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Posts posted by ascender

  1. I've said Sebo should be given time, but I'm wondering if the new manager and/or DM will want to get the money back for him to reinvest in other players. There's too many ifs and buts just now, whoever the new manager is needs to be in place asap. Sort out who is going (Buffel for example) and get things moving.

  2. Not sure, given what's been officially released, there's loads of different possibilities and conspiracy theories. I'm assuming Webster was one of the Scottish players identified by our scouting network, but one who PLG chose not to go for at first. Its not too far fetched to suggest that once he wasn't playing for Wigan that PLG thought he'd be worth getting on loan in January.


    I'm wondering how long before the media ask who is making the decision to sign these players with the agenda that if its Smith, that we could be done for tapping him. There is the other point of view, that our defence is blatantly shite and that DM has decided the guy would be worth a look at based on the views of the other coaching staff and scouts.

  3. It'll be interesting to see if we're still in for Brown and/or Thomson and what sort of figures are actually being talked about.


    I'm not sure why fans are moaning so much about us trying to buy the best players from other sides, is this not what used to happen since the start of Scottish footy until we went mad on foreign imports for a while? People are talking like its a new thing where the OF almost cherry-pick the best players from other Scottish clubs. Its always happened surely?

  4. This is a step in the right direction, but an older head might be required to play alongside him. At least the guy has SPL experience.


    I'm guessing its with a view to a permanent move at a fee which will be nowhere near the 800K or so Hearts knocked back. I still think that was a strange decision by them in this day and age of player power.

  5. I said the same, put Sebo in the reserves for a bit. It was baffling to see the bench in a lot of recent games having a couple of central defenders on it when we were crying out for a striker and an attacking midfielder. I don't know why the reserve team was so under-used by PLG, but its so frustrating to see someone like Ashikodi leave without ever getting a chance in the first XI. Even moreso when we've been struggling to score.


    Chris, both players have returned to Man Yoo.

  6. There's been lots of rumours about PLG since last Autumn. His kids haven't settled, his wife hasn't settled, he's unhappy at the drinking culture, unhappy at the players not taking his diet seriously, he wants to manage PSG, he's unhappy at the players attitude to training, Scottish players influence etc etc.


    No smoke without fire maybe?

  7. I think he'd be a good signing. I know I was disappointed we couldn't work out a deal for him last year (or was it two years ago?) and I think he's definitely better than the defenders we currently have, not to mention the fact that he really wants to play for us.


    What do people think, play him with Svensson, or will the new team be looking to offload some players and bring in a more experienced guy at the back?

  8. I'm trying to stay optimistic. I think in some ways Smith was the only option realistically available to DM given that all this has come to a head within the last few weeks. If this had happened at the end of a season, or even at a time where we were comfortably in second place, then DM would have the luxury of more time to find the right man or to try and prise someone away from a club job.


    Given where we are and unfortunately, the fact we really can't afford a large compensation deal, I don't think its any surprise who he's gone for. Its also given him a chance to approach Smith in advance and sound him out about it, without it becoming public knowledge.


    Looks like PLG wasn't happy here, particularly about the Scottish players' mentality and attitude which has culminated in the Ferguson shambles. FWIW the papers are also saying that Ferguson has been given a monumental bollocking and his future is still far from safe here. Anyway, it looks like this was something that's just been the final straw for PLG and DM, rather than being the main reason to PLG's removal. DM is many things, but he's not stupid and I'm guessing even he could see that its just not been working out for PLG on the pitch after what was a promising start.


    Add that to the behind the scenes stuff and its obviously been coming. Can anyone on here honestly say that we've looked like we're turning the corner under PLG? The same could be said for last season under AM, but the difference then was that DM obviously knew who the new manager would be and didn't want to leave the club manager-less for 4 or 5 months which is why AM stayed.


    I feel sorry for PLG, but I don't think we'll ever know the full story about what's happened. Right man, wrong time maybe? I'd like to think we were all behind him, but at times he didn't help himself with some of his signings, his stubbornness and tactical decisions which were very reminiscent of AM's final season in charge. However, he has left our club with a small core of Scottish youngsters who have been given their chance to show what they can do for the first team and have gained quite a lot of experience already this season.


    Regarding Smith's last term in charge, its obviously different times at Ibrox now. Firstly from a financial point of view, things are obviously very different now. The main thing I hear about Smith at the moment is that his record in Europe was poor, which it was. I still think his biggest failing was his tactical naivety, but I really think he's learned a lot from his time at Everton where he was battling against much better teams week in week out and kept them in the Premiership for longer than anyone expected. And as for his time at Scotland boss, does that not show he's at least improved when it comes to playing against European sides?


    I'm not sure tbh, but it does show that he can galvanise a group of players on and off the pitch and I think that's half the problem with us at the moment.


    And the second time is never as good as the first. In fact, it usually ends in failure. I really hope this time that we're looking at the exception to the rule and that Smith can firstly steady the ship and secondly give us all something to be optimistic about on the pitch.

  9. From what's being said in the papers today, its looking more and more like PLG was, for all intent and purposes, sacked or forced to resign. It looks like this was due to him obviously wanting away after struggling to get to grips with the Scottish game, but also the Scottish players and their mentality. Then you have the results and performances which left DM with little option apparently.


    As for Fergie, he's been given a proper bollocking by DM apparently and will not be getting the armband back, now or in the future. But he's certainly not "won" although that's how some people are looking at it, but I think that's down to the lack of an in-depth interview or statement with DM at the moment.


    A few places also say that Smith was being lined up for the last few weeks which would make sense as it was maybe the only way DM could get someone ready to take over without it being leaked to the media.


    A clause in Smith's Scotland contract has also been mentioned. He's unhappy that if Scotland don't qualify for the Euro championships, Scotland can just replace him.


    There also doesn't seem to be any ambiguity about it, Smith will be the manager with McCoist as his number 2. There's still talk of other guys like Durrant and maybe McCall being involved in some capacity with the 1st team.

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