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Everything posted by ascender

  1. I can't believe our squad now. I genuinely cannot believe how many options we have for the first time in what seems like 5 years or so? Its going to be very interesting to see what our first XI is like in a few weeks time, so what would your lineup be? How about this for starters? ___________________Mcgregor____________________ Hutton__________Cuellar_____Weir___________Papac Whittaker_____Thomson_____Ferguson______McCulloch _____________Naismith________Cousin_____________ But then I've left out JCD, Boyd & Hemdani. Not to mention Novo our supersub. Who don't make a bad bench to choose from, do they?
  2. I take it he's ineligible for today but will be paraded anyway?
  3. How's that for a nice surprise this morning! Fantastic!
  4. So I guess that's us done then as there seem to be zero rumours going around about us.
  5. Interesting news on Faye. He's a defensive midfielder, so does that mean Hemdani might be on his way after all? Is that the young Norweigan kid Frankie? 18 or 19 years old? Daily Mail reckon Plymouth want Burke on loan.
  6. That's not a bad draw considering!
  7. I don't think there's any contest really. Man for man is one thing, but its the amazing team spirit we had which meant we never gave up in matches and that counted more than raw talent. Cuellar is a much better player than Brown could ever hope to be, but as we've seen in recent times, quality counts for nothing without some fighting spirit in the team. I think the signs are encouraging for us just now though, WS is building a team of Scottish players, the core of which could be together for quite a few years to come.
  8. We've lacked a really creative player in the team for a few years now, but by signing one, we're left with the usual thorny issue of what to do with Fergie. I certainly wouldn't drop Thomson as he seems to be improving all the time, so do we then change the formation about to accommodate BF and a new playmaker?
  9. Looks like this story is rubbish after all according to stories in the Spanish press, so we can relax. The problem in the SPL is the under 21 rule, simple as that. When that's enforced on you, you have to prioritise your subs.
  10. There's been quite a few posts to this effect on FF this week. A couple of the guys on there seem to be adamant that we are going back in for him (as we're in the CL now) and he'll be a player before the deadline.
  11. I thought it was a great team performance but a few of our guys didn't have their best games. As for Papac, I think its clear he's not the answer to our LB problems until Smith comes back. At least not in the CL.
  12. Walter says he expects Hemdani to still be with us in the CL, while the Herald thinks otherwise.
  13. Has to be AM for me although everyone played their part tonight.
  14. Why would we sell Hemdani??? He looked class again tonight, but I guess he will be used sparingly if Thomson and Ferguson are the main men now, so maybe he wants to go somewhere he'll be playing every week. The under 21 rule isn't helping things either. Like I said in the other thread, I thought everyone was outstanding tonight. A very mature European performance and McGregor had some superb saves.
  15. So, when are we signing Naismith?
  16. Awful news. Apparently he's had some problems in the past not feeling well after training, so its very strange its not been picked up on. Having said that, even ECGs only show so much, there's always the risk from something congenital or a heart attack being brought on by something during exercise which you just can't legislate for.
  17. I've said that myself in the past Frankie as I think its important for the RST not to lose any credibility at all by raising things going on at other clubs (petty point scoring), but I think there comes to a point where something like this really needs clarifiying? Its almost like the only offensive words under this new ruling are going to be those which could be used to describe Celtic supporters and anything else is fair game.
  18. Is this not something the Trust could raise Frankie? If its done intelligently, which is obviously will be, it won't be seen as us trying to score points, more us looking for clarification? I've actually been surprised recently to see Traynor and Spiers sticking up for us by saying its a minority of our support which is the problem now, but then they go silent on this issue, so I've no idea what's going on to be honest.
  19. So, who's willing to put money on any more comings and goings before the Friday night deadline? *cough* Naismith Maybe we'll put in a cheeky bid for Kenny Miller....
  20. That's the best kit in a long time, thought it looked superb today.
  21. JCD for me, he changed the game when he came on. Interesting to see your score and comments for Boyd. I thought he had a good game, worked hard, even won stuff in the air, but still showed he has work to do. Encouraging though I thought. Meanwhile, I checked out FF and the place was going in to meltdown about how awful his performance was and how he should be dropped/sold immediately.
  22. If it wasn't for Gretna, I'd be putting a sneaky wee bet on the Jambos this season as they look rank rotten. No proper manager, random team selection and their off the field nonsense rumbles on. And now they're 2 down to the mhanky mob within 20 minutes.
  23. Boyd took his goal well, even seemed to show an understanding of how the offside rule works
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