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Everything posted by ascender

  1. We'll obviously miss Prso, but more because we don't have anyone on form to replace him, rather than missing him because of who is he is if that makes sense? I don't think Prso gives us something special that we can't do without as its pretty obvious he's past his best. If someone could come in and put the work rate in that Dado does, we should be fine.
  2. But unless you're playing a high defensive line, there won't be space behind them. I thought the two centre halves in any team, more often than not, pick up the forwards, unless you have a situation with an incredibly talented midfielder who needs man marked, but the denfensive midfielder might do this role. The whole team needs to defend and it just keeps the natural shape if they pick up their natural opponent. Obviously full backs go forward and their positions need to be covered by midfielders or defenders. I was just trying to make the point that you can't have a single CB who is supposed to deal with all the high balls. The other one at least needs to be capable in the air and he just isn't at the moment. If you've seen even just a few of our games this season you can see that we're really struggling because we don't have commanding centre halves. I'd put a bet on that more than 50% of the goals we've conceded this season has been down to basic, poor defending and a lack of aerial ability. Again, in a slower paced, more technically proficient league, you might get away with playing a spare man, a true sweeper, but I just don't see it working in the SPL and in the games I've seen, we've certainly not been playing that system which is traditionall a back 3 or back 4, with a true sweeper behind them.
  3. Depends if you play zonal or man marking. 4 defenders suggests the CBs pick up the two strikers with the full backs marking the two wide midfielders/wingers. Then central midfielders picking up their opposite numbers? TBH I've not really heard that system where you only mark with a few of your defenders leaving one spare, apart from the sweeper system. Zonal or man marking and if its man marking then you might see some defenders pulled out of position a bit more than with zonal. One centre back on his own can't be expected to deal with high balls or you'd have him crossing over to the area that's naturally being covered by the other centre back. If that was the case he'd be pulled all over the field and you'd struggle to cover for him. TBH I'm a bit confused by what you're trying to say, I think I've missed something somewhere.
  4. Oh, and BTW, is that still the keeper who's been selling the jersey all season for Hibs? I thought he was due to be dropped & sold months ago?!?!
  5. I think Svensson has improved a lot over the last couple of games, but ironically that improvement has highlighted that Hemdani is pretty useless in the air. Hemdani is obviously skillful and could flourish playing as a sweeper somewhere in a league where you get more time on the ball. Unfortunately that's never going to happen in the SPL.
  6. Lol. How bizarre. The guy went right for him! Um yes, I've only recently been looking on there and its an interesting place alright!
  7. So, what about that forearm smash type challenge on Gordon after the penalty? I saw the replays and the lad changed direction to go straight for him. After that, I honestly thought one of the Hearts players would have just punched him. I think he got off luck with a red card and not a broken nose. Very entertaining though.
  8. Part of the problem is that some Bears still think we can afford huge transfer fees and wages. "Lets drop McGregor/Hutton/Boyd as they're not good enough". So who'll replace them? "We'll sign someone better". Those days are long over and besides, over the last few years the same Bears have been moaning their tits off about overpaid foreigners and how we should give some of our young lads a chance. Now that we are, they're still not happy. Look at our back 4 and keeper, 3 young Scots players in it. Along with Adam, Boyd, Burke, that's many reasons to be excited about the Rangers team just now and to have great hopes for the future. I just wish we'd give them a break now and then.
  9. I think before we signed him he had a scoring rate better than Larsson, so it sounds like he's just carrying on where he was before he signed for us. Shame we played him out of position for so long.
  10. Novo's work-rate counts for so much and I think he should be credited as much as anyone for the upturn in our recent fortune. He's only an average player but he's giving 100% every game and thrives on confidence, so I'd like to see him and Boyd play together. Prso needs to be used sparingly as he limps (literally) to retirement and PLG isn't going to give Sebo many starts, so Boyd and Novo looks like the only realistic option left?
  11. You might be right, but with Fergie and Clement in the centre, Thomson would be looking at being a squad player from the off. Depends what the guy wants I guess, to start every week or get big bucks. By going down south instead of coming to us he might get both. We definitely need to do something as having two centre halves on the bench shows how thin the squad is at the moment.
