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alexscottislegend last won the day on July 10 2023

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  1. Ah....thanks. I'll try to keep up in future.
  2. I don't like the Turkish regime but they arrested the driver immediately and charged him with murder by negligence. Good for them.
  3. I must be thick - I don't get that joke.
  4. Robbed by VAR. Surely he was played on?
  5. You'd need to resurrect Jock Wallace if you want training like that!😁
  6. I think he's in a huff because Philippe criticised his managerial style.
  7. I noticed in the video posted this week from the training that they were working on quick passing and moving with just one touch; why can't they do it in games?
  8. Tav has every right to be considered a Rangers legend. I cannot think of anyone - past or present - who has come anywhere near his goals and assist numbers. (Maybe Chris Lawler at Liverpool?) Remember he stuck with us through the dark days in the lower depths. Yes, he has his faults defensively and he's terrified of Maeda, but if he didn't have those flaws, he would be playing for Real Madrid.
  9. No two were more vilified than Tav and Dessers just a few short months ago. What do we know eh?
  10. Think I read that one side will have to reduce its total holding. Don't think it will happen in the near future.
  11. Well, you're good with words and you have your nose close to what comes out of Pacific Quay. Can you unravel this gobbledegook from Tom English: It's fair to say that Ferguson's stellar era at Rangers as a player did a whole lot of heavy lifting in his employment as caretaker boss. Read it several times and I still cannot fathom it!
  12. We should all watch this. Main thing I took away from the American guy was the marketing angle which has not been exploited nearly enough by the club. The Rangers diaspora (my cousin is in Melbourne) appears to be an untapped resource.
  13. You just have to hope he's more grown-up now.
  14. Could be worse, we could be Manure - they've just made a third of their workforce redundant.
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