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Everything posted by ascender

  1. I think Broadfoot has genuinely done well at RB considering everything that's stacked against him. But when Hutton left, we often still played as if he was still in the side, which was just baffling as Broadfoot is simply nowhere hear as good as AH had become going forward. I know some people will say that not buying a replacement for Hutton may cost us the title, but I think that if we'd put Whittaker at RB as soon as AH left and given him time to settle in to that role, that would have been a much better option than playing KB there. Davie Weir went through a bit of a rough patch at one point and looked really tired. I thought we needed to drop him, but he came through that and along with Cuellar has been amazing and has held the team together at times. He's also a model professional and I've been impressed with his attitude both on and off the park. I think someone like that should be added to our coaching staff tbh, even if its just as a specific defensive coach to try and improve our other and younger CBs. As for using the squad, there's been a strange sense of deja vu for me. Firstly, I know I'm not a professional footballer or manager and this is just my humble opinion. But at times this season there's been some really strange decisions which have just baffled me and I can't see any reason for them when there's been better alternatives available. On the other hand, we all knew what WS would bring to the club and while there's no doubt he's improved tactically since he was last here, some of his old foibles are still there for all to see. The biggest one being his reluctance to use certain players, to the point where he'll play others out of position or when they're knackered, rather than giving others a chance. Sorry, but I genuinely think that guys like Buffel, Gow, Webster (if he's been fit) and Boyd, could do a job for us in the SPL against most of the other teams. The SPL is our bread and butter and while we've probably been surprised by how well we've done this season, for me, the league was there for the taking and we may throw it away because of a stubbornness to stick with negative tactics and not change some players around. What sort of message does it send out to our other strikers when Cousin continues to feature in the first XI ahead of them, no matter how poorly he plays in the previous match or how he behaves on the park? Its another strange one for me which doesn't make any sense. We have had some bad luck with injuries again, but part of the problem has been that when players are injured, because he's not given others a run-out, our options to replace them become more limited. And if Ferguson is playing yet another season while going "through the pain barrier" then surely we should be looking to replace him? Its the same excuse every season as to why he's only on form for half our games. Yes, he's got a certain talismanic quality, where we seem to play better with him in the side, but at many times this year, like recent years, he's been a passenger. I'm not calling for WS to leave or anything like that, but I am concerned that we may have just handed the league to Celtic on a plate. I also don't understand why he's become the latest manager to ignore certain massive and obvious failings in our squad, like the lack of creativity in the middle of the park. We've stumbled from one game to the next at times and struggled to beat some incredibly poor teams this year. Teams we should be taking 3 or 4 goals off, we've somehow flattered them and made them look good. And how we've let teams like Dundee United play football against us when we've had 2 or sometimes 3 defensive midfielders in our starting XI, I'll never know. Maybe attack is the best form of defence and we should have more faith that one holding midfielder is enough in the SPL. In another thread, the PLG time was brought up and we were asked "can we not see the difference" between now and then. Of course we can. We have a much better defence and have been grinding out results at times. But in the other areas of the park, we've looked just as gutless, toothless and bereft of ideas as we did under the Frenchman. Playing continual high-balls in to the opponent's box only works when you have a target man. Unfortunately, Mark Hateley left some time ago and I think someone needs to point that out to WS. So here we are, looking at another Helicopter Sunday, when in reality, we should have and could have, had the league tied up by now. I just hope that when we're chasing goals against St Mirren, if we bring in guys like Boyd and play Novo up front, they're not villified if they don't take all their chances. Because its not going to be our players fault if we suddenly change the system and ask people to come in and look the finished article when they haven't played much in the last couple of months.
  2. So how did we play today and who was playing for us?
  3. Thought I'd start a new thread about this as they're bound to start happening soon and in fact, have started already, with one of those which just won't go away. No, its not Robbie Fowler or Alan Smith, but that Kenny Miller story just won't go away. Apparently he's going to be our first signing of the summer according to the Sun. Which normally I wouldn't put any stock in, but this story has been around for months and months. Any other rumours yet?