  12. Rae and Thompson are also bad examples as they've never really had a decent chance at Ibrox. Rae's down to injury and Thompson's down to who the hell knows why, otherwise known as Alex McLeish. Its worrying that Celtic are interested in Brown and Thomson now, I hope they don't get this par as I think Brown especially could fit in well to our team now. And Craig is right, those outside the OF have been closing the gap for the last 3 or 4 years, but we as a club were too up our own arse to see it. We're now paying the price for standing still and ignoring some of the problems on the pitch (and off it) that we've had for the last few seasons.
  13. I think its more to do with the fact we're playing with a 4-4-2 formation and the back 4 is more settled, Svensson is coming on to a game and there seems to be more team spirit about the place. But yes, I've seen quite a few comments from Bears who reckon this just proves that we can do without Boyd. I'm not so sure as its not like we've got another natural finisher, but encouragingly, the goals have been coming from all over the team. Add Boyd in to the mix and we could take second place comfortably.
  14. I've not really seen any of his power and ability in the air. I don't think we've had someone who can really hold his own in the SPL and against big centre forwards since Amoruso left. For all his mad antics, he was no pushover and I'd have him in my team in a shot which shows how desperate I am! Merry Christmas all!
  15. Someone with a proven track record and experience of the British game. We need to make sure of second place and IMO its not the time to be taking a risk on an unknown player. But with the results going well at the moment I'm not sure PLG will bring in a new defender which I think could be a big mistake as Hemdani just isn't good enough in the air.
  16. So who do you think we should sign? Reminding that we can't afford or attract the quality of players we used to be able to? Personally I think its quite encouraging when you look at the age and potential of some of these players as well as the average age of our starting XI these days.
  17. Celtic have now put in a note of interest for Brown and Thomson at Hibs. Looks like the Hibs pair are definitely going to be leaving sooner rather than later as they seem intent on rocking the oat so much they get their own way.
  18. Bit harsh on the pair of them. Riordan hasn't been given a chance at Celtic and I'd say the jury is still out on Sionko and the injury prone Burke, so I'd give him a chance. I'd rather see money being spent on Brown than another unknown foreign player tbh.
  19. I thought Brown was an attacking midfielder, but a couple of lads at work were convinced he was defensive. The difference between Brown and some of the names mentioned is that he's a player we've seen for a while now, so I guess that makes him a less risky signing.
  20. Its another case where we are our own worst enemy. Look at how the statement was worded, we were given a chance to police ourselves and for whatever reason, chose not to. The times are changing, slowly but surely. I think Uefa have opened a can of worms with their ruling against us and I think DM is now trying to make a few examples to show the club won't tolerate any more nonsense. Good on him I say.
  21. Do we really need another defensive midfielder? If Clement is first pick, we have Hemdani, Fergie, Rae and arguable Ian Murray who could all cover that position. There's a danger of having a very negative midfield if you end up with 2 or more defence-minded players in there. For January, we badly need a central defender. If Sionko doesn't come on to a game and get a good run in the team, then punt him and get someone like Brown in. Up front we need a target man who Boyd can play off. As for Sebo, if PLG isn't going to play the lad, then sell him and cut our losses. We're at the end of December and he's only started 4 or 5 games which tells its own story.
  22. I think its worth pointing out that McGregor isn't afraid to come for cross balls and also go through his own players if he needs to. We haven't had that sort of keeper in a while and its good to see. If only a couple of the defenders showed that sort of attitude, I think we'd be a lot better off. As for players coming in, today's story is that PLG doesn't want to bring anyone in so as not to upset the growing unity and the progress the team has been making. I'm hoping this is just smoke and mirrors stuff though as its clear we need a decent centre half and another striker. I hope PLG doesn't make the AM mistake of missing the bloody obvious.
  23. Buffel is a luxury we can't afford at the moment and only seems to be able to turn it on for 20 or 30 minutes at a time. It sounds like we're Brown's preferred option, so I'd hope we would try to go for him although the only concern would be who drops out of the starting XI. What is Brown's preferred position anyway?
  24. Fair enough, I don't see what else they could have done under the circumstances.
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