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Everything posted by Cotter

  1. Whilst it's great to be blooding all these youngsters, we all know the reality is that when we're back in the top division only a few will have what it takes to retain a rangers jersey. Signing a bunch of the best youngsters around right now makes sense. By spreading our bets today we can keep those who develop best and fill out the team with signings in the future. In fact, if we don't adopt a wider youth signing policy I will be extremely disappointed. Some of the lads we have look like prospects, others we must admit, just happen to be along for the ride at this moment in time. Just because the lads we have now may have 3 years in the first team doesn't guarantee they will develop into stars. We need to be cherry picking the best 17-19 year olds in Scotland NOW.
  2. Bloody hell. Hope he has strong windows...
  3. Looks one of the more boring displays of the hundreds we have had over the last few years. I'm such a dick.
  4. Cotter


    Very happy with this appointment. Welcome aboard Jim.
  5. I honestly believe he is the most gifted and effective player with his back to goal I have ever seen. Swoon.
  6. Hmm. PR man is a widely overused term. Amms, you make several valid points about traynor if we are to attach this ambiguous title to him. Yes, if he is in the public eye at all, or if we are expecting any modern marketing from him, then clearly it ain't going to work. Traynor will know this too, he's no daft. If he really has been offered a job, then surely it will be chiefly concerned with editing and setting the tone of press releases and deciding when and who to pass them to. There is certainly a place for the wizened hack in modern rangers' PR machine, but as a vital cog, not the engine. I suspect our Charlie knows what he's up to here...
  7. There's enough folk that will just go to the game, rendering the boycott a fudge and leaving us looking like idiots. I support the boycott but suspect a few will ruin it. If you can't see why this game should be boycotted then you have a selective memory. Never forget. Scum.
  8. I actually feel this kind of stuff is money for nothing. It's Ibrox. Who cares if the papers will have to call it the new name?
  9. You do get me, you just don't agree with me that it's ok for these clubs to up their prices a bit for the big show that's only gonna come around once in this lifetime. The pub analogy doesn't work, I'm talking about a very specific situation here - us putting money into coffers of small Scottish clubs that have shown us no animosity. I can totally see others point of view that its just greed. In a way it is. I just don't mind it as I believe in the cause.
  10. Is it just me that doesn't have a problem with these clubs inflating there normal prices a bit? Personally I reckon Kerr comes across a right prick. Are we re-energising Scottish football or are we whinging about an extra fiver that we would have paid to watch Dundee utd anyway? Make your mind up bawbag.
  11. Ally does not "jabber". He speaks very articulately and gets his point of view across clearly without being inflammatory, something we are quick to deride Lennon for. Some people on here just don't like what he has to say. He continues to be a dignified ambassador for the club. Confine his failings to the dugout indeed. Fuck off.
  12. Aw fuck off Hartson ya fat cunt, nobody cares what you think anyway.
  13. Transfer embargo thrown out in a court of law. We are now under embargo. Tax case thrown out in a court of law. They fully intend to find us guilty. I'm ashamed to be Scottish at the moment. Disgusting.
  14. The SPL going into admin as a result of this bill would be the most delicious irony I have witnessed in my lifetime. Please.....
  15. I have to agree with SA here, to an extent. It may be a victory for those in the know, but the subtleties of the director will have been lost on most. I think oor Chris played it perfectly, but the fact he didn't challenge spiers' denial will have left the masses none the wiser about the prick.
  16. YouTube link would be lovely lads
  17. Traynor, it has to be said, has been bang on the money for months in terms of calling out the cowards and liars involved in this affair.
  18. Yeah stb, I tend to think they're all tims too:seal:
  19. I trust Walter to act in the best interests of the club above all else, so yes I can see him doing that if need be. I don't however believe that Ally would stay if he thought it would be better for the club that he leave. This year we need to win division 3.
  20. Couple of folk questioning Walter's integrity here. Seriously lads? You underestimate him grossly.
  21. No it's not, it's because we're a wee Scottish team that means fuck all in their grand scheme of things.
  22. The establishment of a scouting network is of crucial importance going forward. As the article hints at, we have heard nothing to suggest plans are afoot to put one in place.
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