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Everything posted by ascender

  1. Destiny is still in our hands, but I'm far from confident with the way things have been going. 3 points tomorrow would change my mind though and I think its a massive game for us.
  2. I see there's already been the obligatory plea from the local polis for ticketless fans not to travel, so surely they'll look at something like this instead?
  3. Hi Gribz, I'd be more than happy to do one.
  4. ascender


    I was bricking it when he stepped up to take the penalty tbh. There were quite a few times last night where there was a chance to push forward and instead we played the ball backwards. I found it a bit disappointing at times, particularly when someone like Fergie and his talent, decided to go back instead of attacking. But hey, we're in the final so what does it matter
  5. West Ham are a bit of a bogey team for Man Yoo though aren't they? I guess a lot will depend on Fergie's strange team selections (or lack of).
  6. He's probably worth that in Premiership terms and has been one of those players who has huge experience, added to the fact that he's been doing well for England too. How old is he now anyway? I seem to remember me signing him in Championship Manager years ago, so he was either a very early starter or is now 45.
  7. I know, that's a pain in the ar**. Need to have a think about that. Time off work is booked already though, so maybe its not such a big dilemma after all!
  8. Thanks Frankie. Huge dilemma going on at the moment
  9. Would raffling a pair for charity also be frowned upon?
  10. ascender


    Fans of other SPL clubs are already whinging about our anti-football. The same fans weren't moaning when Smith was doing the same with the national side.
  11. The ref did seem to have it in for him, but what he did was fucking stupid and petulant. Right under the nose of the linesman as well, what did he expect? I know he's talented, but when there seems to be such a real team spirit around our squad for the first time in years, we don't need players like that.
  12. Good luck to him. TBH I don't think we've ever got the most out of him and I'm sure he could do a job for any team in the country and possibly even shine a lot more depending on the blend of the midfield he plays in. I'm not sure if coming in and out of the team has helped him much this season, but he's definitely gone off the boil and I think there's others who can do just as good a job as him now.
  13. I'm not offended by it, but it just confirms that he's an odious little cunt who really doesn't deserve any attention. Doing something like that was just stupid, but its not surprising given his past behaviour. I just think its such a stupid thing to do in the circumstances and am not surprised either by Celtic just laughing it off.
  14. That sounds like the worst deal ever! FWIW I still rate Smith and I think given some freedom and being played in the right position, especially for a club like us who he likes, he could do a good job. But the way Cuellar is playing and attracting attention form England, even just in terms of his profile as a player, is similar to how Hutton was being talked-up earlier in the season. If he finishes the season strongly, then I'd have thought his value wouldn't be far off 10M.
  15. O'Connor to Ibrox is up there with Fowler and Smith rumours. Every single transfer window....
  16. The full ramifications will be that Celtic fans and players will be moaning their tits off about it for days, weeks and months if we win the title.
  17. That kit you posted Frankie reminds me of a fairly recent one. Was it the home top we wore when DA first arrived maybe?
  18. Don't know about paranoid, more like fucking sick of it. Its been mentioned a couple of times by bitter players and then latched on to by various people when they can't find anything to criticise about us, usually in defeat. Walter is just playing to our strengths while accepting our limitations. He's rebuilt that squad to an amazing degree in a really short time. I think its a poor indictment of some teams if they can't break our system down considering we've been playing the same sort of setup all season.
  19. I can't see Gordon coming back to Scotland tbh. I think we missed our chance to buy him over the last few seasons.
  20. ascender


    Great news for Cuellar and richly deserved. Good to see him talking us up as well.
  21. Carlos is in the paper this morning saying he wants to play for us as long as possible and he's very happy here. Boyd recently said the same. But its getting close to the end of the season so its going to be the silly season for rumours soon.
  22. Its not surprising that these guys are being linked with other clubs, but in some respects, that's a good thing as it wasn't like this for us in recent times. There seems to be a real team spirit about the place just now, so hopefully none of those players are in a rush to leave, particularly as they all have age on their side. I'm afraid I'm one of those who has accepted that we're a selling club. So long as we're playing in the SPL, I think that's just something we have to live with although if we continue to do well on the pitch and in Europe, it all helps to raise the profile of the club and also swell the coffers a bit too.
  23. Great news to see him back in the first XI.
  24. Walter would never give in to public pressure to do something, I think we all know that. I just think we have a lack of quality in key positions. He's made us hard to beat and that means we can grind out results, especially in the SPL where we inevitably still create a lot of chances, even against teams who set themselves up very defensively. But I think we're badly missing a couple of special players who can turn games for us when things aren't going well or "grab a game by the scruff of its neck". Before the United game, someone said that WS might try a 4-4-2 because the 4-1-4-1 never worked in the CIS Cup Final. Well, he did, but it never worked either and we've discussed various reasons for that already on here. As for Whittaker, his preferred position at Hibs was RM, but he could play at RB if required and worked well going forward with an attacking RB/WB as he could cover for them and vice versa. He's still a young player though and could do with a run of games in the side which will only benefit him. Not to mention the backing of all the fans as I get the impression from forums that he's another easy target for criticism. Just like Kevin Thomson was earlier in the season.
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