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Everything posted by ascender

  1. According to a few places he's agreed personal terms today and passed the medical.
  2. Yes, I emailed them through the website and haven't had anythign back yet. The sharesave scheme was as much of an incentive to join this as anything else the trust did or hoped to do to be honest. Bit disappointing how its all turning out really and while I know its not "game over" yet, none of the way recent events have been handled gives me much confidence about the Trust any more.
  3. I've still had no answer to my email about what's going on. Does anyone know where we stand in terms of the sharesave scheme and what the options are?
  4. Tha's the thing, we really missed Hutton's attacking input on the right after he left. So maybe the lack of new wingers isn't a bad thing if we can get the full backs sorted. Maybe Whittaker deserves a run on the right?
  5. So either our transfer budget is a good bit more than 6M, or WS is banking on getting some money back in for guys like Cousin, JCD, Buffel & Hemdani.
  6. Sorry, 10 years too late and we wouldn't (and shouldn't) pay his wages.
  7. Our improved Lafferty bid apparently includes Gow going in exchange. If Cousin & JCD go, then maybe we don't have too many strikers assuming we're going to be playing a 4-4-2 in domestic games. Novo still seems to make more of an impact from the right side and Naismith is out for months yet, so maybe there's method to Wattie's madness after all. That would give us two from: Boyd Velicka Lafferty Miller Even though Fulham have pulled out of the Cousin deal, I'd have thought his agent will find him a club somewhere so that he gets his cut from it. Money for JCD would be too good to turn down IMO as his hamstrings are clearly shot and that's no use when you're that sort of a player.
  8. BBC Scotland reckon we've now bid 3M for Lafferty. So depending on how things go, we'll line up one of two ways next season. _________________McGregor_______________ Broadfoot______Weir_____Cuellar_______Papac Whittaker_____Webster______Wilkie_____Smith _____________Reynolds______Cousin_________ or _________________McGregor_________________ Broadfoot______Boyd________Fleck_______Miller Novo______Velicka_________Lafferty______Buffel _____________Darcheville______Cousin_________
  9. Its definitely silly season, so I have no problem with the various rumours going around, particularly as many will come to nothing except maybe getting players at other clubs improved contracts. I kind of wish I could just block out all the news feeds and stuff until the start of the season though as its already getting tiresome. Regardless of who we sign, its funny to hear lots of fans complaining about the sort of players we're being linked with. While I can kind of see the point that only signing players from other SPL clubs isn't the answer, if you think back to the season just past, lots of these crap SPL players often played our lot of the park at times. So they can't be as bad as we like to think can they?
  10. If the rumours regarding the Cousin fee are true, it won't make much difference to our transfer kitty anyway thankfully.
  11. Balls. Fulham don't want Cousin any more so its cash only for Davis.
  12. Totally agree. There was a telling poll on FF a couple of weeks back when we were linked with McGeady, one of those "do you want him" and many of the replies were along the lines of "no, because he's a Tim, we don't want him or Miller" etc.
  13. Because he plays in the SPL. Quite a few in the media have commented this season how he'd definitely improve the Spain side, but until he moves on, he'll struggle to get a chance. All he can do is help to get us to the CL next season and hopefully show enough to get a call-up for a B game or friendly and then take it from there.
  14. I thought Miller always thumped his chest when he scored, regardless of what team he was playing for at the time? Personally I think its a fairly low risk signing in that WS knows exactly what he's getting for his money, which also isn't much in today's terms. I've seen a lot of criticism about his goals to games ratio, but that doesn't tell the whole story. And its strange to see that stat trotted out when the same fans are then saying Boyd is lazy and we need players like JCD who will run themselves in to the ground for 90 minutes to open up space, drag defenders out of position etc for their fellow striker. A wee bit of me thinks the reason most people don't want Miller is just because he's played for Celtic, pure & simple. The other reason is just an excuse to hide behind. If we accept that he's a fairly similar player in terms of style to JCD and Cousin, then surely he's a good buy? He's not injury-prone like JCD and he's not a moody git like Cousin, so hopefully we'll get more from him. I don't think our forward line is where we have problems really. If we sort out the midfield then I think any of our strikers will prosper this season.
  15. He's certainly saying the right things.
  16. Which manager first tried Gio as a LB or wing back more accurately? I seem to remember he was very unhappy when he was first asked to play that position, but he's since made it his preferred role. Was it Wenger?
  17. According to the radio he's now at Murray Park and will be unveiled shortly.
  18. I'd be gutted and very angry if Thomson, Cuellar or McGregor left this close season and when coupled with the Miller signing would be interesting to see if it woke up any of the pro-Murray brigade to what's going on here. As for JCD, its been mentioned a few times that he could go if an offer came in and given his fitness problems, maybe he wouldn't be a great loss?
  19. FF are saying that the Scottish Sun has an interview with Miller and he'll sign today.
  20. You'll never guess who Alan McGregor's agent is.....
  21. Ah OK, I knew there was something lined up. Would it not have been normal to have called an EGM in the circumstances, maybe after resignation number 3 or therabouts? Any way, I'm assuming we can expect an update today from the Trust whether its a press release or an email to members? Or am I expecting too much?
  22. I've just read the response on FF and I'm a bit disappointed by it tbh. Any attempts to find out what are going on seem to be getting brushed under the carpet. Which is fair enough if we say that the RST shouldn't be posting stuff on other websites about their affairs. But the Trust can't have it both ways can they and use sites like FF when it suits them? I basically just want to know what's going on. A third of board members don't all choose to resign within days of each other for no reason. Or maybe they do and the Trust is about to step up a gear and that would call for more time. The cynic in me would suggest that these members didn't agree with the direction the Trust was going and decided to vote with their feet. The Record piece is being blamed for de-stabilising the Trust, but IMO they've more than done that themselves with their silence since the resignations started. There was an EGM last night wasn't there? So are Trust members going to get an email today explaining what's going on?
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