  4. Just got up and was surprised to read the two lead articles on it in the Record today. Very surprised tbh.
  5. I think what he's achieved while being halfway through a rebuilding exercise has been phenomenal to be honest. Last night though I did kind of hope that he'd have just gone 4-4-2 and gone for it. There was absolutely nothing to lose, but at the same time, why change something that's worked so well? Our shortcomings in the squad are clear to everyone, but hopefully that'll be more than rectified in the summer given the successful season we've had and the bonus revenue coming in. The SPL is there for the taking, hopefully last night will make the guys even more determined to win it now.
  6. That's awful news to wake up to and no mention of it on the radio this morning. RIP.
  7. Thanks for the offer Craig, that was good of you. I managed to keep refreshing the BBC thread. Still here and waiting for blood results. Has there been much trouble???
  8. This is excruciating relying on the Beeb's text stream. Sounds like we're relying on our boys at the back as usual.
  9. There's going to be a long wait for a doctor. Noooooooooooooooooooo...
  10. Posting this from my iPhone in the hospital waiting room. Triage said my wife had to come in, nothing serious, but they wanted to see her NOW. She didn't take kindly to my suggestion that she driver herself... Just as well I hadn't started drinking yet. So anyway, I've gone from having a ticket to planning to watch it on Sky, to now planning to use the Beeb's text commentary!
  11. So excited and yet so nervous.
  12. I see the Times have a link to a big match special on there you can download. Anyone had a look at it yet?
  13. Have a great time guys
  14. I'm halfway through responding Jon, but am trying to fit it in amongst getting hassle from the customer. Balls. I'll just send you what I've got so far, give me 5 mins.
  15. * scratches head and trys to think of anyone in our team under the age of 33, never mind 23 *
  16. Quick question..... what age counts as a Young Player these days?
  17. He'd be a low-risk buy, so definitely worth a punt. The only problem is that unless our midfield lineup and system changes next season, I don't think we'll be getting the most out of him.
  18. ascender


    Like I said in the match thread, I think he's a petulant, moody f*** who doesn't deserve to wear the blue shirt. For all the flashes of talent he's shown, he's not even done anything of note from open play in ages. It must be a real kick in the teeth for any of our other strikers to be left on the bench behind him, especially after his headbutt against Fiorentina.
  19. Aw shucks, you guys..... Yes, embarrassed might about cover it I'll add to the cheese-fest and just say that I just did what I thought any other Bear would do. I was well aware of the crazy prices people were willing to pay on eBay for them, but that's not really fair is it, especially when its your own getting ripped off for them. Anyway, nothing to see here, let's all move on!
  20. Sorry, forgot about this and haven't been online much. I'll get it looked at today
  21. King Carlos for me as well! Boyd didn't look interested at all last night, but I still think with decent service he'll score for fun in the SPL. Any half decent striker playing up front for us should be able to do that given the number of chances per game we historically create. Problem is, we're not creating enough of those chances any more. I thought when Davis came in, he'd be putting more of those balls through for the strikers to run on to, like he did for Boyd's offside goal last night, but he doesn't seem to be doing it enough. I also don't think any of our strikers are the complete article we need to be building a strike force around. They all have their fair share of limitations IMO and we should be looking to bring someone in as a priority in the summer. Its a strange one with Boyd, because often when he doesn't play and we're chasing a goal, we finally start to get some good cross balls in to the 6 yard box, but there's no-one there to finish. Novo is the most likely to be there, but, while he's improved again this season, his lack of composure is still there for all to see which means he's never going to be able to move his game on to the next level. Gifted though Cousin is, he flatters to deceive most of the time and while you get a lot of workrate from JCD, he also lacks the end product. I just don't think we're being positive enough in games and not having a settled strike pairing isn't helping anyone either. But hopefully we can get by with what we've got and the great team spirit which is very much in evidence now. You're right Calscot, McCulloch at least seemed willing to shoot from outside of the box, which is something else we've lacked for years.
  22. Like others have said, its all complete bollocks. The SPL could have and should have been looking at this thing months ago following the various games which were postponed and the fact we're still in Europe after Christmas. Its basic risk management and common sense not being used by guys who will no doubt be on big fat salaries. Total nonsense.
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