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Everything posted by Cotter

  1. This has to be the worst signing I think I've ever witnessed. Better and fitter players at my local park. In new Zealand.
  2. To be honest I'll start getting excited when we sign some 18-20yr olds I've never heard of.
  3. We'll be giving in to the lot of it. Being in the highest division possible suits Green's selling agenda and he couldn't give a monkey's about revenge, sporting integrity or anything else that's bothering us fans. I wonder when we'll be able to honestly say "the worst's over". Seems a long way off yet.
  4. This is the most embarrassing sideshow yet. What a total prick you're making of yourself Brown. Do us all a favour and fuck off.
  5. Aye surely the masters fives is a better level than the 3rd!
  6. Is shagger away too? Not heard anything about him.
  7. Once we know where we're playing next year, the price will be set. Then we'll see once and for all whether there are any better alternatives or not. The wait is nearly over.
  8. The loss of these players is the most tangible damage yet for me in terms of a long term prognosis. I didn't quite realize it but it seems I was harboring a wee flicker of hope that we may have steadied the ship and carried on somehow. Now the players with value have gone, we really are starting from scratch. Can't say I'm with you on the positivity op.
  9. I knew it was coming, I understand the players' perspectives, but I'm afraid they leave with a big "fuck off then, cunts" from me. Fuck off then, cunts. I don't want to hear any more from you about Rangers.
  10. So the green business plan isnt the way forward as Walter and co see it, yet they are still withdrawing? Wasn't this the whole reason for entering the race in the first place? That the future looked bleak under green? Sounds to me like the calling of the bluff. At least I hope so...
  11. The statement reads very badly and makes no sense. Is it definitely real?
  12. Is this real? Seriously? Fuck this I give up.
  13. Gutted no international delivery. These available anywhere else?
  14. Darther, you said it yourself mate. Green is here to make money and fuck off sharpish. There's a hundred reasons why the Walter bid has only just come into play and I dare say it suits Mr.Green just fine that another party with clout is on the scene so quickly. I never trusted Green, yet nor do I resent him. He's done the dirty work now cheerio.
  15. If it's fan power that will decide the fate of the club, which is looking increasingly likely, then the Walter consortium could do a lot worse than a Blue Knights style press conference followed by some swift and agressive marketing re season ticket purchase. Answer our questions, give us a vision we can embrace and we'll be 100% behind you and hell mend anyone that gets in the way.
  16. Hey Casey, this is a Rangers forum, but Rangers no longer exist. What are you still doing here? Tata now.
  17. Cotter


    The SFA will need to transfer our membership. How else will they hammer us for years to come without admitting we are the same club?
  18. I've got some quotation marks for you glen : "credible journalist"
  19. Holy Christ. It wasn't so long ago I actually quite enjoyed his wee blog. Then slowly an excessive use of capital letters started to creep in, then some conspiracy stuff....and now this. Maybe it's all got a bit much for him. Can't say I blame him!
  20. Are any of the bigger forums promoting this? Would be an embarassing disgrace.
  21. Don't have a good feeling about this at all. Wish TBKs had some fucking cash.
  22. Fair enough mate. I just can't see who else to support. The time is now.
  23. I think this belated press conference was a compelling plea for unified support. They have Whyte's shares. They have Walter and Souness on board. They have the best interests of the club at heart and Kennedy, in particular comes across like he takes no shit. It's got to the stage where I think we should all get right behind them vocally and visibly. Starting at the St Johnstone game. Can another march be organised demanding their installation? Clearly we have the power if we scared off Miller (fishes). That conference sealed it for me. I'm a TBK man now.
  24. farewell Prince Papac! Another of the Manchester lads away. Sorry to see him go, but Wallace is a better player if less consistent.
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