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Everything posted by ascender

  1. I know we'll get the usual spin about it being a manageable/serviceable amount, but is that not a bit worrying given the ongoing downsizing we've been doing? Full story here. I guess the CL is priority number 1 for us this year then as it seems to be worth 5M or so on in advertising alone.
  2. No, I agree with what you're saying. Part of the problem here is that we don't know exactly what happened and who offered what under what terms and why or precisely when Killie moved the goalposts. I do think the SPL young player of the year and second top scorer is worth around 1.5M though, but I think we're all in the dark really about the murky details on this one. He's certainly a player I really wanted to come here, but I have a bad feeling he's going to end up at C*ltic.
  3. And the Beeb now "understands" that we're clear favourites and that the deal could be finalised soon.
  4. Still makes you wonder why we don't sort out the Naismith deal if the money is available. Is it now DM's ego getting in the way of going back to Killie?
  5. Great news and comments. I think apart from the obvious problems surrounding the running of our club, there's been the return of a feel good factor to the playing side and definite optimism about the season ahead.
  6. The Daily R*cord are reporting that Cousin is now top of Walter's shopping list and could sign by Wednesday. They're also saying that the Whittaker deal will happen on the 1st. And apparently the mhanks are interested in Naismith and are wanting to send a young player to Killie as well as cash. From what I've read about Cousin, sounds like he could be a target style front-man for Boyd and D'Archeville to play off.
  7. Seems to be mixed reports about Cousins from people who've either seen him play in the flesh or are in to their French footy. It does sound like WS is trying to add a real physical element to our team though which is something that's been missing for a while. Anyway, no point slagging the guy off before I've seen him play, I'm just questioning the logic of signing him over Naismith. But then if we really do bring in 2 or 3 more players, maybe Naismith will still be here. Certainly comments from AMc yesterday seem to suggest we're still interested in him. Also we should know on Wednesday if the Whittaker rumours are true or not.
  8. Yip, I'd go with that, I think I posted the same team yesterday. McCulloch on the left and Novo on the right. Would like to see Sebo given a decent run-out if we can as well.
  9. Range Rover Sport for Whittaker? Must be moving up in the world then I don't believe for one second that he told your mate he was signing, but just that he's put 2+2 together.
  10. Whittaker is primarily a RM who can also play at RB. He's not a flair RM but does get forward. The LB thing is being seen as a sign of how bad the outlook is for Stevie Smith. As for Cousins, I think there was a posting yesterday with the same transfer link, but looks like its since fallen through.
  11. Oh, and a few more things from DM in the Herald.
  12. From the earlies tomorrow... We're in talks with Deigo Placente, the LB from Celta Vigo. Cousins will be flying in this week. Whittaker will have signed by the end of the week. DM is quoted, saying that the fee wasn't the reason for pulling out of the Scott Brown signing. It was because of his wage demands which would have thrown our wage structure out the window and meant other young Scots would have expected the same - i.e. 25 grand a week+. DM also has a dig at Killie suggesting what most of us think, that there aren't any other bids on the table for Naismith.
  13. So we can't afford to pay Killie the 1.5M up front they want for Naismith, but we're going to pay 1.4M for a foreign player we've never heard of?
  14. Just wait til Sebo goes, it'll be declared a day of mourning on here
  15. On the radio Gordon Smith was always defending us and saying that until the bodies produce a list of what can and can't be sung, they can't just turn round and fine us for anything and everything. I'm really hoping that with him in charge he makes sorting this out to be a priority.
  16. 2M or no deal according to Killie. Like I said, there's no way back for the player now because of the way all this has been handled, so it'll be interesting to see what happens.
  17. I saw some quote earlier saying that we should try to behave more like Celtic's fans, think it was from McCoist.
  18. BTW, the Jambos are convinced they're going to sign him and are even more convinced that he'd want to go their with Mad Vlad in charge and no manager. Latest from Killie....
  19. Interesting indeed. So, lets see what happens now with all these clubs who are supposedly interested in him.
  20. I've been reading similar tales from other Bears on FF recently. Like you say, its just another sign of the apparent apathy surrounding our club from the top down. A poor state of affairs.
  21. Is that not an easy PR win for the Edinburgh clubs? Put a bid in, and if as reported, Naismith doesn't want to go anywhere except Ibrox, then they can tell their fans that at least they tried. From the DM school of smoke and mirrors. Not sure how any Scottish lad would feel about signing for Hearts just now with the way their club is being run.
  22. I still think our handling of this has been embarrassing and shambolic from the start, but that seems to have been forgotten recently as Killie have just been out of order with some of the stuff they've been saying.
  23. Did we actually have the offer accepted last week though? I thought Killie said we were close in terms of money but way off in actual terms. Which seems to tie in with the rumours that we offered 1.5M which is what they wanted, but were wanting to pay it in two installments and that there were conditions attached. It is a very strange one, but I think we're far from blameless in all of this. As for the valuation, I think its fair enough given how much we spent on Thomson for example. In that respect, I think Killie are fair enough.
  24. Lots of rumours still going around in Edinburgh and online that we've signed Whittaker and the deal will be announced at the start of August.
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