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Posts posted by ascender

  1. Can someone please summarise why Green is so bad for the club please? I must have missed something, but some of the abuse levelled towards him on other forums is incredible. I feel like I've missed some important info which is always possible, but when did Brown become the new messiah? Reading posts on here compared to other forums it's like people have been attending completely different meetings and reading different statements.


    What the hell is going on?

  2. Can someone please summarise why Green is so bad for the club please? I must have missed something, but some of the abuse levelled towards him on other forums is incredible. I feel like I've missed some important info which is always possible, but when did Brown become the new messiah? Reading posts on here compared to other forums it's like people have been attending completely different meetings and reading different statements.


    What the hell is going on?

  3. The only reason the SFA and SPL will be pushing for us to get in to division 1 is to prevent other clubs going out of business and sponsors pulling the plug on their deals. If the Clyde statement is to believed, some of the stuff said last night was absolutely shocking. How are these guys still in a job?

  4. I thought the new modern plague was use of the phrase "sporting integrity". After some of the goings-on of the last 5 years or so, I can't believe how its being bandied around when it comes to our situation.

  5. Agree entirely Craig. If Green is in it for the long haul (relatively speaking) then he needs to capitalise on the ill feeling towards us, create a siege mentality and kick on from here no matter what division we're in. A full Ibrox week in, week out, will help ensure passage back from division three is as smooth as it can possibly be.


    Problem is, there's still groups of Rangers supporters who don't want Green anywhere near the club, so he's going to struggle to unify the support.


    Maybe now that decisions are finally being made, Green will have a bit more to say on what his plans are.

  6. Remember we've also been blamed for making other clubs spend money they couldn't afford to try and match us in the past, so its no surprise we're being blamed for this one too.


    If there's no SPL, I'm guessing that's the last we'll hear from Doncaster on the situation as the SFL are a separate body? Not quite sure how it concerns him from here on in, he just needs to get his own house in order.

  7. I've got a healthy skepticism about that article, but remember, Green is in it for the money and whether he operates us as a going concern or wants a quick sell, the balance sheet is going to look a lot healthier if we're in the SPL rather than division 3.

  8. Do none of the chairmen realise just how perilous a state our game is in if they're even willing to consider that clubs could go out of business if Rangers aren't in the top flight? I mean, it's a long shot, but what if we actually got relegated one year, what then? Hang integrity and make up some rule to keep us in like they did with Aberdeen?


    Prejudice aside, this should be one massive wake up call for everyone connected with the game, but all they care about is hammering our club while trying not to lose too much money. It's not fixing the main problem this has highlighted.

  9. Thing is, I can see why some Div 1 clubs would be pisse off at us coming in although the introduction of playoffs and the fact we're rebuilding from scratch might soften the blow a bit.


    I'd still rather see us entering Div 3 and to be honest, I can't see any clubs there objecting as it would mean an injection of cash for all those teams which could set some of them up for years to come.

  10. I've said that a few times Craig... our leadership (no laughing at that term now) should be capitalising on the feeling amongst the Gers supporters and making the most of it. The last thing we want to do is lose momentum when we have a common goal/target in mind and the fans are all behind it.

  11. Actually, the more I think about it, the way to see just how importantly they view integrity would be to offer division one or division three as an option. Maybe clubs think if it's just one division without Rangers, their bank balances won't suffer too much as Celtic fans will be revelling in it, but then things return to normal next season.


    Division three on the other hand, could really see chairmen appear to swallow something hard and jagged at the thought. Sponsors might want to renegotiate, Sky certainly would, Celtic fans may love season one without competition, but after that? Especially when you consider some of their home and away gates this season just past.

  12. The game's a bogie. This whole affair has just shown up the Scottish game and it's supporters to be as small minded, bigoted and parochial as we always thought. There seem to be a few lone voices saying this in the media but they're not shouting very loud at the moment and the majority will shortly be celebrating when we're out of the spl. I suspect whatever happens, rangers will be blamed for the inevitable fallout, whenever it comes.

  13. Thing is, they'll want us demoted but also be trying to protect their own financial interests which Celtic aren't going to take kindly to I'd have thought. I'm still of the opinion that division three would be better if they're going it for "sporting integrity" reasons so they can see just how rosy the garden is without us, but I suspect it will be division 1 so they can have their cake and eat it.


    I don't see why any of this should be difficult from a logistics point of view though. All the governing bodies knew the few possible outcomes for us for months so should have been planning the different options through. Instead they're still doing their best headless chicken impression which is helping no-one.

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