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Everything posted by ascender

  1. If the Clement thing is true then it is very very worrying as Lyon only want 1M. I've have thought PLG would be given 5M or so at the very least. I agree that you can't show all your cards, but I was under the impression that some pretty big promises were being made to us last season, regardles of whether we made the CL or not. I really hope this doesn't prove to be DM up to his usual tricks to get the fans off his back....
  2. I thought it was generally accepted that we had somewhere between 10M & 18M to be invested by PLG. Now, I'm not sure what the source for that was as it was a while back, but I thought it was endorsed by someone from the club wasn't it?
  3. Is this not the sort of thing that should be put live on the Gers website? Maybe it is and i'm just missing something.
  4. Owen is off home, so as predicted by pretty much everyone, Sven should have taken Bent and/or Defoe with them.
  5. I thought Murray had an excellent start, but then AM started dicking around with his position. I saw him play well at LB (and he was good at getting forward and linking with PL as I remember) and then as a holding midfielder, but then I think he was one of the guys dropped for no good reason and was then just used to cover for injuries and stuff in most other positions. He was another guy who gave his all whenever he played, but AM didn't make it easy for him. Can't quite see where he's going to fit in and I think he'll always be a squad player. Might be worth it if we could put up a current squad list with their positions, in this thread or a new one, we can have a look and see who we think should stay etc. I'd forgotten about Fan Fan and Bernard, that's more wages back in the pot. Hopefully....
  6. No matter how I save the image and story its too big to post, even as a JPG. Its about 92Kb and there's a 39Kb limit on JPGs. Here is the content though, from the spoof site and albeit only missing April 1st by 3 months:
  7. lol! Ronaldo for Gers? Not a chance, Henry is definitely on his way and the Shevchenko to Chelski thing was a smoke-screen. Both are Govan bound.
  8. The transfer window does make things tricky, but with PLG coming back to start pre-season, maybe he's hoping that seeing the guys in training will help make his mind-up about whether guys are staying or going? Like I said, I'd have thought some players will have to leave to keep the wage budget under control unless things have changed drastically since last season. Was AM's situation not that he could maybe bring in 1 player, but any more and players would have to leave? Obviously PLG has more cash availalble, so maybe he's diverting some of that into covering a higher wage bill for a while until he's made his mind up? Or maybe DM is covering the higher wage bill for a wee bit at first. (Actually, I forgot, PL's wages are now off the bill, so that's a start). Bob Malcolm, Andrews, Ricksen. Those are 3 names that I think of straight away who could probably move on somewhere and be successes instead of staying here and being reserve players. Well, if Ricksen sorts his attitude out first.
  9. Still not upper our bid apparently and PSG are interested in the player too. Lyon are holding out for 1M.
  10. The signing thing is just a rumour at the moment, but there will be a press conference on Wednesday with PLG.
  11. That's a good point Frankie, if he's making clear progress and building for the future, I really hope the fans support him even if results aren't going our way. i.e. If we're not winning every single game.
  12. I'll be happy if he can tie up Elmander and Clement, but I guess he's also wanting to look at the guys in training first before deciding if some of them have a place at Ibrox.
  13. Encouraging news Frankie, and let's face it, PLG would appear to have a good bit of money left to spend, be it on a fee or maybe some extra towards wages. The more I heard from PLG or about PLG, the more excited I get about the season ahead.
  14. I'd have thought a fair few players would have to leave, if only from a wage budget point of view if nothing else.
  15. I don't think they're too bad tbh, the main problem is obviously that Fifa are wanting to stamp certain sorts of tackles out of the game, so they're only doing what they're being told to. The other thing is that players should know better now having seen what sort of tackles are getting punished in the early games. But apparently not.
  16. I never knew he ran the Marathon des Sables this year, looks like the lads are in for a wake-up at training this year!
  17. Lol, love the story. I still wonder what would have happened if we'd signed him, I think he'd have done a great job for us and I'm glad he's leaving tbh as it will weaken Celtic.
  18. Lol. I think its Mee-kyle-a-chenko. Or is it Mee-hyle-a-chenko? Who knows. He was a very skillful player in his day, OK, so he might have been a bit lazy, but it was great to see him play.
  19. I noticed the Crouch thing on the replays today, bit low of him tbh. As for England, they've got a superb starting XI, but I just don't know what Sven is playing at sometimes with his tactics, selection and substitutions. On their day, which to be fair I've not seen yet, they should be capable of beating anyone. However, this WC has been different for me because there's been 4 or 5 teams who already look to be in a totally different class to the English. The time for excuses has passed though, for as long as I can remember we've been hearing how this is the best crop of English players in a long time, so thye need to stand up and be counted.
  20. Welcome to Ibrox. http://www.rangers.premiumtv.co.uk/page/News/NewsDetail/0,,5~840254,00.html http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/r/rangers/5051364.stm Trying to think who he reminds me of.... is it Uri Geller?
  21. The good thing about him is that he clearly wants to play for PLG and/or the Gers.
  22. Ivory Coast are coming more and more into the game, I hope they at least equalise.
  23. Lol! Did you see the documentary that Gary Lineker did with him recently? He was the same when watching Boca Juniors, going absolutely nuts in his box.
  24. Absolutely awesome game, great to see a team playing like that. Hopefully they'll continue to play like that and won't come up against a team who try and stifle their play. Would love to see England play them.
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