frankie. Where can I see the source document?
  6. I honestly believe that Davie Weir deserves as much credit as Walter in this most recent Rangers revival. His installation at CB post-PLG instantly stabilised us and since then we have all come to regard his presence as a guarantee of defensive solidity; rightly so. The guy has quietly and assuredly guided us to a European final and two (should be 3) in a row. 10 years ago he would have slotted right in and would these days be held in the same regard that the 9IAR lads are. However, I feel that it's time for big Davie to step aside. Everyone has their time, no matter how well they look after themselves. I hope he stays on in some meaningful capacity but I suspect he may not given that he is not a Glasgow boy and his family are down south. We've had a great Ranger sneak up on us against the most unlikely, or should that be likely, of backdrops. Davie Weir, I salute you.
  7. Hang on a minute. Forgive me guys but I'm half way round the world at the moment. Cal, is your OP hypothetical or are you quoting figures put forward by the RST? edit : yes I would stump up the cash, I couldn't stop myself.
  8. What precisely have I bodyswerved? Can't make sense of your post as per.
  9. I did come out and say so and set out my reasons.
  10. OK mate consider yourself distanced from my post. Cretinous indeed. I've been a member of this forum for quite a wee while and I didn't make the accusation lightly. I don't have a problem disagreeing with other people's points of view or I wouldn't frequent internet forums. I did not make the call to "placate my discomfort". Jesus..... The post about Mowbray's "personal tradgedies" of 15 or so years ago in the wake of his being sacked after the St.Mirren result was simply the last straw for me. It simply didn't fit. The guy continually posts bizarrely negative stuff at strange times (I will have the good grace to say that your own negative outlook is at least more grounded in reality and only occasionally cretinous) that leave me scratching my head. Finally I will say that I am not the only one here that feels this way about said poster and have PMs to that effect if it's corroboration you're after.
  11. I'm still waiting for the slightest hint that wabash is indeed a Rangers fan. Hardhat on but surely I'm not the only one wondering?
  12. What an achievment. There's times when I wish I was back home to witness this season. (at least I caught the OF) I'm over the moon for Walter as he deserves all the praise coming his way. He's had to put up with some shite from the fans (some justified I'll admit) but at last the majority seem to be realising that what he has achieved since his return is nothing short of miraculous. Whisper it; this is a real Rangers team.:spl:
  13. Jesus Christ MF. I've just choked on my hat. Hallelujah!
  14. Quaresma? Jesus Christ silly season is in overdrive.
  15. Mate. With every post your "Walter disney play the youngsters" line loses credibility. Come on tae. Take a look at the team sheets for the season so far. Boooooring agenda champ.
  16. I know what you're saying mate but if it's consensual then surely a footballer should be allowed to bang a lassie without fear of extortion by gangsters!
  17. Oh go on then I'll bite. YOU tell me exactly what is going on. I don't have a "version of events". All I have to go on is speculation. And don't just post a link to the Record please.
  18. Will you please stop posting links to quote-less articles from shiterags like the Sun and the Record. We don't take kindly to them here.
