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Posts posted by ascender

  1. Problem is that even if it were true, we'd struggle to replace him as its tough to get players to come to the SPL, let alone a young striker who has the potential to get 25+ goals a season. So really the money isn't even the issue.

  2. Sounds like total nonsense. I'd have thought Man Yoo would be in the market for someone who has proven they can score at the highest level already rather than an up and coming striker.

  3. Btw sum1 told me Alex Ferguson left Rangers because he married a catholic , any truth to this ?


    I remember seeing a documentary, but can't remember which one... Anyway, it was mentioned that Ferguson had a difficult time at Ibrox, which wasn't made any easier when he married. Read into that what you will.

  4. I wonder if Malcolm, Fan Fan and McGregor will also be away this week? The wages are a hangover from the days where we were paying silly salaries, so even average players will be on very good packages. You'd just hope the guys would see the bigger picture and be prepared to take a wage cut to be playing week in week out.

  5. Totally agree, its another one where, if true, we have to take it and its probably best for all concerned. Another 1/2M in the kitty and his wages off the bill should be a boost for PLG. He's what, 4th choice striker now behind Prso, Boyd and Sebo?


    I do feel a bit sorry for him, but things just haven't worked out for him so a move will do him good and give us some cash to hopefully strengthen our defence before the weekend.

  6. I'll be honest, I never saw the incident, but I'd heard that it wasn't just a case of him crossing himself as many players do when they are subbed or score, he made a big deal of it or something? Anyway, if that's true, then already in typical fashion, the media are choosing to gloss over that and go for the sensationalist type of headline.


    So was anyone there, what actually happened?

  7. Yes, I've seen the same thing today, that it was pretty much everyone else's fault apart from the actual players and if they had a fully fit squad they'd have won the tie easily. The constant Romanov paranoia and conspiracy theory stuff is rubbing off on everyone from him, through the players and on to the fans.

  8. Let's face it, all the tabloid papers are a total fucking waste of time. Not sure why this has been dragged up now when we are trying to address the problem. Its from so long ago that it really shouldn't be news, the lad was young and even if he did say it, i'm sure it was just bravado from a player trying to be clever. Once again the newspapers are trying to make a story out of not that much considering the circumstances.

  9. Not a chance. For many reasons, but mainly our iffy looking defence & keeper and the fact the gap between us and the rest of the SPL sides is nothing like it used to be. I also think PLG is only at the start of a rebuilding process which might take a couple of years to finish.

  10. Boyd was suspended for the first game of the season and then after that its difficult to change a winning team. Although I'd have mad an exception in Boyd's case.


    The comments Boyd made earlier in the week said he was running out of patience, so I'm guessing the above story is just to clarify things a bit more so he's not being seen to rock the boat.

  11. I was a crtitic of Hutton, but I think he's improved the last couple of games. Not sure about replacing one young right back with another.


    It will be good to see some of those guys moved on, should free up some wages for signings although the end of the transfer window is looming.

  12. I'd like to see Boyd and Sebo up front, but I'd also like to see Gavin Rae alongside Clement instead of Hemdani. Unfortunately, that's just too many players to fit in to the current system. I do think Boyd will start, but its a strange situation, I think we actually have to be a bit defensive considering how attack minded Hearts are at the moment.

  13. I think its the usual thing of a newspaper trying to make selected comments in to a whole story. The Daily Re*ord is running a Boyd Running Out of Patience story today, with the following actual comments from him.


    "I was out for the first game and the boys can who came in did so well. Even against Dundee United there were chances made but not taken. So I could have no complaints. But obviously I'll be looking to get back into the team after yesterday.


    "You can only take so much. I just want to carry on from where I left off last season."


    Boyd is with the Scotland squad in St Andrews and revealed he had a chat with Rangers and Scotland hero Ally McCoist over his omission. He said: "Ally told me it's only three games into the season and I'll just need to keep my head down and hopefully we won't have that conversation again."

  14. Bottom line for me is that PLG needs time. When you look at just how dreadfully we played for large parts of last season, what I've seen this season is a huge step in the right direction.


    I agree about Prso, we've definitely seen the best from him, but I do believe he has a part to play throughout the season, albeit I'm not sure what position suits him best.


    I've been a critic of Hutton, but apart from his final ball, which is also a criticism of Smith on today's evidence, I think he's improving and at least seems to be knuckling down a bit more.


    Svensson needs time and I think will come good. I'm more worried about J-Rod, who even when he started to improve last season, didn't look like the sort of rock solid no-nonsense centre half we need. I'd still like to see us buying Andy Webster and try him alongside Svensson. His experience of the Scottish game would be invaluable just now and could steady the defence a bit.


    The keeper had a bit of a 'mare today after a very promising start. Its worrying though that our defence still looks shaky after the woefulness of last season. I know he's on a lot of money, but I think we need Klos back badly at the moment, although he's still a few months off being ready.


    I know PLG has this formation he likes, but I don't think it suits Prso. I can see Hemdani being swapped for Fergie, I think that's a given. But up front? Its baffling as to why Boyd has been left on the bench. I've said it in another thread, but its like us leaving McCoist out if he was playing for us.


    Like I say, I'm really optimistic and excited about PLG's reign. Just look at the young players for starters, he's clearly building for the future. He'll take a while to adjust to the Scottish game, as will the players. Good thing is that Hearts and Celtic are dropping points already, but we need to get a solid backline together soon so we can put a good run together over the winter period. PLG hasn't had much luck and is still suffering from the overspending of previous managers, but so far its been a good start. We're unbeaten for one thing, only in Scotland that's just not good enough....

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