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Everything posted by ascender

  1. I agree Calscot, given the number of season ticket holders, global appeal and the facilities we have, there must be potential to grow the club both on and off the pitch if we get an owner who is motivated enough and not going to make the same mistakes that SDM did.
  2. At least its a sign that something is happening and would appear to indicate that Whyte is serious. But until any deal with any party is concluded, I'm afraid everything is just pure speculation. I think its good that he's a Bear, that has to at least allay some of the fears about someone's motives for buying the club and even the Ellis connection might be easily explained if Ellis has got some capital ready to go on the back of his failed bid and they both have similar ideas about how to generate some money via the property angle.
  3. Nae chance. Apart from the fact they'd want a fee, he chose to leave despite us making him an offer to be one of our highest paid players. It wouldn't have been so bad if he'd gone to a Premiership team, but worse than that was the fact he could have left earlier and got us a fee knowing it would have come in handy while we're in financial dire straits. Even worse given that he's been a Gers fan all his life. Will be interesting to see who's willing to take a punt on him.
  4. Yeah, was about to say that Zappa. It could well be that there's some money available for a cheaper signing, loan deal or free agent etc.
  5. I've no idea how Webster still has a contract with us. Our defence does look more shaky, but I still think part of that problem is down to not having proper full backs. Its not as obvious in the SPL, but in every European match this season its stuck out like a sore thumb imo. I'd like to see us back to a traditional back line with guys playing on their preferred sides and in their right positions. That would be a good start
  6. I don't know Frankie, I think it depends on how much (if any) money WS gets to strengthen. I think our midfield is in more need of a new player with some energy and creativity than our defence needs another CB. I think we have more cover at CB if we sort out the full back positions as Papac can play in there too. I suppose all this isn't helped by Webster's situation either.
  7. "SPL in common sense shocker". Good for injuries, could be bad for fixture build-up although apparently this is going to be the worst of the winter weather.
  8. la la la la la, not listening...... We don't know anything. The papers don't know anything. They're just printing and regurgitating the same old stuff and its good to see that stand up guy "source" raising his head again. I'm only waiting for word from his friend "insider" before I crack open the champagne. It had all gone a bit quiet there for 10 days or so, just how I hope it stays until this either goes through or SDM chases them to the hills with a pitchfork.
  9. I see fans of other clubs are in the main, celebrating this, mainly due to controversial decisions given against their team in the past. While I can see their point on that, they seem to be missing the main one, that he's basically been the subject of a witch-hunt by Celtic. The SFA could have and should have handled this much more professionally, instead they've just rolled over and done Celtic's bidding.
  10. OK, so its not actually football related nor about the support, but its a start right? I'm just waiting for Celtic to find something to complain about.
  11. I still find myself wondering just how much they've spent since Strachan left to make very little progress. They must still be the only team in Scotland spending big on both wages and transfer fees, not to mention pay-offs and compensation having changed personnel so many times in the last couple of years. Since all this has been going on, most celtic fans I've spoken to have just been constantly going on about how we're going in to administration very soon and generally gloating over our financial restrictions, threadbare squad etc. If we can retain the title this season, it will be one of the sweetest ones ever.
  12. Man Yoo are about to sign a 23 year old Scandinavian keeper, so I can't see him going there. I've not heard about any interest from Arsenal although there were rumours they were interested in Gordon at one point, although Fabianski seems to be playing better than the other pair of clowns (not difficult). Maybe an offer from someone like Villa will force the hand of others who are interested, but I agree, I can see us taking anything over 5M although I think 7M should be the minimum. We just have to accept that our league is in the toilet along with our finances and that reflects on a player's value unfortunately.
  13. If only there was some sort of network of connected computers spanning the globe that people could use to share news with other countries or for research purposes. Hmmm.... If its genuinely true that the SFA thought they could lie to another association, that's a whole other massive bag of weasels and not just because it confirms they are indeed thick as shit. You couldn't make all this up.
  14. Its a ******* farce. Just sums up everything that's wrong with our football league, ruling bodies and the parochially minded fans that follow the game. Sick to the back teeth of the whole thing tbh.
  15. Nothing wrong with having a few leaders on the pitch and imo its something we've missed for a while. I think Weir's influence is there for all to see and while we're relying on some younger players, its good to have a few more experienced guys in the team. What's worrying is that his form seems to have dipped right off the scale after a very promising start to the season. I think Weiss was hooked because he was knackered and had been suffering cramp. There was no end product from him often, but that's the sort of player he is.
  16. I thought he had a great game and he's looking much more composed these days. A few times you could see he was looking for a more difficult than normal pass and I just thought "noooo!" but each time he'd pick out his man. Given his attitude off the park as well, maybe its time for Smith to use him more often.
  17. ascender


    I thought he had a shaky and nervous start, but after that looked very composed. He had some nice link-up play, a good touch and wasn't afraid to show himself and try to make things happen. I'd be disappointed (but not surprised) if he's dropped for the next game. I thought he did much more than McCulloch for example.
  18. Its an absolute farce and yet more evidence, as if any were needed, that the leadership of our game have no balls whatsoever.
  19. I'm with you Pete. Rangers 1 - 3 Man Yoo, after we take the lead and hit the post at least once.
  20. Its going to be a constant re-hashing of the very little info that's out there (already started) and snippets from various un-named sources, insiders etc, so that's not a bad idea at all rbr.
  21. Has anyone used a "It'll be a Whyte Christmas for Gers" yet?
  22. Great work Frankie, its looking great. We did this upgrade on a couple of forums recently and while it does take a while to get used to the new layout, there's some really good features available.
  23. I have to say it was nice to have an email this morning from the RST about this, but like many others, I refuse to get excited or even optimistic until its a done deal after the Ellis fiasco. The email from RST, short though it was, seemed pretty unequivocal in its wording - "that Craig Whyte has stepped forward and is buying Rangers FC." I guess we'll have to see what happens.
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