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Everything posted by ascender

  1. I think we've got the basis of a very good squad provided we sign the right players. But this season we've thrown the league away when we could have won it with games to spare. Regardless of everything that's gone against us and for them, we should have won it. I really believe that had WS introduced some of the fringe players at the turn of the year and freshened things up, we wouldn't have dropped so many points in the SPL. We all know that the SPL is probably the only league in the world where coming second is seen as a real failure. But I bet on Walter's plan he had in mind when he took over, we're still ahead of schedule.
  2. ascender


    Why don't we choose it for him
  3. I thought Chelsea got what they deserved tbh. Their constant moaning and harrassing the referee all season has been really tiresome to watch and its just petulance of the highest order. I thought it was a surprisingly good game though.
  4. This season has shown up the leaders of the SPL to be the bunch of bumbling and bungling buffoons that we all suspected we were. Its also a bit of a shame that their shortcomings were highlighted under such tragic circumstances. If I was a chairman of an SPL club, I'd be moving for a vote of no confidence or resign from the SPL and just get a new body in place for next year, bigger league maybe and drop the split. Its a joke this top division.
  5. Very, very well done Its the full version of the one which was on at half time tonight, I meant to post it yesterday after my mate was raving about it. Clicky
  6. I thought he'd already signed for someone too. I guess not!
  7. Lovenkrands played through the middle was a revelation at times. He really didn't look interested as a left winger though, but I'm guessing we've learned that lesson. I wonder if he will sign or if its just one of those constant rumours due to his Scottish connections? Does he not still own a house here or is going out with a Scottish girl or something? I still think we'll regret it if we get rid of Boyd. Even if all he does is score against the "small/pish" SPL teams, considering we're struggling to beat some of those teams at the moment, I'd hold on to him an try to make better use of him.
  8. It'll be part of the deal when we sell them Carlos
  9. Lee Wallace from Hearts is mentioned in a couple of papers today. Clicky
  10. It is difficult to question WS' judgement when you look at the obvious improvements in the squad he's made. Much of that has been achieved by signing players he's worked with in the past and knows well. Personally I don't care if we sign Miller If he gives 100% for the club and fits in to the system that WS is going to play, then so be it. That said, if you look at FF and the reaction every time his name is mentioned, its an eye-opener to say the least. But remember that many of these fans are the ones who threatened to burn their season tickets when Dailly was linked, only to be singing his praises after a few games. I guess we're a fickle bunch. Signing Miller would suggest to me that Cousin is definitely on his way out, so would that be a fair swap? Like I've said before, I don't think the problem is necessarily up front. The key to getting the most from our strikers, no matter which system we play, is signing some properly creative and attacking midfielders. In the SPL, any of our forwards should be more than capable of scoring 20+ goals a season if we get back to creating a lot of good chances for them. Europe is another thing altogether, but unless we get serious money and can attract a very good, all-round striker to lead the line, we're going to have another season of playing to our strengths instead of attacking and flair play.
  11. There's been some pictures from the funeral put up on the Tartan Army board, very moving and definitely puts many things in to perspective. http://taboard.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=75819
  12. 12 months out? That's awful for him.
  13. Do you want me to do the Aberdeen game? Should have some time tonight. I'll promise not to moan too much in it...
  14. I think Klasnic has signed for someone else unfortunately.
  15. So what's this Mark Reynolds guy like who we're being linked with this morning?
  16. Apparently the story is rubbish according to the news this morning, but has it not been rumoured for well over a year now? No smoke without fire and all that. Although the other thing is that his agent is apparently friendly with the Inter chairman, so maybe its a case of 2+2 = 5.
  17. Yes, its game over for the league IMO, barring a minor miracle. All we can do is go out and win our game on Thursday and hope that the other mob mess up, but I really can't see it. Even if they're struggling, they'll no doubt get a 95th minute penalty or something. Its a real shame how this season's ending after all the promise and expectation we had only a couple of weeks ago.
  18. Regarding Owen, I'm surprised Man Yoo have never taken a gamble on him.
  19. LOL! Sorry, but that made me nearly spit my water out all over the keyboard. Well done Alan
  20. Do we not have any wide players in the reserves?
  21. Maybe its more that WS is reluctant to change personnel when things clearly aren't working and we just stick with the same formation and the long ball game? We saw earlier in the season that the 4-5-1 can be quite attacking depending on who you play in the wide midfield positions. While we've struggled with some injuries, I think we've remained overly defensive at times when we should have changed it. But that's easy to say with hindsight.
  22. ascender

    Kris Boyd

    Quite a few people on here said Boyd would have a big part to play in the title run-in about 4 or 5 games ago. So far he's not, so I'm not sure if that'll change. And like I said in another thread, its a bit unfair to ask him to come in now and expect great things of him when he hasn't played much. Its also interesting that a common argument against Boyd is that we've won nothing with him in the team since he joined us. And yet here we are with an uphill battle for the title having not played him much at all. Don't get me wrong, I'd still start him, but I hope he doesn't become a scapegoat.
  23. I agree, Broadfoot's foul throws were disgraceful and why not give Lowing a go at RB? The thing I like about KB is that at least he doesn't hide in games and keeps on trying. But he's in no shape or form a RB. The striker thing is strange. I was a big fan of Boyd but grew to realise his limitations. Thing is, we don't have a complete, all-round striker or even a good target-man. So I'd have thought we would get more from matches by playing a combination of our forwards and in the SPL especially, stick Boyd in there so at least we have someone in the 6 yard box to take those sort of chances. Many times this season we've been chasing a game, finally get some good balls in to the box and there's no one near the goal to try and turn it in.
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