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Everything posted by ascender

  1. Forgot to ask, does anyone think Boyd will be in trouble over his number 6 "tribute" to Barry after scoring?
  2. From what has been said I'm now assuming that even yesterday, Fergie's future at Ibrox was in his own hands. It sounds like he could have taken the news like a man and promised to knuckle down & tow the line, but instead spat the dummy out and then to make things worse, phoned the press to tell them all about it.
  3. I don't understand it, why don't we have an interpreter when he's clearly struggling to get himself across? He or DM need to do an interview tonight or tomorrow which clarifies things. Of course, we might know exactly what's going on if an offer comes in for Ferguson....
  4. That answer about his own position is only natural though. He's not stupid and knows the team have been under-performing. Not to mention the fans booing him and chanting Fergie's name today.
  5. Don't know where Thomson would play tbh. I thought Clement got forward a lot more than usual today. Besides, if PLG signs a centre half, then that frees up Hemdani as well. I think Brown would be my favoured signing, then a centre half. If there's any money left over, then a striker to replace Dado for next season would be next on my list.
  6. That's what I was getting at, that an interpreter might be a better option just now.
  7. Is this poll for who stays or who goes?
  8. Is he struggling in interviews because of his English or has he always been that quiet? From that piece on Setanta it sounds like the newspapers have got the right version of events but that it will take a bit longer for the details to come out. When asked if there was a way back for Fergie, PLG said it would be difficult, so it sounds like our captain has thrown his dummy out of the pram unfortunately.
  9. Nice one lads, I hope that doesn't set the tone for the day, but I think its pretty out of order to be booing our manager when we don't know exactly what's gone on yet.
  10. ascender


    I'm not totally convinced by that though. Yes, they played better for spells of those games mentioned, but they were still some way off being what I'd call a half-decent Rangers team. Any one of those games above could have been very different if we'd been up against better teams. An improvement, yes, but they weren't the signs of us turning a corner unfortunately. BTW, that comment from Boyd and some others he said in his post-match interview showed IMO that he's now towing the company line and been left in no doubt about who's boss.
  11. Some times its not about the individual talent in a team, but the blend of players, often less-talented ones, which decides how well a team plays. Depending who comes in today and over the next few weeks instead of Fergie, the team might play better than when he's in it. Then again it might not. This looks like the last throw of the dice by PLG. If it goes wrong, I don't think he will have a future here, simple as that. Regardless of what you think of him, he's really putting his job on the line at the moment and I kind of admire his balls for doing that. This is assuming that PLG has good reasons for taking the captaincy from him in the first place obviously. We really need to get behind him and the team today, but there will be chants for Fergie from the off.
  12. So the papers this morning, and let's face it, they could be wrong, say that Fergie was given the new about the captaincy and being dropped, he then refused to train and instead went to clear out his locker and stormed out. PLG is unhappy about a number of things, but mainly Fergie's insistence on playing far too deep when PLG wants him much more forward. Also seems to be concerned about Fergie's influence on others, both on and off the pitch. Couple of places say that DM was not made aware of this, but that he's obviously going to back the manager and has also been aware of the situation with BF for some time. They also state the obvious, that this is a huge gamble on PLG's behalf which could easily backfire in the next couple of games and leave his position as untenable. Maybe we'll find out after the game today exactly what's happened.
  13. Yes, I hope we get behind everyone tomorrow, especially Rae. He's a Bluenose and just wants to play for the club, so I hope he gets our full support. I just don't know what our support will make of things though and if anyone will be booed. We really need a statement to clear things up from the club before the game, not after.
  14. I really hope I'm wrong, but at the moment we seem to be sliding down a slope which is going to end in us finding out that all the rumours we've been hearing (about player misbehaviour, disrespect for the manager, petulance etc) for the last year or so are true. Shocking if that's the case, but its starting to look like PLG has just taken the first step to sorting out some serious problems that have been going on for some time. I bet we never find out the half of what's been going on.
  15. This incident has been mentioned in light of today's events by a few people. Its maybe just a string of things like this which has forced PLG's hand. I really don't know where we go from here if there's no way back from Fergie as its been well documented that the Scottish lads have been sticking together on and off the pitch.
  16. However this pans out, there will have to be huge changes at our club over the next few weeks. If we start winning, it looks like Fergie might be sold. If we keep on playing badly and dropping points, this Fergie thing will be the beginning of the end for PLG. He's just taken a massive gamble.
  17. Even if this was leaked today, as soon as it became clear Fergie wasn't in the squad tomorrow morning, there would still have been pressure on PLG and DM to explain what's happened, so I don't see why they're waiting til after the match for a full statement? Rae is vice captain, I think that's the only logic. I hope we get behind Rae, the team and PLG tomorrow. 90 minutes of booing and abuse is just going to go against us in so many ways. Looks like its going to be one hell of a January.
  18. The Fergie thing is certainly going to put a lot more pressure on him if we don't turn the corner and start winning games. If we start winning convincingly from here on in and Fergie does go, I don't think it will affect PLG's tenure one little bit.
  19. The official statement from the club just confirms that Rae will captain the side tomorrow and that Fergie has not been selected. Nothing further until the post-match interview tomorrow. Bizarre.
  20. No player is bigger than the club, we should remember that until the whole story comes out.
  21. Great, another promising young player leaves without ever being given a chance in the first team.
  22. I think from what's been said, that the media believes the great majority of fans will side with Fergie. Any way to close this thread now mods? Or merge it maybe?
  23. Like Gazza says, there's obviously more to this than meets the eye. Its also an away game tomorrow and New Year's Day today, so its kind of a sneaky way of doing things to minimise the chance of protests at Ibrox IMO.
  24. I don't think giving it to Rae would be a bad move if Rae had been a first team regular and back to the form he showed before we signed him. But its just bizarre considering he's hardly played.
  25. PLG and him have obviously not seen eye to eye about a few things, but how has it got this bad between them?
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