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Everything posted by ascender

  1. In recent times the level of the Championship varies to suit fans opinions of players and clubs in it, particualrly in relation to ours to be honest. Regardless of opinion of the club itself, the move does smack of a lack of ambition from Boyd no matter which way you spin it. Birmingham had a fantastic season and while some were slagging them off as a club for being relegation favourites etc, there was a feeling that McLeish was putting something special together. It could have been a great move for him imo. I know the Turkish thing was written off as being about the money, but at Boyd's age it could also have been the making of him, even if he just went out for a year or two, being exposed to a completely different culture on and off the pitch would have improved him. On the other hand, maybe Strachan has sold him on the club and the fact he could be playing in the Premier League next season, but the whole thing just seems to have played out like a really damp squib in the end compared to the opportunities he had and was rumoured to have.
  2. Sounds like common sense to me. I can't see us wasting money in wages or a fee for a centre half unless Wilson and Bougherra are going to leave. I know Walter has previous for signing too many defenders, but he's never had to operate under such a tight budget before so surely he won't make the same mistake again.
  3. Yeah, was thinking that. I also missed the good old "Messi has just bought a house in Easterhouse" type one.
  4. The Record are saying Ledley is back in Glasgow and that Celtic are favourites to sign him now.
  5. He's bloody good in football manager if that counts for anything
  6. He just needs to keep his head down on and off the park and get on with things, let his performances show that he's matured and how good he is. I thought some of his antics on the pitch were cringeworthy to be honest and if it was an opposition player diving around like that we'd be up in arms about him. I'd love for him to be a success and hopefully a run in the team up front will see some return from him, but some people have a short memory and have forgotten about just how poor he's been for us apart from some vital goals at the end of last season.
  7. Been mentioned by a couple of places today that a deal for Jose Goncalves is close to being done. I guess that means either Wilson and/or Bougherra are indeed going to be off, or of course Walter is back to his days of signing 23 centre halves.
  8. Sorry to hear that BD, RIP.
  9. Had to get some stuff from JJB today and the new tops are very nice indeed. Are there any plans for a non-sponsor version for adults?
  10. Wilson clearly wants to go and if Liverpool rate him, then Benitez leaving might not change his destination. I'd be happy to cash in on Bougherra too. Apart from the obvious financial bonus, he seemed to pick and choose when he wanted to play last season and dished up some of the usual nonsense we get from unhappy foreigners. Everyone I know who has watched Webster play in the SPL this season has been impressed, so I think he should start as first choice. So ideally, a new signing alongside him, with Weir acting as cover would do for me.
  11. JJB seem to be following the same policy unfortunately. I'm guessing a wee local sports shop will be your best bet. Policial correctness gone mad? I guess their concern will be that they could be printing something which looks innocuous but is actually very offensive, but even then, I can't see how on earth they'd be held to account for printing them up. Just a reflection of the blame culture society we live in these days I'm afraid.
  12. I think it's good that he's signed on again, assuming he's over his injury problems, he can be an important player for us and his attitude is spot on, not to mention the fact he doesn't hide in matches.
  13. They seem to be getting more strict with this unfortunately and instead of using some common sense, the new attitude seems to be to refuse to print anything other than actual names.
  14. Reports in the papers today saying his wage demands are ridiculous, apparently looking for 18K a week after tax? If that's true, then the lad is properly mental, but will no doubt get that from a Championship side.
  15. Just reading that statement, initial reaction is "is that it?" That shows how little respect he has for the fans if he thinks that's a suitable statement given the goings-on of the last few months. Disappointed, but not surprised.
  16. Can't believe I forgot to include Lovenkrands....
  17. This forum is a great example of how there can be reasoned and constructive debate about the club no matter who you are or what connections/leaning/feelings you have about subjects connected with the club. I'm sure there's some individuals on here and other forums who could get together and make a positive contribution to "something" going forward.
  18. It looks like no matter what happens on or off the park, it simply won't provide the spark or impetus for these groups to start working with each other and uniting the support. What appears to be needed is someone charismatic, strong of character with some good contacts and a lot of time on their hands to try and pull the current groups together, or possibly even start a new, neutral group going forward. I guess the problem is that there appears to be personal agendas at play in at least some of the groups out there, which has been plain for all to see over the last few months in particular. So there's the challenge of overcoming some big egos out there which are visible in the online community, uniting the various supporters groups and also reaching out to those fans who don't spend much time online, no matter what country they're based in. There's clearly a massive fan base out there, but I think they're too often forgotten about by those who just post online and see that as the majority (or most important/relevant?) of the supporters. I've said it before and I understand the irony coming from someone who had to give up their season ticket 5 years ago now, but if we can't pull together as one when things are this bad for the club, then there's no hope that we ever will. Mike.
  19. Just hope to raise a smile in these miserable times
  20. Surprised it's taken us this long to be linked with Goncalves tbh.
  21. Amazed that there's still supporters of Murray out there after the last few years.
  22. We're none the wiser though. Is it because Ellis didn't have the money? Is it because MIH is showing signs of recovery now so there's less pressure on SDM to sell? Is it because the continual down-sizing means there's reduced pressure from the bank and SDM is spying a chance to hold on to the club and get more money in a few years? Is it because Ellis was "unsuitable"? Did the talks just break down for some other reason?
  23. Fuck knows. Until someone makes a detailed statement, we really don't know what's gone on or what the plans are for the future. Still very depressing the way our club is being treated and I wonder just what it will take to get the support united as one and up on their feet to protest.
  24. Well done Wabash, you said this would happen and stuck to your guns in the face of much criticism. So, now the cat's out the bag can you reveal a bit more about what you know, how you found out etc?
  25. OK, so I was bored at work this afternoon. Here's a wee game for the summer, see how long it takes to get a full house this time round. Cheers, Mike.
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