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Everything posted by ascender

  1. The problem is we didn't have one who was fit apart from Itten who wasn't named in the squad. So you end up playing someone in a "false 9" role but even then, that player should be a forward/striker. I guess Morelos or Roofe could do that to create space for the other one, draw defenders out of position etc.
  2. Based on what we saw, I agree. Even if Roofe had been fit to start, I think we'd have scored at least one more goal last night.
  3. Goldson has been a brilliant servant to the club but its time to move on. No way McGregor should be anything other than backup next season if he stays, but I think he should retire graciously, its just a shame it isn't with a Europa League winners medal. Aribo suffered by being played out of position last night, but he's also not been as consistent across the season for someone so gifted. But you could say the same of Ryan Kent too. Kamara hasn't had a great season by his standards either, but he's also been played out of position. If we get decent offers, I'd take the money for Aribo and Kamara and a couple of others if it means we can fund a rebuild. I'm hoping the run to the final has all freed up some more funds. Like @der Berliner says, I think think we need to shake things up a bit and try to address some of the issues we've seen over the last 3-4 years under SG and to a lesser extent Gio. We definitely need to sign a first choice striker to play alongside Morelos (or instead of him); sort out the midfield in the SPL - we don't need to be as defensive as we have been... and sort out CB/GK - a more solid spine to the defence should help give the midfield more confidence to get forward maybe. We still seem reticent to shoot from outside the area in the SPL and while I don't think its as bad as when SG first came, we often get in to what seems like a really good position to have a shot or play someone in, before turning back to retain possession and recycle the ball, start again.
  4. He's very one-footed and sometimes gets the ball caught under his feet due to that or just seemingly not knowing what to do (he can be a bit indecisive with high balls too). But maybe its my old-school football training which always taught me that if in doubt, just clear your lines.
  5. Its hard not to think that given how many trophies we've not won over the last what, 3/4 years? And I've had that same thought, even going so far as to suggest that us persisting with the same group of core players season to season has been a mistake - regardless of how some of them have improved, we seem to be making some of the same mistakes and weaknesses time and time again, season to season, even under different managers. I think like Rousseau says, we all think that the squad is better on paper than than the trophy count would suggest, so what's the issue? Maybe this summer, with the expected turnaround in players will let us move on and start a new phase under Gio. If we can get good money-in for a few players, I don't think there's anybody I'd be gutted to see us lose tbh. Feels like we need a bit of a fresh start.
  6. Absolutely fucking gutted. Am definitely proud of the team, but its hard not to be disappointed as we'll never get a better chance to win a European trophy. Looking back on it, that was a terrible goal to lose, but we've had that sort of mistake in us all season unfortunately. Its down to those two moments, Goldson not putting the ball in to row z and Kent's miss. Penalties are always a lottery, we should have had the game won by then. Roofe can't have been fit or I'm sure he'd have started, despite Gio saying he always knew that team would start. Morelos would have had a great time with that defence. We've been unlucky with our injuries this year.
  7. Definitely still has a part of play for us, I think it makes sense for another 12 months.
  8. A great piece of business, hopefully we'll see a lot more of him in the first team next season.
  9. Really hoping this is true. You have to think that even if he's not quite fully fit, playing him is a gamble worth taking given what's at stake.
  10. I had that exact thought yesterday because I'm 47 now and some of my earliest memories & newspaper cuttings have Jimmy around driving the bus and definitely not looking like he was only 10 years old than I was as a boy. The amount of love and respect being shown to him by current & ex players on social media says it all.
  11. What a shock, awful news, will be missed by everyone with any sort of affection for the club. RIP. Thoughts are with his friends and family.
  12. I think we'd have all taken that result given the injuries. If we play to our best next week, we have more than enough to beat them. McGregor still gives me the fear though!
  13. Peak Rangers isn't it? Always seems to happen to us and we all thought we were light in striking options since the start of the season but nothing happened about it. Andrew Caskie just posted this on Twitter actually... Rangers Injuries 21/22: Helander (32 Games Missed) Balogun (9 Games Missed) Jack (29 Games Missed) Davis (11 Games Missed) Ofoborh (Full Season Missed) Hagi (25 Games Missed) Kent (10 Games Missed) Morelos (5 Games Missed + Rest of Season) Roofe (4 Games Missed +Current Injury)
  14. They're just pandering to their support with stuff like that, but its also symptomatic of the total lack of respect they have for us.... unless there's a few £££ in it for them.
  15. Ya dancer! What an end to the game. Take a bow Calvin Bassey! What a ball in to the box and what a run so late in the game.
  16. About time... but why leave it so late? And why start so many of those who played Thursday?
  17. That’s a good result under the circumstances, we can have that team next week. Still baffled by some of Gio’s decisions though.
  18. ascender

    Next Season

    That's exactly what I'd do - sell those four & Tav - to fund a rebuild and reduce the wage bill. Having sold Patterson, we should be able to reinvest the majority of that back in to the playing side whilst putting some in to the bank so to speak. Could we do that all in one window given those others are retiring/moving-on? I suspect we could if we move quickly, but its a massive change to undertake and we also have some doubts about Ross Wilson's ability. (I realise this is a "Football Manager" type scenario where its not quite as easy to do this in real life!)
  19. ascender

    Next Season

    Part of why I think we've done well in Europe is because we're typically up against sides who try to play football so there's more space for us and it suits our style of play. But its also not an unreasonable question to ask if some of those players are raising their game for Europe (glamour ties, they get to express themselves, they're in the shop window etc) and just doing the absolute minimum in some of the league games. This is the time to have a clearout and you'd hope we could fund it by selling a few players who blow hot and cold. Look at what Celtic have spent this season as an example.
  20. ascender

    Next Season

    They won the league at a canter after building up a massive lead and not really being under pressure from anyone. Apart from in the cups, where they folded like a cheap deck of cards... again. Someone posted a points-per-game average for this season under Gio and SG. They're pretty similar which makes me think the players are the issue... Although Gio has not done a lot to convince me that he's the man for the job as there's going to be some tough decisions to be made. Am buzzing for the Braga game though, even without Alfie.
  21. ascender

    Next Season

    I see we're voting on VAR soon, surely that will come in and be a step in the right direction assuming the usual characters don't screw it up or try to do it on the cheap? As for Gio, if we give him a chance to have a proper transfer window to build his own team, I really hope he gets the funds to do it properly and have a real clearout of those players who've chucked it yet again. I guess that might come down to whether or not we get bids for Morelos, Kent, Aribo and Kamara?
  22. Yes, it was round about the time of Setanta wasn't it? Why do you say that @Bill? Nobody seems happy with the current TV deal so we should be trying to do something about it. I know its the "nobody likes us, we don't care attitude", but we're stuck in Scotland so need to box clever and try to make changes which will be of benefit to us and the game as a whole.
  23. Was there any analysis around how clubs did with generating income from fans on their own pay-per-view services during covid times? It seems online that fans of nearly every club think Sky do a shit job of Scottish coverage, so am surprised there's not been talk of an alternative "SPFL TV" idea.
  24. Out for the season? Of course he is... who saw that coming... FFS
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