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Everything posted by ascender

  1. The Times has this interview today. He's apparently promised Murray he'll come back and they reckon that due to his loyalty, Milan won't stand in his way if he wants to go in a few years. He's also adamant that it won't be to get a pension (a la Roy Keane) and he'll still be able to do a job, so maybe when he's 30/31? Wages won't be an issue either. Who knows, but he pointed out that this definitely isn't a PR thing and it will happen. We can only hope!
  2. I always felt he was never given a fair crack of the whip up here - i.e. a run in the team in his preferred position.
  3. I thought we played excellent football at the start of the season and both PLG & the players deserve our full support. But there have been worrying signs over the last few months similar to when AM was in charge where we just can't seem to understand some of the decisions being made. The way Kris Boyd seems to have been overlooked is particularly strange.
  4. Why did McGregor hand in a request though? Because he felt he was good enough to do a job for us but was fed up with being given a couple of games a season and then being dumped back in the reserves. The lad has been very patient, waiting how many years for his chance? After a superb few matches this season, I bet he was waiting for PLG to sit him down and discuss the way forward, maybe a new deal or something? maybe to be told that as long as he carried on playing like that, he could hardly be dropped. I'm guessing that never happened which is maybe why the comments came out last week and were immediately blown out of all proportion. Remember this is also the lad who found out in the newspapers that PLG was planning to bring back Letizi regardless of how McGregor played. Sorry, but I don't see how this lad isn't committed to us, he's waited years for his chance, done nothing wrong and still gets shat on from a great height.
  5. At the moment it would have to be McGregor, but at the start of the season, before a ball was kicked, I'd have said Klos. Bottom line is that McGregor has come in and played very well, much better than Letizi. So why is he dropped? I don't understand where the things about his attitude have come from either, I think he's got a healthy attitude if you actually read what he's saying and remember how he's been treated during his time here.
  6. That's fucking shocking. Pardon my french. And I don't think McGregor's attitude has been a problem, I think a lot of things he said have shown how badly he wants the position. He has come in and played very well, getting better with each performance and now he's dropped. Unbelievable. Its not even like Letizi has played that well when he has been. PLG has gone down in my estimation after that.
  7. Totally agree. He's obviously being tempted by a crack at the Premiership though and a healthy budget to spend on wages and transfers. All the noises coming out of Easter Road over the last day or so seem to suggest its a done deal.
  8. Its an easy one surely? Put Gerrard in the middle and drop Lampard to the bench. McLaren has the balls to drop Beckham, so surely he can make this decision which seems pretty obvious to most people watching.
  9. Maybe the midfield will look a bit more solid too if its the full backs getting forward rather than us playing with two wide midfielders?
  10. I was one of those who was lobbying for Klos to be given a proper chance last season as I don't think our defence has looked solid since he's been out injured. He's also one of those keepers who can make the sort of saves that actually get us points each season when we're struggling and just winning games by the odd goal.
  11. I don't think McGregor is demanding he's automatically number 1 though, I think he just wants a fair crack of the whip, which patently hasn't happened to him or the other young keepers at Ibrox. I think he's handled it better than Smith did, but at the same time, I think Smith was at the end of his tether with how things had gone.
  12. Looks good to me. I don't see the point of having two strikers like Boyd & Sebo and not playing the pair of them. I've have either of them to start over Buffel as he doesn't seem to be the best for a 90 minute stretch, seems to be better coming on as a sub just now.
  13. Letizi played against Celtic in the reserves this week while Klos is back next week. I guess things will become a lot clearer by Christmas.
  14. I don't think he's asking to be automatic number 1 at all. He's annoyed (as far as I know) about the way he's been overlooked in the past whenever our number 1 has been injured. We've always gone out and brought a more experienced guy in, rather than giving him a chance. I don't see a problem with his attitude tbh and its pretty much the same reason we lost Smith.
  15. Any word about whether we'll offer a new contract and more importantly, if he'll accept?
  16. What's Adam's preferred position anyway? I'd like to see.... -------------McGregor---------- -Bardsley---Svensson--Papac---Smith Adam----Fergie---Hemdani---- ------------------------------------Prso -----------Sebo---Boyd----
  17. I see Lee Martin is out for a month with ligament damage, maybe this was a sarcastic remark made in reaction to that.
  18. And what happened to England????
  19. I could hardly watch after we scored, that's the most nervous I've been in ages. Superb performance but edge of the seat stuff.
  20. The thing with J-Rod is that we've been saying that he's "starting to look better" pretty much every few months since he's arrived. I say give Svensson and Papac a go, see what they can do.
  21. I think PLG did say that at the start of last week or therabouts. But since then, he has been making comments saying that McGregor has made things difficult for him, which suggests he won't be dropped after all.
  22. I think Shota had an amazing scoring record before we signed him and it looks like he's going to have an amazing scoring record after leaving us. So what the hell happened when he was at Ibrox?!
  23. If Smith and McGregor continue to play well over the next couple of months, I'd imagine it would be difficult to leave them out next time around.
  24. So, yet another great performance by McGregor tonight. i have to say, he's change my mind about him, I wasn't sure he could cut it at the club. Added to that a lot of people on here saying how his attitude stank and hadn't impressed at Dunfermline, I thought he was going to be very shaky when Letizi got injured. But I have to say, the lad has done well and seems to be going from strength to strength. So, does that mean he is now the number 1 keeper? I'd say it does. What more does he have to do to make the position his own? We've been crying out for a young keeper to take his chance in the first XI and finally it seems to have happened. So why not stick with him? Of course, PLG might have other plans. I know McGregor was upset and disappointed to read that Letizi would walk straight back in to the team, but I'm wondering if PLG has changed his mind. As things stand, if McGregor is dropped, then its nothing short of scandalous. I'm surprised there's not been more positive words coming out of Ibrox for him which makes me think he has no future here. On the other hand, I wonder if McGregor himself is now willing to stay and build a career at Ibrox or if things have gone too far. All I know is its great to finally be able to see a young Scottish keeper in goal for us and long may it continue.
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