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Everything posted by ascender

  1. A similar rumour seems to appear every couple of months or so unfortunately. I thought that the dual contract issue and tax case itself were completely separate, but some of the reporting seems to suggest otherwise?
  2. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.
  3. I thought it was widely understood that the SFA had no interest in removing Scottish Cups from us. It's the SPL who are gunning for us.
  4. So why did they to get money from coverage of our games if everything is so rosy? What a bunch of hypocrites. I hope there's organised boycotts of away games when we get back.
  5. How have we given up and how has Green capitulated? They were never just going to drop the investigation in to dual contracts, but they wanted us to give up our right to appeal. I could understand the reaction if we had done that, but it doesn't appear that we have unless I've missed something.
  6. About fecking time. And it doesn't say we've given up our right to appeal, so that's the main thing right?
  7. Of everything we've been accused of, this is the one I find the hardest to believe. Given how many people are involved in the registration of players and how they're all looking after and protecting their own interests, would this not have been flagged-up as being dodgy by someone (friend or foe) in the last 10 years? Given the small country we live in and the intense media focus on the Glasgow clubs, I don't see how this hasn't developed in to a massive story over the years with lots of evidence and ex players waiting to stick the boot in as not all have left on good terms. BUt there's been absolutely nothing apart from the ramblings of Hugh Adam and a heavily redacted letter on a sheet of A4 paper. No wonder we don't want to give up our right to appeal this as it above all else, stinks of an absolute stitch-up.
  8. There's some good questions and summaries in there today from Leggo.
  9. He's an agent so I assume he'll be assisting us in buying players and further down the line, selling players. We all know football people like to surround themselves with familiar people they've worked with before and its been mentioned before, so not sure how much of a story this is?
  10. We absolutely need to build on youth, but we also need some experience in there if we're going to climb back up through the divisions quickly. I don't have a problem with any of these sort of signings coming in to strengthen the squad, particularly as it shows now more than ever that they probably want to play for the jersey rather than coming here for the money.
  11. Does this mean another of the Charles Green myth's is laid to rest? That the last thing he wanted to do was to have us playing football this coming season so he could sell the assets and run away?
  12. So it sounds like a complete waste of time? I understand he may have to be cagey about anyone involved in his bid, but I don't understand the series of cryptic tweets and sound-bites about Green which, without proof, don't appear to be in the best interests of us putting this behind us and getting on with the rebuilding.
  13. Spl2 is a season away, so either they let us play in division three for a year or refuse our membership. Just making an spl2 isn't going to solve all the problems in our game and surely there's a few people whose positions are untenable after their behaviour in all of this?
  14. I wonder how long it will be before its a properly final decision and we can all move on?
  15. They want more sanctions to punish us but are making the massive gamble that we'll get promoted in one season regardless. That's why I could see there being truth in the embargo just being postponed for a while so it let's us get players in this summer but then will affect us when back in the SPL. So they want us back for financial reasons but don't necessarily want us to be successful. Just another reason we should be aiming for division 3 IMO.
  16. Thanks for clarifying, should have paid more attention! A report I read online earlier didn't put the quote in context at all so I guess I read here what I thought I'd read earlier.
  17. So Terry admits calling Ferdinand a f&cking black c@nt? How can he possibly justify that? Confused....
  18. The SPL should have had all these scenarios, rules and punishments detailed at the time of its creation. They are the only ones to blame for this mess. I can see why Dunfermline don't want to be relegated but they finished last and Rangers expulsion is not for footballing reasons so why shouldn't Dundee come up? Again though, the SPL have made rules up as they go along before so if you were Dunfermline you would fancy your chances I guess.
  19. I wonder if we'll have a team in the new Fifa game? Another important question that needs answered!
  20. It all hinges on the English FA thing, he's just playing a long shot.
  21. It's kind of a non-story for so many reasons, the main one being that we don't know where we'll be playing next season. The FF example is valid though, because there's a vocal majority on there who are preaching that fans should have nothing to do with Green and while not all Bears are online or active on that forum, there's going to be a large section of our support who are, or who listen to people who are on there and take what they say as gospel. While there will be a funding hole until things get decided, you have to think its taken a significant hit by losing the first team players that we have; the majority of high earners are off the books now and those on a bigger wage are sure to follow at this rate.
  22. Was just about to post that, I don't see how the spl can just say they would be no longer able to meet a contracted payment?
  23. Sorry, I'm on my phone and (thought) I'd posted that about an hour ago! Catching up now! Ah, it's posted it twice and late. Technology...
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