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Everything posted by alexscottislegend

  1. Well, in qualifying we beat Spain, Georgia and Norway, drew with Georgia away and these results were not undeserved. Injuries to Hickey and Patterson etc. did for us. Saying that, we were only a penalty kick away from the knockouts.
  2. That's an impossible task you set us compo!
  3. Disagree. Both were what was called at the time 'pivots'. Each needed a free sweeper; nobody better than D. Smith who was so under-rated - I would rather have him than Clark.
  4. Murdoch and Grieg too alike for me in the centre; better balance with Auld. Maybe Greig in Smith's position? Also fancy having to choose between Henderson and Jinky.
  5. My sincere apologies. Hope you do well as long as it's not at our expense!
  6. I wonder if Rangers would be brave enough to play a 16-year-old? Oh wait....Mr. D. Johnstone.
  7. Did Gavrilo Princip realise the trouble he caused?🤣
  8. What I noted in the clip about Clinton is that he makes very clean tackles. Reminded me of that marvellous tackle in the midst of the penalty area by Tom 'Jaws' Forsyth v Mick Channon in a Scotland-England game. That is an art in itself. If he times his tackles like that not even Collum could pull him up.
  9. Should have had many more caps. Nearest I've seen to a British Beckenbauer.
  10. There must be some places near Murrayfield where your desires can be catered for?🤣 Not sure you would welcome Rod Stewart though!
  11. Then I had better warn you to stay clear of one Taylor Swift, a chanteuse currently migrating to Scotland with a horde of 'swifties' (No, not the Rangers Colts).
  12. I get your opposition to nationalism, I really do. But '******' is a nineteenth century term, outdated. You can be a proud Scot while still remaining in the Union. I used to hate the English for hijacking the union flag and calling England an 'island.' But now thankfully most English use the term UK. A united Ireland may come about through demographic changes whatever you or I may think. I've been on the tartan army forums and there are some bigots for sure, but you can over-generalise to be sure.
  13. That sort of bigotry is what got us a bad name in the past. I'm from a Rangers-supporting family but one of my uncles married a catholic so the kids grew up Keltic supporters. They are not F***** scum.
  14. Can't for the life of me understand Rangers fans wanting Scotland to fail. Do Rangers play in England? John Greig and George Young would tell you where to go.
  15. Wasn't Kenny Miller from the 'dark side'? He did actually play for them though...
  16. Is Jefte not a left back? Don't recognise some of the names you mention though...who is Poveda for example?
  17. A good shout especially when you consider we need to augment our quota of Scots. He is also left-sided which would allow Souttar to play in his preferred right position.
  18. Another problem is finding a new captain; it needs to be someone who is likely to play every game. Thing about Tav is, whatever you say about him, he is rarely injured.
  19. I'll try and get there too as I'm quite local.
  20. Waiting for Godot might be just as appropriate.
  21. So the Cordoba deal seems to be dead. Good riddance; he didn't want to play for us anyway.
  22. That's a good if depressing article. Very little to disagree with.
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