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Everything posted by ascender

  1. When I read the article it said Gers were letting him go on a free.
  2. The lad deserved a chance, but he was going to be behind 3, 4 or maybe 5 other strikers this season so it was never going to happen unless PLG saw something special in him which AM didn't.
  3. ascender


    So it looks like the initial reports were right about what happened. FR sounds like that kid at school or that bloke at work who just takes things that one step too far, every time.....
  4. According to the Beeb.... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/m/motherwell/5165972.stm
  5. The pub? Off to see DM/MB? Off to call his lawyer?
  6. ascender


    My point exactly.
  7. ascender


    FWIW I think the club should be run on a no-nonsense policy and I applaud PLG for what he's done. It looks like FR has done something which he knows was wrong, but he obviously thinks he could have got away with it under AM and that PLG has over-reacted. But surely PLG would have laid down the law from the start and the players should know where they stand? Having said all of that, how stupid must FR be to step out of line at the very start of a new bosses tenure, especially one who would appear to be a strict disciplinarian?
  8. ascender


    Different managerial styles I guess, the days of WS are a far cry from where we are now. Without knowing the details, the move from DA to AM seemed to bring a more relaxed atmosphere to the place, but also a lax one and maybe one where AM didn't get the respect he needed? Players like Gazza are usually flawed and WS knew he had to treat him differently from other players, but at the time the whole squad mentality was different and by cutting him some extra slack it didn't upset things.
  9. Yeah, very very annoying, can't really make much out tbh. I'd hope the official site would have some good pics from SA on it.
  10. Besides, if we have 4M to spend, I'd guess we would have signed Elmander as that sort of money on a younger player wouldn't be so much of a gamble.
  11. ascender


    Well, I have no sympathy for him after reading what he's said in the papers today. I did wonder when the point about his wages (and the convenience of being able to terminate his contract) would be raised, but I didn't think it would be by the player himself, I thought it would be on here.
  12. Besides, how old is Di Vaio now? Any more news on this Arsenal youngster we were supposed to be signing?
  13. ascender


    Yes, I think we all suspected PLG would stand for no shit and this would seem to confirm it. It'll be interesting to see if Ricksen will be drummed out the culb or made to apologise and given another chance. If Ricksen really is this stupid, then I'll be glad to see him go.
  14. Yip, they will be put down at least one division, speculation remains that they'll go down by two and there's going to be a queue of players leaving.
  15. Some balls to try a penalty like that in the WC final. Close game, but Italy should win it, their midfield is totally ruling things and the French just aren't good enough.
  16. ascender


    Not a good start for Ricksen, I wonder if he's going to be booted out? I wonder what happened and how stupid must he be to do something foolish when the players should be trying to make a good impression on their new manager.
  17. But if Fergie has another season like the first half of last season, he won't even be playing, let alone having the armband. If he's fit, he has to produce the goods or I'm sure he'll be dropped as there will be more competition for places and I'm assuming PLG won't play the favourites game with certain players like AM did. Prso is a good shout, but he's not going to play in every game as I'm sure he's not fit enough to do so any more.
  18. Yes, just found this from Gavin Rae: He said: "I hope to play my part next season. I haven't spoken to the manager one-to-one but then I don't think anybody has. "He's still trying to assess people and I'm just trying to do my best. I just have to wait and see what the manager's thoughts are." The article also mentions that PLG wants to sign Elmander and one other striker to add to Boyd, Novo and Prso. So it looks like there are more faces on the way, but he does need players to go by the sounds of it to be able to afford more if they got Elmander.
  19. Was he told to look for another club officially, or was it just one of the rumours/exclusives in the papers?
  20. Nice one! I thought at the end of last season he showed he would be a worth squad player at the very least. I hope he stays tbh.
  21. Just hoping that ZZ is on form and that we get a referee who lets the game flow - I thought the ref last night was excellent.
  22. I think every one of us who saw him play thought he was amazing and had enormous potential, there was just one problem, the manager didn't. Great to see him doing so well and he still speaks fondly about his time here and the club.
  23. ascender


    Well, PLG says the young lads are for the future and not part of the first team. Looking at your list, I think its likely, just from how things have been going, that at least Novo, Namouchi & Ricksen will be staying. Its also strange that time is going in now and none of the others have left and there's been very little gossip concerning moves for any of them. It would be a great coup if we could get Elmander, but did PLG not say he wanted him in place for the SA trip?
  24. PLG hasn't signed any full backs though, has he? I'd have thought that Smith will start although it'll be interesting to see what happens with Ricksen.
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