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Everything posted by Cotter

  1. Cotter


    Keeper's face after that third. Priceless.
  2. Announcing who we are interested in before anything's been done. Again.
  3. The title of this thread suggests something has actually happened here....
  4. He'll find out soon enough what a nosedive his career's just taken.
  5. Cotter

    John Fleck

    Being stuck out on the wing and expected to make something of it. Failing and suffering a fall from grace in the eyes of the fans. This has become the fate of several forwards of the last few years and should this happen to Fleck, it would be the most disappointing case yet. Perhaps the loss of Boyd will go a way to ensuring that Fleck is given the central position his style of play demands.
  6. I'm definitely a no. It's been dragging on far too long.
  7. These are truly terrible times. What a fucking disgrace. All the best wee man.
  8. I know it's a bit unrealistic but I really would love a ban on anything from the Sun or the Retard being posted here.....
  9. Ach he's had a half decent season but I won't shed a tear when he leaves.
  10. Yep. +1. Agree with all of the above. Letting go of Novo would be criminal. Shockingly under-used this season. We were brilliant in December when the wee man got a run of games. Really hope he stays.
  11. He should just be honest and say he's waiting to see what happens with the club in the summer. Boyd managed it.
  12. Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebo!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Nice to be gracious is it mate? Your mob would know eh? GIRFUY ya ride bwahahahaha!!!!!!
  14. Always a pleasure Andy. Great read.
  15. Good memories indeed mate. I was in tears not long after wee Nacho slotted that pen against Fiorentina.
  16. Oh Christ what do we expect. They're the same the world over. Disgusting.
  17. I say the same every time this debate rears it's head against the background of our current circumstances. Would those of you who want rid of Walter PLEASE throw some realistic names into the ring so we can all laugh at them. Dick Campbell anyone? Come on folks, we're extremely lucky to have Walter. This season's achievements have only strengthened that belief for me. Walter is the only man I would want in charge of my club at the present time. Like Craig says, he's the master of the SPL and that's what we need right now. As far as Europe is concerned (no CL if not for Walter BTW) I'm just trying to remember who has given me the greatest European night of my life.......oh wait I've just remembered. And no it wisny wee Dick "almost" beating Munchen.
  18. Congratulations Rangers!!!!!! A truly incredible achievement for Walter, the team and indeed the club as a whole. Sip your cold, tiltle winning brews safe in the knowledge that we, no others, are The People.:spl::spl::spl::spl::spl::spl::spl::spl::spl::spl::spl::spl::spl::spl::spl::spl::spl::splhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIrCFrFpHvw&feature=fvw
  19. Hahaha!!! Maineflyer in pantomime villain, party-pooping shocker!!!!!
  20. Yep. The Adidas shirt is a peach.
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