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Posts posted by ascender

  1. I kind of disagree. We had 20 chances against Utd in the first half and it was just a fluke we never scored. Boyd even came on in the 2nd half and missed a chance.


    Id go with Prso playing off Sebo


    But he's that sort of player. I know its early days, but its akin to not picking a fit McCoist. You know that over the course of a game he'll get x number of chances and take at least 1 or 2, even if he misses 4 or 5.


    I think Svensson will become a good player for us, but I think he's looked decidedly average so far.

  2. I've been a fan of Webster for a while and I think if we can get him we should definitely go for him. Given his age, potential, current level of play, knowledge of the Scottish game and wages he'd be after, I think he'd be a good signing for us. I'm not sure whether PLG rates him though.

  3. I don't think we've seen Fan Fan given a decent run in the first team in his preferred position. But, people who have seen him play for that position in the reserves don't think he's up to much anyway. We do need cover at centre back, but maybe PLG has someone in mind if he can free up some wages from the 5 or so players who he wants to leave.

  4. Maybe I'm confused with the exact timing, but I thought the reason Ricksen was offered a new, well paid contract is because the season it was expiring, he was one of our best players by a long way? Therefore it made sense to keep him as if he played like that the next season, we could either sell him on or it would seem like a reasonable wage to be paying for someone that good. We all know what happened next though.


    Can't say I'm surprised he's been told he can leave, he really has no-one to blame but himself. Although if half the stories in the press were true, surely the club should have got him in to rehab or counselling a few seasons ago?

  5. I see that a lot of Celtic fans have written this guy off already as being a total waste of cash based on his previous scoring record.


    The more I read about him, the more he looks like the sort of powerful front man we've been lacking since Hateley left. I still can't believe we passed on Hartson. Anyway, it could be good, but of course, where the hell is PLG going to play him?!?!

  6. I thought the team played well and showed lots of potential, but didn't think they were magnificent by any stretch of the imagination. I thought Prso looked pretty isolated on his own up front too, although the movement from midfield was fantastic.


    Like you say, its a great problem to have.

  7. How can he not afford to start with Boyd given his form last season, during pre-season and also in reserve games. I think the problem is that we don't know what PLG's plans are for the striking area. Look at the players we have - Prso, Novo, Boyd and Buffel for starters. If we add the Austria Vienna lad in too, there's quite a few possibilities there, so maybe we'll have a better idea in a couple of weeks how things are going to go.

  8. Latest on the Sebo saga from the Beeb:


    Rangers are on the verge of sealing the deal to sign 22-year-old striker Filip Sebo from Austria Vienna.


    Vienna general manager Markus Kraetschmer told The Herald: "We have found a way, but the's still something not quite agreeable with the money.


    "There will be an agreement if we can work out these figures.


    "We will now deal with the club and the player up until Tuesday morning and then we have decided, if the transfer is not completed, we will leave it."


    Rangers chief executive Martin Bain and manager Paul Le Guen could also forget the protracted deal if there are further complications.


    "I expect to speak again to Martin Bain and the agent and if Rangers move a little bit then the player will move on," said Kraetschmer.


    "We have a clear plan on what we want and we will not move.


    "We respect Rangers need a decision soon, too, because I have been told Paul Le Guen has a second option."


    The Austrians had been holding out for �£2m for the Slovakian, who has told his club that he wants a move to Ibrox.


    Rangers are believed initially to have offered in the region of �£1.2m.


    Sebo joined Vienna from Artmedia Bratislava last summer and scored 22 goals in his first season as they completed a league and cup double.

  9. I think letting Smith go was a mistake. In fact the way he went about things should have maybe been a sign to the management that he was ready for first team football and should have been given a chance. He was quite adamant that he felt ready for the first team and should have been given a chance. Its strange that there's now 2 other SPL clubs with young Scottish keepers as their number 1 and that both these guys have been let go by us.

  10. Ricksen seems determined to get back in PLG's plans, but the cynic in me is thinking that's no surprise if you're on the sort of wages he picks up every week.


    Problem is Frankie, I can't see anyone paying a fee for Ricksen just now and it might be difficult to terminate his contract. Surely we'd have done that already if it was legally possible and PLG wanted rid of him?

  11. I still think Hutton is a bit lightweight and his final ball is lacking. Its a tough call... like I said in another thread, you have to give him a chance under PLG, but how much time do you give him? One thing is certain, we need to get back to a rock solid back four and keeper if we're going to improve, especially in Europe

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