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Everything posted by ascender

  1. We were in for Stefanovic before but he turned us down.
  2. I think Gow and Webster can both go on to become great players for us from what I've seen and heard about them so far.
  3. Could be wrong, but reminds me of the Sunday Times. Which is annoying as I bought this at the weekend but its long gone now.
  4. The thing about Murray is that when he first came here and was playing at LB, he actually played very well and was one of our better players. He also got forward and linked well. I seem to remember he was also asked to play as holding midfielder for a few games which he did very well. Then it all seemed to go downhill from there and he became a bit of a whipping boy too.
  5. Feel free Frankie. Started out as a wee thought I had and ended up being a bit longer than expected
  6. Its been an interesting few weeks for us watching our new signings find their feet and one in particular has made me think about Sebo's position at the club and its also cemented the opinion that I've had of him. Firstly, let me say that I'd be delighted if Sebo made it here. He seems like a nice enough bloke, he's worked hard in the summer on his fitness and everyone has been willing him to do well. But watching Cousin since he signed has made me realise that the argument about Sebo not having enough time to prove himself is somewhat flawed. Cousin started here with a couple of substitute appearances, probably totalling no more than 40 minutes. But if we take the Red Star game as an example, he showcased his own potential in 25 minutes in a way which Sebo has failed to do over a season with us during which he made 33 appearances, albeit only 7 starts. From when Cousin came on, he showed eagerness to get involved, which is something Sebo also does. However, from there the comparisons end. Cousin showed an awareness of what was going on around him. He showed good vision and played a few passes to other players with precision weighting and pace. He also had a couple of efforts on goal which was more than we'd managed all night up until that point. But in all, he just looked like a real player. Like someone who would bring something to our squad. And since then I think he's gone on to prove that he can be a real success here. The thing with Sebo was that I was looking for him to do something special during one of his appearances. Just a flash of brilliance which would make us all think that the lad was worth hanging on to and it was only a (short) matter of time until he'd "come good". But that's just never happened IMO and it is a shame. We all looked for something to take from his performances but never really got it. We started to talk up every little thing he did and it got to absurd levels following the Celtic game last year where he was asked to do a certain job (noise up the opposition) and he did it well. But anyone with half a physical presence could have done that job, it just so happens that last season we were lacking a physical element to our game, something which WS has since addressed. It certainly didn't make me change my mind on what I'd seen so far and I was a bit surprised to see how many fans still cite that performance as an indicator that Sebo can develop in to a good striker for us. The lad is still young enough that he can improve as a player. But to do that he obviously needs time and games. And I don't think he'll get that here. Regardless of all the other strikers who are now ahead of him for a first team place, no-one knows better than WS that at Ibrox you have to deliver and you don't get much time to prove yourself. Maybe a loan deal is the answer, but unless he sets the goal-scoring charts alight at his new club, he's still going to face the same problem of trying to break in to our first team when he gets back. The move just hasn't worked out, for whatever reason or reasons. I think its now in the best interests of everyone if we move on and I wish him luck wherever he ends up.
  7. Surely the writing is on the wall for Burke now? What will happen, will he stay and fight, be loaned out for a season or are we now willing to listen to offers?
  8. How did Novo play yesterday? I really rate the guy as a sub but have always had doubts over his ability to influence a game when he starts as his limitations seem to be more obvious.
  9. And 1-0 after only two minutes, a Cousin goal. Hopefully we can go on from there to score a few.
  10. I think Hemdani and Thomson both offer the same to us just now because of the role that WS is asking them both to play. The only difference is that Hemdani is more skillful and does things with more flair while Thomson likes to keep things simple. I've just been very impressed with Thomson recently and while he's not stealing the headlines, I think he does a very good job for us so would like to see him continue. The problem is more that I think we should only be playing 1 out of those 2 in a first XI, so there's going to be arguments for and against both of them tbh. Certainly in the SPL I'd like to see us returning to a 4-4-2 and trying to get a settled striking partnership for a few games on the trot.
  11. Here's the team WS should start with, based on nothing more than the random mess that is my very own brainbox. _____________McGregor_____________ Hutton_____Weir____Cuellar_____Papac ______________Thomson_____________ Novo__________Ferguson_____McCulloch _________Boyd_______Cousin_________
  12. ascender


    Thanks for the link. Good to see so many players getting a run-out. Would love to see a few of those guys come in against Falkirk.
  13. Its encouraging that we've got our defence sorted out, I don't remember us looking this solid at the back in a very, very long time, I'm talking 5 years+ to be honest. While we do obviously lack a creative player in the middle, I'm not sure why Walter doesn't just stick out a 4-4-2 with someone like McCulloch and/or Cousin through the middle and play the long ball game. I've been amazed by McCulloch's ability in the air, so you'd have thought if we're struggling on the ground, why not play it in the air. I don't think WS knows who his best XI is and seems to be trying to play the more talented players like our midfield trio, at the expense of the overall shape & direction of the side. It'll be interesting to see how things develop this year, but at the moment the results are the important thing. I just can't help but feel that we could be making it a bit easier on ourselves if he plays to our strengths a bit more.
  14. Great post Frankie. I think its been a great start to the season for us, but I admit to being a wee bit worried about some of the problems on the park which you've mentioned. I don't think that should detract from the results though, as if this was last season, I think we'd have lost or drawn a few of those games already.
  15. I don't know if the formation just won't work because we don't have the players, or because the players don't like it or don't know how they should be playing. Its still worrying that we're having the same conversations as last season. One up front doesn't work. Thomson, Hemdani & Fergie together are overkill. Fergie gets drawn too deep and insists everything must go through him. Etc. Cuellar reminds me of Boumsong in one respect, that he just makes the difficult stuff look easy. He never looks panicked and is literally strolling through matches.
  16. He's doing very well and improving all the time. I also don't think he's too far behind Craig Gordon, so it'll be an interesting season to see what happens with the two of them. This is the most solid-looking defence we've had in years.
  17. ascender


    AFAIK there's been no offer or even interest in him. The Derby thing was mentioned on FF a few days before one of the papers seemed to pick up on it, so I'm not convinced there's really anything to it. As for today, he had a knock I think but should be available for the CL. I know there's been rumours about him possibly going if an offer came in since PLG left, but they've never really become a major story yet.
  18. So how many strikers do we now have? I think his signing might be the end of the road for Sebo as its just put him one more player down the pecking order. D'Archeville is full of running and is hard to knock off the ball so I'd hope to see more of him, maybe in a front 3 setup? Looking at the build of Cousin and how he took the goals they showed on Rangers TV last night, I think he's been signed to be our first striker, a bit target man straight through the middle. Someone who can play up front on his own but also provide knock-downs for others. I hate to say it as its been said so much, but someone in the style of Hateley.
  19. Even then though Craig, do we need two holding midfielders?
  20. I'd be happy with either of those, would like to see Cousin and Whittaker play some part as its a home match. As people know, I'm like a stuck record, but I think playing Fergie, Hemdani and Thomson is a waste of a midfield position, but WS seems to like it.
  21. I can see Sebo, Ugo and maybe Buffel being moved on. Guys like Burke really need to pull their finger out too. How about Ian Murray, I'm assuming WS doesn't rate him as cover for Papac. Has anyone heard any more about Stevie Smith apart from the rumours regarding his career being over?
  22. I'd still rather we signed Naismith tbh, but I've heard some good reports about Cousin so will wait and see.
  23. I did read about the microphone stuff on FF, but I have to say that place is getting more paranoid by the day and I don't buy in to much of it.
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