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Everything posted by ascender

  1. ascender


    The guy can't be that bad, but I just don't know why we're bothering signing a 33 year old keeper.
  2. Its all gone a bit quiet on the big name player, where is Chick Young now???
  3. He'll be off to Loch Lomond or flying from Glasgow or something. Like others have said, he wouldn't be mooching about shopping if he was here to sign. Great spot though Frankie and agreat stalker-ish pic too!
  4. I'd take him, right age, right potential, injury is a concern, but I think that's a gamble worth taking in his case.
  5. ascender


    Yeah, bit strange going for a 33 year old when we have Ronald here and wanting to play. Not much of a vote of confidence for McGregor either.
  6. This was certainly mentioned at the weekend, but I doubt its got anything to do with Gers. Why would they section off the aiport for the arrival of one player?
  7. According to Foulkes who was sacked, when talking about the 1-1 draw with Celtic... Now, nearly all the Jambos I know love the guy and won't hear a bad word about him. But am I the only one who thinks this is all going to end in tears? Apart from his constant meddling in playing affairs, signing approximately 23 players, 21 of whom will never see first team action etc, I just think there's so many things going on that are going to come back and bite Hearts. its certainly entertaining for the rest of us to watch, but I just want to see what happens next season when I expect Hearts will be struggling to keep in touch with us and probably Celtic. They had a great chance this year to win the title, but threw it away and I don't think either of the Glasgow clubs will have as such a poor season again for a long time. I'd love to be a fly on the wall at Tynecastle at the moment.
  8. Top effort with the new forum, nice and fast too. If I'm ever posting anything that could be dodgy for work, I just proceed it with "Not Work Safe", but that's kind of difficult if you can embed images in posts.
  9. Its a strange situation. Ronald had a good season, but made his fair share of mistakes which cost us goals and I don't think he inspires confidence in the back 4. But similarly I don't think our defence was much use last season so it works both ways. But he was our number 1, so maybe he does deserve a wage rise, he's seeing how much Klos is on as our number 2 and probably wants more cash as he thinks he should. I can see his point too. What has Klos done wrong? DM offered him the wages and apart from the strop he threw after coming back from injury, which, as I've said before, McLeish could have and should have nipped in the bud quickly, he's just waiting for his chance. He is one of our few genuine world class players and I think some people have forgotten just how good a keeper he is. Like Goram, he has personally won us a lot of games during his time here. I'm still not sure why Klos is here though, surely we'd have punted him by now if we really wanted rid of him? I know he's onto a good thing, but surely he'd get a move to a Premiership club if he wanted to go, after all, I'm sure he just wants to be playing first team football regularly. We could have worked some mutual termination by now. Then you hear at the end of last season that PLG wants Ronald to stay, presumably as our number 1. Because he's at the end of his career and wants to play, so he's not going to stay as anything but our number 1. Personally, I'd like PLG to bring in a young keeper and build for the future, or go with Klos. I don't see what Ronald has to offer us as its his last season so he's not worth the investment. But I also don't think he should be painted in a bad light over the wage demands, I can see where he's coming from.
  10. So, today's rumours I've heard are as follows: 1. From a usually reliable source, that we're going to sign Hartson. 2. Zidane is keen to come here as a player coach, to be PLG's experienced player on the field before properly retiring at the end of this season. 3. That Cisse will be signing this week. Silly season has begun!
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