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Everything posted by ascender

  1. Did I see the 5th June mentioned somewhere as a possible date for news, even though its a Saturday?
  2. Papac as first choice LB with Whittaker as first choice RB makes sense, but with Smith gone and Broadfoot appearing to be on his way, we need cover for at least the RB slot as SW can cover on the left. Unless of course we have a younger player ready to step up as cover this season.
  3. I'd already registered with the site for another WC predictor Frankie, do you want me to register another username with the GN prefix?
  4. I wondered when Riordan would be mentioned. * pulls up chair * This could get interesting
  5. I'd be so much happier if Lafferty was on the bench and we signed someone naturally suited to playing wide left. I'm hoping he proves me wrong in pre-season, but the prospect of him being a first XI player for me is quite scary.
  6. Just what I like to see, more expensive short-termism.
  7. Thanks for the reminder, have updated the original post
  8. Clue's definitely in the headline, "Darren Ambrose switch to QPR on the rocks after last-gasp stadium deal saves Crystal Palace from closure".
  9. Its certainly gone very quiet in the media about this, with seemingly nothing at all coming out now from the Ellis camp or those within the club determined to paint him as some sort of fantasist. Is this good news or does it just mean everyone's gone on their holi-bobs?
  10. So, its that time of the year again, who will stay and who will go? We've just had the end of the season and before pre-season we'll shortly be entering the silly season. The Sun has us interested in Tommy Smith, the Portsmouth striker. He only scored one in 16 last season, but was a promising under 21 player, albeit that was 10 years ago now. Apparently we're haggling over their valuation, but given the money troubles at both clubs you have to wonder if we're offering to pay them in bottles of ginger while they're holding out for a supply of Tunnocks tea cakes based on future performances. Its all gone quiet on the Lee Miller front and somewhat predictably, the usual papers are fawning over Celtic's (to be confirmed) management team and all their top signings. If this focus continues, I think it could work in our favour, with Walter and Ally quietly going about their business as usual. Maybe a few rules to keep the thread on track? I can't wield the ban-hammer myself, but I'm sure Frankie will give this his full support. Feel free to add to them First mention of Eillis = ban. First mention of Alan Smith, Tonel, Hreidarsson, Robbie Fowler or David Healy = ban. First person to suggest we don't need any new strikers because we have Lafferty gets a free bus ticket to the loony bin. Genuine transfer Latest Players IN: None Players OUT: Nacho Novo (Real Sporting de Gij�³n) Steven Smith (Norwich City) Out of contract: David Weir Kris Boyd Kirk Broadfoot DaMarcus Beasley
  11. I like the idea, but Fleck's best position is apparently behind the striker(s) and tbh, us relying on Lafferty as a starter again next season is worrying. I'd be happier with something along these lines. ________________McGregor____________ Whittaker___Bougherra_____Weir_____ Papac ________________Thomson__________ _____New signing/Edu__Davis____New signing ____________________Fleck________________ ________________Miller___________________
  12. TBH I'd like to see Fleck and Naismith both given a run in their preferred positions before we pass judgement on them. Naismith in particular has been playing out of position pretty much since we signed him. Could say the same for Lafferty, although when we signed him, WS said he wouldn't play him wide left as that's not his preferred position either, but that didn't last long. Even at the end of the season he had a tendency to drift out wide left. Even though Lafferty bagged a few good goals at the end of the season, he still has some way to go to convince me he's not the truly below average player we saw for most of the season. That said, I hope he proves me wrong.
  13. If the takeover goes through and Boyd stays, what will people find to talk about next season?
  14. Just playing devil's advocate here, but a constant theme amongst most Scottish fans is that we think the majority of our players would benefit from a spell playing with a club outside of the UK. So should Boyd be getting praised instead of criticised for considering a move to Turkey? TBH, no matter what Boyd does some supporters will criticise him, so I shouldn't be surprised to read some of the stuff online that's been posted about him, but he more than any other player has managed to show just how fickle our support can be at times. He's the best! He's the worst! He's a legend, he's beaten Henrik! He's working his ticket out of here. He's the best again! Get tae fuck Boyd. etc. We should have either offered him a new contract when his current one had 18-24 months to run and if he didn't sign, start listening to offers. Its not like the Bosman ruling has just come in to force or anything.
  15. Another player we were linked with who chose the dark side over us.
  16. Stories coming out last week reckoned WS had 5M to spend, can't remember if this was just on fees or also had to cover any increases in renewing contracts. But given Novo is off the wage bill and Boyd will probably follow, I'm guessing so.
  17. Worrying thing is we've been linked with him before, so there could well be some truth in it, or just lazy journalism.
  18. Football Manager 10 is bloody addictive alright.
  19. Might not be so cut and dry. From today's Sun (I know I know, but there's actual quotes from him):
  20. A couple of papers reporting today that the deal is off as Benitez has been told he needs to sell before he can buy as his budget for new players is very small, so he's not going to spend 5M on Wilson. Smith meanwhile is holding firm and saying that its a nonsense we would consider to let Wilson go for 3M when guys like Ramsey and Walcott go for much more while having less top team experience than Wilson. If the Liverpool switch doesn't happen and his contract runs down, what happens then? I'm assuming he can't leave on a free because of the rules surrounding young players, but will the fee just be a nominal one?
  21. Our esteemed chief scout is off to Norwich apparently. From the beeb: Could this be the best bit of business we do all summer? If there's one thing at Ibrox that's been in need of an overhaul for as long as I can remember, its our apparent lack of a good scouting network.
  22. To be fair though, we shouldn't be asking our CB to sprint down the wing and create goals! It was a sad indictment of our midfield at times last season where Bougherra would often be the one driving us forward and trying to create something for us.
  23. I know a few United season ticket holders and they all rate Webster very highly. They say he looks a class above the other players in the team, reads the game well and doesn't get ruffled. Every time I've seen him play he's really looked the part, so hopefully this season away has got his fitness sorted out and he'll be our first choice CB next season. We also have a good track record with signing CBs, so I'm not overly worried just now. Would have been good to keep Wilson, but he's obviously had his head turned by the lure of money. Bougherra was a strange one because often his body language and statements did indicate he was happy hear, certainly moreso than someone like Cousin who clearly couldn't wait to leave. But what's the point of having someone like him picking and choosing what games to play in. Shut it down folks and move on. 7M for him would be a great price and I'm assuming that would give WS more cash and also pay off some of the debt so is a no-brainer. I'd even take 5M tbh.
  24. Is he going for the money or to improve himself as a player or maybe just fancies a new challenge? Who knows. If he is going after learning Smith is staying on and a further improved contract, then it would appear to be for the money. But that's his perogative. We can't say that we wouldn't have won the last two titles without him, but he's clearly going to be difficult to replace. That said, assuming we get some more creativity and goals from our midfield for next season, we should be able to make up for his goals with Miller and a.n. other player up front surely? I'm a big Boyd fan, but I'm quite optimistic to see how we line up next season and if it means we change the way we play at all.
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