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Everything posted by Cotter

  1. That's the second time I've seen the boy. A near impeccable performance. I counted ONE miss-placed pass the whole game and our very own commentator (Mr. Miller) managed a count of two . He has an assured style coupled with athleticism and his performance tonight completely eclipsed anything Edu has managed this season. I thought he was far and away man of the match and I'd just like to nip in there first and say that he's a player:)
  2. Love that Allan Mcgregor ditty!
  3. Guttingly true. Wish we'd kept the wee man.
  4. Why is he being given the extra games until we consider him fit? He had an injury free pre-season same as the majority of the squad. Saying he didn't play much last season is an excuse. He was an unimaginative buy and he looks like if he was twice as fit he wouldn't be able to match Weir in a foot race.
  5. LOL I thought Stokes was English! Don't really pay much attention to the other SPL teams:)
  6. Beattie looks an absolute shambles of a player. Could have got Stokes for similar money.
  7. Whoa, whoa, whoa hang on a minute. Has this turned into a Boyd thread? Ah hate the fat prick. Naw, wait a minute ah luv um! Roon ye.
  8. This could possibly be an ancient (a few months ago) story being resurrected in the face of a successful start to the season for both Kenny and the club. In terms of the here and now I smell shite. Timmy's to be precise.
  9. Welcome to the family big man:spl:
  10. All the unofficial sources say it's official. FFS sake I need a Rangers announcement before I can put this one to rest!!!
  11. Until I see the lad in Rangers top....and Weiss for that matter....
  12. "stepped up" our interest have we? Chortle f**kin chortle.
  13. Tooooooommmmmmmmyyyyy Smiiiiiittthhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Anyway...when the retard say that Bain may well, will, could possibly, should "go to war" with Rapid, whit dis that mean??
  15. This is ridiculous. He's basically signed up and the numpties at Rapid expect him to play for them in a game that will rule him out of CL football at his new club? Disgusting behaviour on their part. If a player wants away you let them go, you'll get no more out of them. Surely this is a fairly basic idea to grasp?
  16. Christ a "slow start" it certainly wasn't. That Steve Coogan commentary over the top of those porkheid goals was magic. "Twat!"
  17. Thought he was our worst player by a distance. Very disappointed. Hope he gets better. Much better.
  18. FFS he's 30 years old and I've never heard of the guy. What a depressing state of affairs.
  19. Would be an absolute coup indeed. I can't quite believe it right enough. Now it's out the bag he's available, some bottom half prem team will grab him.
  20. Hmmmmm. http://www.heraldscotland.com/sport/spl/rangers/bain-flies-home-without-jelavic-as-rapid-dig-heels-in-over-transfer-fee-1.1046238
  21. Herald saying we've gone to �£3.5m. Let's hope he's as good as Lafferty!
  22. Does Walter feel the need to publicly advertise everybody we are interested in to appease the fans? I'm getting worried that he's doing it so he can play the "we tried but it didn't work out" card when we're left with no new additions and a dodgy loan signing. Whenever we've done decent deals in the past we rarely knew about them until the last minute. It just smells a bit fishy all this public confirmation. It also advertises any decent finds to the inexperienced pig across the city. Not happy!
  23. Cotter

    Perfect 10

    He speaks well, does the lad. I hope this year can be his real breakthrough year. If he's played in a traditional number 10 position I think we'll see a truly special talent emerge.
  24. If we get �£7m for bougherra (which we won't, try �£4m) then Walter will be lucky to see �£2m of it. Better that he stays. I agree that he's been conspicuous by his absence in some big games, particularly against the scum. However with the bank strangling us, his sale would be pointless and very damaging. If we get through the window without losing Boogie or Davis I'll be mighty relieved. If Walter was to get the cash then yes, punt him. I think we all suspect that wouldn't be the case.
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