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Everything posted by alexscottislegend

  1. I've never felt so pessimistic about the start to a season. And I'm normally a glass half-full type.
  2. Could it be that maybe some players joined because Gerrard was such a big name?
  3. Not often I agree with GB News and I have no idea what Flynn actually said but agree with Shilton and the host here. Some of the stuff especially the National front page was way beyond the pale.
  4. Agree about Cucurella - thought he was fantastic in attack and defence. But Ruis had a much better tournament than Bellingham who was not as effective as he was for Real Madrid.
  5. Nah! England would usually win.
  6. Did you have money on both? If so, well done. Alcaraz was fantastic; he might turn out to be the best tennis player ever.
  7. It's not a chip Gonzo - though I agree some of the reaction (e.g. the National front page) is embarrassing. It's the concept that the UK is really England. Ask yourself this: would Scotland, NI or Wales have had a consolation message from the King if they had lost the final? We are supposed to be the United Kingdom; England's achievement is their achievement not Britain's. I'm a Unionist but I sometimes wonder for how much longer.
  8. You are kidding surely? Scotland beat them in the qualifying but no one has beaten them in the finals. Scotland are the euro champions!
  9. 'Girdergate'? We need to get sponsored by Irn Bru - that's made from girders!
  10. Wow. That says it all. We should model ourselves on them. Invest in home-grown youth rather than obscure foreign talent. Just top it up with a few key imports.
  11. 2 good saves! Deserved a draw but I won't be happy if that is our squad to start the season.
  12. Don't think you are being too negative; I know Ajax are way ahead in prep. but I cannot see any shape. Matondo and Diomande only ones to get pass marks for me so far.
  13. And McCrorie made a similar error yesterday - even though he's not our player now.
  14. If it goes to penalties they will definitely win.
  15. 'Beady eyed Jock'? Bit racist that.
  16. Var missed the fact that Saka handled just before so if Kane had scored it should have been disallowed. Compare that penalty given to the foul on Armstrong v Hungary being disallowed. It's either incompetence or corruption - I hope the former. Saying that England deserved the win.
  17. Can we deduce from this that Tav. and Goldson are offski?
  18. Right now at this moment Turkey look like a real threat.
  19. Must admit I have no clue what our new line-up will be. Come on Rousseau give one of your predicted first team formations!
  20. Would you prefer if they said," I wasn't really sure about coming here but my agent thought it would be good."
  21. I see Hagi is starting for Romania tonight. Thought he showed up well in his last cameo. Surely he still has something to offer Rangers? After all, we don't have many representatives here.
  22. Have a good trip and don't go upsetting DB and Idrisi!
  23. I hate people who say "Ah-yax". I know the Dutch do but if local pronunciation is the key, why don't they also say "Par-ee San German"? Or Bayern Munchen?
  24. You need more than luck. Spain and Germany by far the two best sides. England consistently benefit from favourable draws.
  25. Myself and Alan Shearer will disagree re the pen. Agree with the tenor of your comments though.
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