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Everything posted by ascender

  1. The McGregor thing just won't go away, its one of those stories which has been around for ages now. 9M is a hell of a lot of money for a keeper who many fans never wanted to be the number 1 and were slating at the start of the season. He's had a turnaround of Hutton-like proportions. I think his case is slightly different to AH though. You could conceivably build a team around AM, assuming he was happy to stay, with him as our keeper for the next 8 years or so. So maybe taking 9M for him now is even more short sighted than taking it for an outfield player. I think Alexander has done well as a deputy, but has been prone to the odd rush of blood to the head and he doesn't seem as solid a shot stopper as McGregor. Has he got what it takes to be our new number 1? I'm not so sure, but on the other hand, keepers thrive on confidence and starting as our first choice keeper first season with a settled back 4 in front of him might be just what he needs to raise his game to the next level. The other thing is, if we got 9M for AM, would WS get any or all of that to reinvest?
  2. We could never afford his wages surely? I think he'd be a great signing, but just can't see it happening. Surely out there though, amongst all these multi-millionaire Premiership players, there must be a few who have made more than enough money and would come up here just for a new challenge?
  3. I can't believe there's another club in the running for Cousin. Great stuff. Although if the rumours about the transfer fee are to be believe, then we're only going to be getting 500K or so for him towards a new player.
  4. Check out Sebo's website today, that's a nice touch IMO. Clicky
  5. His agent has said today that he's happy at Villa. Someone on FF (I think) posted this up before the papers got wind of it and when interviewed on Scotland duty he said he'd come back to Scotland at some point.
  6. Yip. And I think 99% of Gers fans decided in his first season that he and Ferguson just couldn't play together in the same midfield for various reasons. Has much changed since then? I think he's maybe the most comfortable player on the ball that we have, but I've never thought we've got the most out of him tbh.
  7. I'd agree with that. None of our current strikers are an all-round, complete forward, so I think we need to look at a settled front pairing who will complement each other next season. I'd also like to see us trying to give a partnership some time to work rather than chopping and changing things, which doesn't help anyone.
  8. Maybe he'll prosper when he has a hard working player (did someone say Kenny Miller?) alongside him to do the grafting?
  9. Daily Record still expect the Miller deal to go through, possibly within days. According to them, we've two problems this transfer window. The first one being our wage cap of approximately �£25,000 a week. And secondly, they don't think WS is going to see much of the 20M or so that we've brought in since last summer.
  10. I think Maloney could do a real job for us and it was mentioned on FF that we were interested at the start of last week I think. But of course now Celtic are interested our job is more difficult I guess.
  11. The Record has Lovenkrands saying we'd be his first choice club if he left, Davis as being desperate to stay and also the Adam Johnson one.
  12. Frankie, any chance of changing the banner to something respectful with a black background? I'll try to pick up some black armbands and we can have a day of mourning. But better get it done quick before our day of celebration when that imposter Cousin leaves.
  13. And its official, the big guy has gone. http://www.rangers.premiumtv.co.uk/page/News/NewsDetail/0,,5~1320943,00.html :cheers: All the best.
  14. Result. I think if Buffel leaves as well, we might have to chip in to get a grief counsellor for Gribz.
  15. I really rated Webster at Hearts and was disappointed when we pulled out of the running for him. I think we bid 1.1M or thereabouts but Romanov wanted way more than that at the time. If he can prove his fitness, then I think he'd be worth a go alongside Cuellar. It could be a tremendous bit of business given how much he'd probably cost us and his potential. But there's no doubt its a risk.
  16. When this was mentioned on FF, a few posters still say its a done deal and this is just smoke and mirrors until the transfer window opens and it can be announced.
  17. So either him or his agent are lying. Don't you love the silly season on the transfer rumours.
  18. Lol I love watching Youtube clips of potential signings. Remember how good Seb looked on the web?!
  19. What do people think about the RST commenting on possible signings? I'm not really sure that this is what they should be doing and even less so given the beating our Bears have taken since Manchester. The view of fans about Miller is pretty unimportant IMO given what's happened. Was this statement put out by the RST or were they asked to comment on the Miller signing?
  20. I actually think Weir could still do a job for us. He went through a bit of a shaky spell at one point mid-season when it looked like his lack of speed was costing us dearly and he made quite a few mistakes. But since then, he's been back to his best and one of our most consistent players tbh. He's also showed that he's incredibly fit and hasn't looked tired when I've seen him play recently. Unless we signed someone better than him, I wouldn't have been worried about him and Cuellar at the back again and sorting out our full back positions would be more of a priority for me.
  21. Straight from the horses mouth so to speak..... Apparently there's a release clause in his contract of 1.6M and negotiations with Derby are ongoing.
  22. I still think top priority is a creative midfielder, but it has been for about 5 years now, so maybe we'll just sign three more CBs instead.
  23. If Weir, Dailly & Webster all leave, then I guess there could be some truth in the Shittu rumour. Also a couple of places seem to be saying WS will have "limited transfer funds" which would be most disappointing given the season we've just been through. When does the transfer window open anyway?
  24. ascender

    Steven Davis

    So Ferguson was playing through the pain barrier for us this season and that's the reason for his poor form? Never mind, with a proper rest over the summer and maybe an op, he'll be back to his best for next season. Sounds like every other season since we re-signed him from Blackburn tbh. So cynical I am....
  25. ascender

    Steven Davis

    I think he's worth keeping, particularly if we can get shot of Cousin as part of the deal. But we need to make more of him next season and shake up our midfield a bit.
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