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Everything posted by ascender

  1. I think you're right Frankie. In amongst all the usual crap in the papers over the last few days, Britney and Traynors' reactions were very interesting. I've also been amazed by some of the online stuff about the *** add-ons. I posted yesterday that I think this is the first time where I've ever seen so many posts which understand that the *** has to stop for the good of our club. I remain to be convinced about the club's attitude to PR, but in the mean time, David Edgar continues to impress me and at the moment is doing the job that DM should be doing himself or paying someone to do. And I also had a chuckle at WS in that press conference. I think its great that he's in charge just now as he won't take any shit from the press. And what's that you say? 3 clean sheets in 3 games? Compare our defending to how we played at the start of last season. I'm very optimistic about the season ahead.
  2. Lol. I'd rather have Cech or Van Der Sar over Gordon, but no doubt the lad could end up at one of the biggest clubs in Europe.
  3. Looks like he's going to be a Sunderland player. I guess its no contest really in choosing Keane over MON. He's a great player with great potential, but there's no doubt that he's a wee bit over-rated by many Jambos. You can't knock them for getting so much cash for him. Will be interesting to see how he does in the EPL.
  4. Good result and lets face it, that was the main thing. Still not sure about playing Hemdani, Fergie and Thomson in the same starting lineup though...
  5. ascender


    Lol, it was only a matter of time. There's been a few guys on FF on about this since yesterday morning, at least one of whom seems to have a good track record with inside info.
  6. I think Novo deserves an extension, his workrate and application to the job can only be a good example for the rest of the players, especially the younger ones. I still have doubts over his usefulness across a full 90 minutes though, so it might depend how happy he is to be a backup player as I think he will struggle to start depending on how things pan out for a few other players and any other players we sign.
  7. I now think that we've reached a new point for us, where I bet the vast majority of our support would agree that we should not be singing ***. I bet there's still people who think they should be allowed to sing it if they want to, but I think they now realise what harm they could do to the club by continuing. However, if we go past this and on to the folk & rebel songs, that's a whole other can of worms. This week I've already seen fans finger-pointing at Celtic in particular and saying that they shouldn't be allowed to sing songs x,y & z as they are offensive. If we end up having any of our current folk songs banned, then that will open the floodgates and there will be a massive tit for tat going on between us and other clubs trying to get songs banned and complaints about every little thing. A little common sense and intelligence is needed now. Especially from those who are complaining that Follow Follow and The Sash might be banned while not realising that their future really is in our hands. Drop *** and they can't touch them. I also find it a bit patronising and actually really offensive when fellow Bears suggest that because I'd be happy for us to sing other songs totally, that I'm not a real fan.
  8. Lol, not another cryptic posting like on FF?! For anyone who's not read FF today, there's a few posters put similar things on there today suggesting a deal is imminent.
  9. Definitely right midfield and I think he has a great chance to make that position his given how we've struggled to find someone consistent to play there.
  10. So, are we going to be back in for him if we get through against Zeta? Or are we back in for him already?
  11. Should the stewards and police not be doing more Frankie? I understand that before it just wasn't practical due to the numbers involved, but at Caley, it was clearly a minority in an already small section of our fans who were singing the add-ons. So would it not have been possible for them to identify at least some of the ones singing the add-ons and kick them out? Or do we go the more extreme route and refuse away tickets for a few weeks? I think we also need strong comments from the top of our club on this and also a message to all fans, either a mailing to all ST holders or something on the seats at the next home game to explain how things stand at the moment in as simple language as possible so everyone can understand. I was watching the game on Saturday and genuinely couldn't believe what I was hearing. After all that's been said about it recently I can't understand why some people continue to do it. Oh, and is it maybe time again for some song-sheets to be handed out with the proper lyrics for all our songs. Whether the club or some fans organisation do this, I think it would be a worthwhile exercise.
  12. I thought he played well today, ran himself in to the ground despite getting kicked all over the place. I say we get him signed.
  13. Did anyone else notice the small group of Bears in the home section behind the goal who jumped up when Fergie's first went in?!
  14. I was listening to Traynor yesterday and I was genuinely surprised by his take on it - that it was now a minority and that they clearly weren't Gers fans. Not the usual response we've come to expect from him. I'm still worried by the response to yesterday online by some Bears though.
  15. I voted for BF. I think Cuellar looked amazing again, but he wasn't really tested by Caley. Like your ratings say, it was a great all round performance and on any other day, there would have been many more candidates for motm.
  16. People have been complaining that certain songs we sing aren't sectarian and we should have a right to sing them. Which is fine. But what they seem to be missing is that certain songs will be banned at this rate because of the add-ons. We do need a list of what's offensive, but anyone with half a brain cell who is a fan of our club should know that *** is going to get us in to trouble. And yes, there's been people saying already that its all a conspiracy against us and that its not fair that other fans get away with singing what they like etc. Pretty depressing that this is still a problem after everything that's been said recently. Yes, docking points is an option, but I don't think its as straightforward as that, particularly if the club is actively seen to be doing something about the problem. I'm just worried that we must be close to a last warning already given what happened last season.
  17. I see we've been at it again today. *** during Follow Follow and as an add-on to The Sash as well. Opening day of the season, live on TV, following lots of warnings for the last year and what do we do? Talk about shooting fish in a barrel, we've been well warned so who knows what's going to happen. My concern is that we're running out of warnings and there's only so much the authorities can take before they'll try to make an example of us.
  18. ascender


    Yip, its been a rumour both online and in Edinburgh for weeks now. Which is very strange, so word obviously did get out somewhere, somehow. What's even stranger is that we tried to get Naismith on the cheap, knowing that we were going to be paying about the same if not more, for Whittaker.
  19. The story about Naismith going to the dark side seems to be growing. So, are we really going to miss out on signing the SPL second top scorer and young player of the year, who is a Bear, because we're not big enough to put all the nonsense and personal stuff behind us and just pay the asking price for him?
  20. Well, it looks like those rumours from weeks ago have been spot on! I think he's a good signing and has a great chance to make the right midfield position his own.
  21. ascender


    And today's supposed to be the day isn't it?
  22. ascender


    Its amazing to see how many pages were devoted to the RR Hemdani rumour on FF.
  23. I don't think we'll ever be able to sign a "big-name" again unless they're past their best. I think the best option we have now is to try and identify players who are on their way up and who will use us as a stepping stone. While the CL is a nice thing to be able to offer, unfortunately we can't afford the wages for players like Ljungberg and I don't think the SPL is an attractive option for many of them when compared to the EPL. Even just the money side of thing is ridiculous these days, with Championship sides probably able to pay more money for fees and wages than we can sustain. Its changed days since WS was last in charge. Just look back at some of the guys they signed and see who their equivalents would be in today's game and you'll see that we've no hope of emulating that again unless we were somehow granted a place in the EPL.
  24. ascender


    Highly rated by the Hibees I know and his best position is as a right midfielder, so I think its a great chance for him if he signs to make the jersey his. Will also provide cover for Hutton.
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