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Posts posted by ascender

  1. Well, we've not seen much of N'Diaye & Gavin Rae this season. TBH I don't know how Furman, Stanger and Ponroy are shaping up in the reserves, but I think PLG thinks they're too young anyway.


    How about Buffel? What's his best position?

  2. I think its nonsense to say its too late for Sebo. I knw what Flogel is saying, but Sebo hasn't had much of a chance and is playing in a team of under-performers. Its not like we're flying high, he's come in and just hasn't done the business. There's other players in there who should be just as concerned about their future at Ibrox.

  3. not that i want Rangers to lose but getting gubbed again off of hibs at home and craptic might just be the ammunition to force murrays hand in our clubs future. If we take a heavy loss to hibs on saturday i foresee supporters outside the main door again.


    I know the feeling. Last season when the CL run was fooling a lot of people, I posted the exact same thing on here. I couldn't believe what I was saying, but I thought it might have been better for the club if we'd lost and it brought things to a head. We're in the same position this season and I really don't know what it will take for DM to take his head out of his arse and do something about the position.


    We badly need leadership on and off the park. And it is tough to see Celtic doing so well on the pitch domestically and in the CL, not to mention the fact they seem to be getting a lot more positive publicity than us. They've already said they'll strengthen in the January window if possible and that sets alarm bells ringing. I don't think they're that great a side just now, but they are slowly and surely opening up a gap over us both on and off the pitch.


    You're also very right about the standard of football we've been playing. For 5 years or so, we've not looked like a team who knows what to do in the final third of the pitch. We've been very lightweight at the back and lacked bite in midfield.


    While we've been going backwards and persisting with buying in foreign players at every opportunity, nearly every other club in the SPL has realised that this is a false economy and started to give youth a chance. A few years down the line and most clubs are starting to see the benefit of this, although arguably we're one of the last to catch on. I'd put money on the fact that if we signed 3 or 4 of the Scots who are doing well and shown potential at other SPL clubs and played them in place of some of the current first XI, we'd be no worse off than we are at the moment. In fact I'd say we'd have more points and show a lot more fight. The current group of players don't seem to give a fuck. In fact, these same players who were read the riot act by AM & DM last season and swore to transform their ways, are yet again under-performing despite picking up huge wage packets. Another talking-to by the chairman doesn't seem to have made a difference this season either.


    Once again English clubs are sniffing around our young players and there's been a resurgence in the national team. Albeit Walter needs to take some credit for punching above his weight with the players available to him. Seems like all he needed to do was get some decent organisation and a team spirit about the place again. Which sounds exactly like what we need just now.


    As a group of supporters, we've come to accept very average looking players in our first team. Very average players who we desperately hope are going to come good sooner rather than later. Is there no end to this eternal optimism we've shown when it comes to certain signings who we're convinced will come good at some point? When exactly did our expectations drop this much?


    We need to be unified in times like these, but I'm really starting to wonder if this is actually doing us any good. Could we be any worse off if we turn en masse against DM and demand change now? Looking at the way we've been playing, I doubt it. Maybe it is time for us to stand up and make a noise, because I really don't want our club to slip any further down as we're not that far away from being a mid-table team again.


    Depressing times.

  4. I'd rather go to a 4-4-2 as I think the majority of our players are more comfortable with that formation. Also, that midfield trio in the centre are pretty defensive and could be quite negative which I don't think is what we need either. Also, while we need to tighten up the midfield, I don't think that will help with the problems we're seeing in the defence.


    Up front I'd like to see Novo and Sebo given a chance. Novo isn't good enough to play wide and come in as he lacks composure IMO and that's been shown over the last few weeks.


    Do we have any good centre backs coming through the youth & reserve setups?

  5. If PLG is still not comfortable with the press, then someone else should be speaking to them as well as him as we're not hearing the right things coming out of Ibrox at the moment. Agree with Stan though, he needs to get the centre back positions sorted out quickly or I think he will lose a lot of respect and patience with a lot of the fans.

  6. I'm willing to bet with anyone that Pressley heads back upto Tannadice to team up with Levein again.


    There was a rumour to that effect going round Edinburgh last week, just after his latest dropping became public news. I'd be really disappointed if we don't at least sound him out about a return to Ibrox.

  7. Its difficult to say. PLG deserves our full support, but its very worrying for me how he seems to be making similar mistakes as AM did last season - questionable signings, playing players out of position, persisting with tactics & players when they don't work, not sorting out the defensive problems, possibly lacking motivational skills needed. Etc.


    Without knowing exactly what the money situation is in terms of what's left, how much was actually spent, what there will be to spend in the summer, its hard to know what the overall game plan is.

  8. I was trying to think who else would fit the bill. The first two names that I think of are Pressley and Davie Weir. Its that sort of player with experience we need. He can be past his prime, that's not the important thing. We're lacking leadership, organisation and basic defensive skills at the moment. They're not long term signings, but I'd rather see us spend some dosh on a proven player than wasting yet more on a no-name from Europe as that's obviously not working.


    Who else fits the bill?

  9. Lets get Anderson AND pressley, that should sort our defensive problems out, especially if you add Whittiker.


    Then sort the midfield out with Brown and Thomson.


    Stokes up front would be a good shout for a reputed �£600K.


    All eyes turn to PLG and DM. PLG to see if he'll admit his central defence is shite and some of his other signings just aren't good enough. DM to see if he'll invest some cash to make sure we don't lose out on second place.


    The players are there who could clearly make a difference, so lets hope something is done.

  10. I don't think he's PLG's sort of player. There's not been anything linking us with him. He's still under contract so I can't see Hearts letting him go to us. PLG has quite a few central defenders on his books already. Signing someone like Elvis would be admitting some of his guys just aren't good enough. etc.

  11. Can't argue with that or the match report which finishes with...


    Yet it was Latapy who was still the boss. Another darting run and fizzing shot near the end just cleared the bar.


    The38-year-oldchain-smoking veteran whose natural habitat is a sun-kissed Caribbean beach completely outclassed Rangers on a bitter December afternoon. Enough said.

  12. McGregor speaks the truth.....


    Marc Twaddle scored the only goal - one which McGregor insisted would have been stopped if his defenders had had the bottle to do so.


    He said: "To lose the goal from a set-piece was terrible - a nightmare. It's about having the will to get in there and clear it from the box."

  13. I agree that he is our best scorer and possibly unmisable at the moment but i would want him replaced with someone who can score and fight for the team. Not to mention someone who can control a ball.


    But at least he's scoring. I'd like two lazy Kris Boyds first, then once we're comfortably in second place we could think about replacing them with Wayne Rooney and Ruud Van N.


    If we were in Celtic's position and cruising to the title, I'd agree 100% with the criticism if someone wasn't pulling his weight, but surely Boyd is one of the 11 starters who we don't have to worry about just now? He seems very isolated playing as part of a front 3, almost like a lone striker at times with Novo and Prso out wide. I don't get what people expect the guy to do?


    We have a defence which can't deal with basic through balls. Or cross balls. Or set pieces.


    And a midfield which doesn't seem to know what to do in the final third of the pitch. Or how to take a decent corner.


    So why don't we concentrate on those just now and then worry about dropping our top scorer for his laziness. Are we trying to deflect attention from the real problems and just how crap we've become? Its not even like we have a queue of strikers waiting for their chance.


    Maybe its just me and I'm missing something that everyone else seems to be seeing. :confused:

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