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Posts posted by ascender

  1. A few places are saying we're expected to go back with another offer tomorrow. I know he might not be a popular signing with a lot of the support, but I'd still like to see him sign as I think he's got some of the characteristics we badly need in our midfield.

  2. I think he's a luxury we can't afford just now. The points Gribz makes are exactly why I think we should cash in on him. I'd give him more time, but he is earning a lot of money and hasn't made an impression under two managers, so why should a third make any difference? Do we have the time to try and sort him out this season?


    I think he does have quality, but for a number of reasons he's just not worked out here.

  3. I think he's doing as well as can be expected during the January window and yes, I agree that we're moving in the right direction. At least with Thomson for Clement, we're signing another young player. Our defence is looking stronger although up front is still a worry as Prso's fitness is waning quickly and I think we need a more direct partner for Boyd.


    I'd also like to see one or two more attacking midfielders signed.


    As for the UEFA cup, Smith can add 3 players to the eligible squad, I'd guess Weir and Ehiogu would be two of those.

  4. Hibs want another 2+ million for brown while hearts said up the offer to 1.5 million and they'll accept it.


    who would you go for ?, fuck it i sayy go for both. lol


    Hartley won't want to be playing on the right though, will he? So I'm assuming this means McCulloch is the new priority for the left, with Thomson and Fergie in the middle and Burke/Sionko on the right.


    I'd still like to see Brown come in as he's more of the finished article than Thomson at the moment.

  5. That's a good start and another young Scottish player in to the mix. I see we've also had a £750,000 offer for Hartley knocked back.


    I wonder if Walter is now tempted to move for Scott Brown who may throw his toys out of the pram over the fact Thomson has been allowed to go?


    And Letizi has left by mutual consent, so I guess that means we'll be after another keeper in the summer.

  6. I know times have changed and we don't have lots of cash to throw around, but say we did meet them halfway at 350-440K or so. Surely that's not much money to spend on a young player who might help us get second place in the league? While we still have Klos on our books, its only equal to a few months of his wages for example. I know we can get him for free in the summer, but we're not talking about millions of pounds and if we keep on taking the piss with what we offer for players, clubs are going to get even more difficult to deal with.

  7. The fact that none of the press have linked us with Gordon tells me that its all rumour.


    I too remember the days when signings would just happen. I guess part of the problem now is the internet, but there does seem to be a fine line between getting the best deal and just taking the piss with very low offers.

  8. Exactly. Its just silly season with the rumours. Its also difficult to know if we are totally skint or just trying to make sure we don't get ripped off for Hartley & McCulloch. Or Bain is just trying to get players on the cheap to impress Murray.


    FWIW I think we probably could afford the fee for Gordon if it came to it. Apart from all the money freed up in wages recently, its one player you could say is a good investment and I'd hope if he expressed an interest in coming, DM would find the dosh from somewhere for him.

  9. McGregor, Weir, Webster, Fergie, Murray & Boyd.




    Neil Alexander (Cardiff City)

    Paul Gallacher (Norwich City)

    Craig Gordon (Heart of Midlothian)

    Allan McGregor (Rangers)



    Graham Alexander (Preston North End)

    Russell Anderson (Aberdeen)

    Gary Caldwell (Celtic)

    Steven Caldwell (Sunderland)

    Christian Dailly (West Ham United)

    Stephen McManus (Celtic)

    Kevin McNaughton (Cardiff City)

    Graeme Murty (Reading)

    Gary Naysmith (Everton)

    Robbie Neilson (Heart of Midlothian)

    Steven Pressley (Celtic)

    Andy Webster (Wigan Athletic/Rangers)

    David Weir (Rangers)



    Barry Ferguson (Rangers)

    Darren Fletcher (Manchester United)

    Paul Hartley (Heart of Midlothian)

    Richard Hughes (Portsmouth)

    Lee McCulloch (Wigan Athletic)

    Ian Murray (Rangers)

    Nigel Quashie (West Ham United)

    Scott Severin (Aberdeen)

    Gary Teale (Derby County)



    Kris Boyd (Rangers)

    James McFadden (Everton)

    Kenny Miller (Celtic)

    Steven Thompson (Cardiff City)

  10. On Follow Follow, the latest "exclusive" comes from someone who knows someone who is a friend of Robbie Neilson. The "you heard it here first" news this time is that Hartley and Gordon will sign for us tomorrow morning.


    Silly season indeed.

  11. This is a strange one, I thought him and Miller were just here to use our facilities and then Walter said last week we weren't signing either of them. I see Miller has had a rant about not being signed by us.

  12. A couple of the papers are now saying we only put a bid in at the weekend, of £600,000. That will be raised today to £750,000, but there are clubs in England interested and don't rule out Celtic either.


    They're also saying that the Buffel deal might not go through in time, so that's nowhere near a certainty.

  13. Couple of places were saying that the Germans are very keen to get the move completed and Buffel is expected to go.


    Assuming we get 1M or so for him, that's more money in the pot and also his wages which must be £15,000+ per week. Only downside is that we're leaving it damn late to get players in.

  14. As far as his comments go, I'm sure something will be said about that if he signs. Did he not deny them last year and threaten to sue the paper that printed the article?


    Anyway, I think we definitely need someone like him who has a bit more drive and enthusiasm in the centre of the park. Games seem to pass Hemdani by at times and I don't think he and Fergie work too well together. Hartley and Ferguson have been mates for a very long time, so I think that's another bonus which can only help our team to bond a bit more.


    I'd rather have Brown, but its looking like he's going nowhere until the summer which might suit us as we might be able to afford him then.

  15. Just a thread for us to post the latest "news" from the papers and rumours.


    Lots of places are carrying the Hartley story.


    Rumours still persist that we've also bid for Nielson and/or Gordon. The latter I still find very hard to believe, but Nielson might make sense if Walter doesn't rate Hutton. Besides, the NOTW reckons Bayern and Arsenal are in for Gordon at 6M, but then it is the NOTW we're talking about.


    The Buffel story is also mentioned in a few places.


    Any more?

  16. I guess the other side to that argument Jim would be that 1M on a player like Hartley is at least a fairly safe investment. If we signed him or someone else who was 30/31, they could easily play for another 3 years in the SPL. Wages wouldn't be extravagant, so it might be much better value for money than some of the diddies we've signed recently.

  17. Lots of places reckon Hartley will definitely be joining next week which I'm sure will split the fans. I can see why Walter is interested in the guy, but its another one I just can't see happening.


    As for the DOB quote, I think he did deny saying it and was threatening to sue the paper who broke it last year (The Sun?).

  18. TBH even if short term, we get a back four who can just clear their lines and punt the ball in to row Z if in doubt, it'll be an improvement. Glad to hear Ugo played well today, its another step in the right direction as we look to steady the ship.

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