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Everything posted by alexscottislegend

  1. Yes. I thought Clemente would be good at improving our set pieces. Maybe we need to work at sclaffing a few in!
  2. Yes. If you're talking about ice hockey.
  3. This idea comes from the prawn-sandwich munchers who have no real conception of the game. I once met a middle class 'fan'. I asked which team he supported. "Oh, I support all teams really," he quoth. No idea of partisanship.
  4. Well, Rangers could do with a 'snapper-up of unconsidered trifles'. Who is the agent for Autolycus?
  5. Was that the old Fairs Cup in 1969? I take it by 'bear' you don't mean a furry animal?🤣
  6. Yes, but do you think Souttar would have been outpaced and out-muscled as easily? Sometimes there's not much you can do and you have to give credit to the forward. I'd like to see Dessers do that to somebody.
  7. Don't care how we win tonight but my favourite way would be for Shinnie to give away a penalty and be sent off for the foul, leaving Tav to give us a 1-0.
  8. I know. If Scottish football ends up being a trial game every week for English clubs then the sooner we join a new European league the better. I hate the idea of us having loanees; I want a team I can reel the names off by heart. Remember Warburton? I can only remember Shiels and Black, not one of his teams.
  9. Ex-Ranger Ross McCabe has apparently got Airdrie playing well I think. I was thinking more about the tradition of these clubs as opposed to parvenus like Livi.
  10. They're really a 'pretendy' club; I'd rather see a traditional club like Raith or Airdrie in the top flight.
  11. Great to see the Keltic drop points. Now if we win our game in hand we could lead on goal difference!
  12. Lammers was certainly deep-lying and capable of not only being a false 9 but a false 7,8,3,2,1 etc.
  13. I think we've baulked at the fee. Sure he would be a success but no resale value given his age. Now that Dessers has started to score and Danilo to come back we maybe have enough scoring power on the flanks with Sima to return also.
  14. Yea. He's not one for the future is he? We need 2 players for each position and no loanees please. for LB we have Jefte and we need another though Sterling can play there.
  15. Why do we call Yilmaz by his first name but Cifu is never referred to as Jose?
  16. I speak from experience; the ones I've met are up to speed with all the latest technology.
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