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About stat-inho


  • Location
    New York


  • Interests
    Football, NASCAR, Basketball(N.Y), Baseball(N.Y.),


  • Occupation
    Graphic designer
  1. Bertie Auld i hate this guy. in the 1970s he was total wanker
  2. edited by stato
  3. heres some for you.. frank mcavennie tommy boyd neil lennon aiden mcgreedy scott mcdonald boruc roy aitken billy mcneil alan thompson i can give you LOTS more let me think about that.
  4. Theyve got these games... 8th march v Liverpool(a) 17th march v Birmingham (a) 22nd march v Fulham(h) 30th march v Tottenham(a) 5th April v Reading(h) 12th April v Portsmouth (a) 19th April v Sunderland(h) 26th April v West Ham(a) 3rd may v Chelsea(h) 11th May v Everton (a) i would give them 1 point at Birmingham, 3 points v Fulham, MAYBE a point v Spurs(because Spurs are having one big long party from here to the end of the season), 3 points v Reading, 3 points v Sunderland. That would give them 39 points at best, which is NOT normally enough to stay up(wasnt last year anyway)
  5. Im pretty good at predicting the Champions league score. Lets see then if i can do it on here now? heres the score for on the night only(not aggregate) A.C.Milan... 1 Arsenal...1 Barcelona...3 Celtic...0 Man Utd...3 Lyon...1 Sevilla...2 Fenerbache...0 not bad for my first here. I really did think Arsenal would get something against Milan. They have been so poor lateley, im just so shocked they got a win. Milan are going to have to completely clear out all the dead wood they have in their side. Kalac is NEVER a Milan class player, Kaladze is rotten too. and they have got so many aging players like Ambrossini, Nesta, and Inzhaghi. I seen a close up of their chairman at the end and he looked seething. it is definetly going to be a big clearout for them. I cant remember the last time their season ended in early March. maybe also theres achance we can buy back wee rion with the 9 million weve got?
  6. I have been reading more into the re -signing of Keegan and theres loads of people now saying that Mike Ashley only appointed him to take the pressure of of him. It was a bit like this.."hm, ok, Newcastle fans want someone who knows the club and plays good attractive football, ok then, you want Keegan? youve got him". That way you see, Newcastle fans can only blame themselves, because they are the ones who asked for him in the first place. It could all blow up in everyones faces though as Keegan is a coach from the 1990s not the 00s. He is ten years out of date with his coaching. You only really need to see what he done at Man city to see how rank rotten he really is now. So, apparantly now Mike Ashley is sitting in his big comfy chair at Newcastle with NO hassle because he gave the fans exactly what they wanted. I heard the man he actually wanted was someone like Ottmar Hitzfeld before he signed for Switzerland.
  7. Personally, I feel Derby, Fulham and Reading will go down. I would have prefered Boro though as i dont much like Southgate. I think he cut the corner in becoming a manger and was given the backing of his chairman(a good thing), but i dont see why everyone else should have to go to the lower leagues to learn their trade yet he is given the keys to middlesboro. Just a personal thing with me and Southgate:devil:
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