  19. From The Herald. WALTER SMITH at least appreciated the irony of the situation. For years, Rangers and Celtic have preyed on the smaller clubs in Scottish football ââ?¬â?? that is, everybody else ââ?¬â?? and picked off the best young players to come through their ranks. Now the tables have been turned. The hunters have become the hunted. Rangers have made Danny Wilson and John Fleck offers to extend their stay at Ibrox beyond the summer of 2011 and the pair have turned them down. It does not take the ingenuity of Sherlock Holmes to deduce, therefore, that unless they are going to become the first players for a century or so to move directly from one half of the Old Firm to the other, then England surely beckons. Money, apparently, is not their main motivation, hard as that is to believe these days. Both Fleck and Wilson share an English agent and it is understood the pair, despite their relative youth, already have designs on playing in the Barclays Premier League. Or as Sky Sports would have you believe, ââ?¬Å?the greatest league in the worldââ?¬Â. If criticism was levelled that they werenââ?¬â?¢t getting an opportunity, I could handle that. But they do get chances Walter Smith Smith has no complaints about losing talented players to bigger clubs. The Old Firm no longer operate in the same financial stratosphere as the top 30 clubs or so in England. Ergo, the talent will always drain south. Nor is the Rangers manager bitter about the prospect of losing two players that have been raised and reared in the clubââ?¬â?¢s youth system for the best part of a decade. No, Smithââ?¬â?¢s only gripe is that there has never been a better time to be a young player in Scottish football. Both Wilson and Fleck have been regulars in the Rangers squad for the last few months and can expect to feature with ever increasing regularity given there is more likelihood of Lord Lucan riding into Ibrox on the back of Shergar than Smith buying any new players in what remains of this transfer window. With Rangers having made their best offer to the pair, all they can do now is wait and see what develops. ââ?¬Å?Iââ?¬â?¢m not complaining as weââ?¬â?¢ll maybe take a player from a smaller club and bring them here,ââ?¬Â Smith said. ââ?¬Å?Itââ?¬â?¢s more the fact that if the kids werenââ?¬â?¢t getting an opportunity I would say, well fair enough. But kids now are getting an opportunity to play at Rangers and Celtic. It looks, though, as if that wonââ?¬â?¢t be enough. ââ?¬Å?Weââ?¬â?¢re looking at a situation in Scotland where all our younger players are seeing the Premier League in England as the league to play in. That may well be the case. Iââ?¬â?¢ve not had any conversations with the playersââ?¬â?¢ agents or others to find out their reasons for turning down the deals. But itââ?¬â?¢s quite straightforward. Theyââ?¬â?¢ve turned it down, so they must see an opportunity elsewhere which would probably England, I would imagine. ââ?¬Å?The disappointing aspect is that contractual aspects for 18-year-olds have been placed before careers. Thatââ?¬â?¢s maybe the most disappointing factor of it, especially when then younger boys are going to get far more opportunities just now. Itââ?¬â?¢s disappointing that weââ?¬â?¢ve got a couple of players who have come through the ranks and we think are going to be decent players, but see their future lying elsewhere. Could things change on that front? It certainly doesnââ?¬â?¢t look like it.ââ?¬Â Smith has been berated in the past for not giving young players a chance, but as he points out, there are few 18-year-old central defenders operating anywhere else in the country. Granted, Wilsonââ?¬â?¢s first-team opportunity may have arisen because there were precious few alternatives, but it is hard to imagine him, in his current, raw, unpolished state, slotting straight into the defence of a Premier League team down south. ââ?¬Å?Before, I could have seen a relevant reason for Danny wanting to move,ââ?¬Â Smith added. ââ?¬Å?Itââ?¬â?¢s always easier for managers to play a young forward, but if you look around you donââ?¬â?¢t see too many 18-year-old centre halves playing in the Champions League. It just doesnââ?¬â?¢t happen. ââ?¬Å?If the criticism was levelled that they werenââ?¬â?¢t getting an opportunity I could handle that. But they have been getting a chance.ââ?¬Â Smith did his best to shield the two 18-year-olds from the blame. He pointed out that they are not the ones handling the contract negotiations, while reminiscing about a time when the only people a club had to convince to sign a new contract were the player and his parents. ââ?¬Å?The situation the players are placed in with agents means that they [Wilson and Fleck] are not handling that aspect of things themselves,ââ?¬Â Smith added. ââ?¬Å?Itââ?¬â?¢s other people who are handling it for them. You canââ?¬â?¢t say itââ?¬â?¢s the younger people. There are agents there. Maybe thatââ?¬â?¢s something that is going to happen all over the place. ââ?¬Å?I havenââ?¬â?¢t spoken to the players about it much as the decision was taken quite recently. It used to be the boyââ?¬â?¢s father would come in, but now agents are involved. And I feel that aspect has changed their viewpoint just now.ââ?¬Â Hopefully we can get this sorted out. The agents may well have have advised them to wait and see what happens re the takeover and whether they might be able to get better offers once it's sorted out.
  20. Nah mate that would be his natural position....
  21. Come on mate it's a bit early to go ruining careers with labels like that!:fish:
  22. I think he's just a bit thick TBH and reckons he's a bit gallus. Latter day Ricksen but without the technique. Punt please.
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