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Posts posted by ascender

  1. If we did get 1.8M + add-ons, then I think that's a fair bit of business. At the end of the day there weren't loads of clubs in for him and he only wanted to go to one place by the looks of things. So we were left at no choice really. We've made a decent profit on the lad and he looks to be replaceable, so I'm happy. Just so long as we actually spend the money soon and get some new midfielders in.

  2. Had to post this. Was sent it by a friend who is on the follow follow website.


    Can you spot the mistake?



    Clement has done quite well for us, nothing special though. He reads the game quite well and can break up play quite effectively from a deep position. His passing is nowhere near Hemdani though, or Ferguson. Brown to me looks to have much more going forward and sure as hell a lot more effective for the league we play in.

    Clement has ambitions to get into the French team, I just can't see that at all. Getting in front of Michael Essien





    Lol, school-boy error.

  3. We seem to have been signing promising youngsters for years now without ever giving them a chance in the first team. Even this season when our squad looked threadbare at times, we'd have 2 centre halves on the bench instead of guys like Ashikodi and N'Guessan.


    As for Clement, he came here because of PLG and is very young, so I can understand him wanting to go. If we get any less than 2M for him I'd be pretty angry though.

  4. I think it depends on what's been said to Svensson. He was obviously expecting to mainly be playing reserve football this season to get used to the Scottish game. So will he be given a break and play in the reserves for a bit? That might dent his confidence, but if that's not going to happen, then why sign 3 centre halves, 2 of whom are on short term deals? Weir and Ehiogu might start against Hearts.


    I don't think we'll play with all 3 of them as that system can be a 'mare for defenders to play well and as England showed, even with much better centre halves than we've got it causes confusion.


    I'd really hoped we'd have boosted our midfield and options up front before the Hearts game, but I guess that's not going to happen.


    So, should we be panicked by this silence in the transfer window or just assume that there's a few deals being worked on at the moment?

  5. I'm glad Walter made moves to sign not 1 but 3 central defenders as his first signings. At last someone at Ibrox can see that we've been rank rotten at the back for the last 2 or 3 seasons. I thought Weir's influence was clear last week, suddenly we were winning high balls for the first time in a while. Hopefully he can form a strong partnership with Ugo or Webster and stop us leaking so many really weak goals.


    The lack of other signings is a bit worrying though. Surely we can't just be waiting for cash to come in from Clement? We really need another striker and one or two midfielders. I think Hemdani is a great player but I'm just not convinced by how suited he is to the SPL. I thought he actually looked more positive when playing at centre half and I think maybe Fergie stifles him a bit.

  6. As soon as we signed him some of the guys at work were saying that he couldn't play for us. Apparently because the compensation still has to be worked out and the clause meant he couldn't play for another Scottish club, Hearts held on to his registration.


    I'm sure we've checked out the legal side of it, but from what I've heard, Hearts still hold his registration. Lots of Jambos I know seem pretty sure about this.

  7. Could be a lot longer than 6 weeks given that Romanov is making an official complaint about his signing. Hearts still hold his registration and I think that once the appeal has been lodged, Webster can't play for us until its resolved. So maybe we need two new centre defenders until June when Webster's contract with Hearts expires.

  8. In an ideal world we'd sign someone today who could play at the weekend. Otherwise, I'm hoping that the new regime gives the lads a boost and we get all 3 points. At the moment I wouldn't have confidence of that team beating anyone, but I'm sure WS will do the best he can with the players he has.

  9. To be honest i dont think it matters a great deal now, lets draw a line under it and concentrate on the future and turning our club around, im sure WS wont stand for any of Fergie's rubbish if he was to try to cause trouble again, if he even did in the first place.


    Agree on going forward, but I really don't like the way its been swept under the carpet.

  10. I like Walter's attitude towards the media. I like how he said that not everyone was pleased when he was appointed manager of Scotland. Hopefully this is the end of us taking so much shite from them.


    I take it from DM not wanting to tell the fans what actually happened with Fergie that we're to go with the media version of events. He did say that he's read everything there is to know in the papers, so does that mean BF is the troublemaker he's been made out to be?

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