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Everything posted by ascender

  1. Yes, that's the thing, that so long as Vlad is there, it doesn't really matter as he owns the bank who are underwriting the debt. I guess its kind of like DM, where he could get rid of the debt by transferring it to other companies. But I don't understand his business plan. They're talking about a new stand at Tynecastle, but how are they going to fill it when their team seems to be getting weaker after every transfer window? They missed a great chance last season to finally challenge for the title when Burley was in charge. I also think they've missed a great chance this year to open up a lead on us for second place. From here on in, I think we'll get stronger which kind of makes you wonder what Vlad hopes to achieve on the pitch with Hearts?
  2. Can't believe we left it so late. Why wasn't this started the day after the Hearts game? We'd better hope for good weather over the next while or it could get even worse.
  3. Just wondering, what is our current debt and what's our wage bill looking like now? If I was a Jambo, those figures would scare the living daylights out of me. Even moreso when they probably only have Craig Gordon who could now command a decent transfer fee and they're out of the cup as well. Are they not in danger of a downward spiral out of control now?
  4. I was hoping this would happen as I think Brown could be the missing link in our midfield. We need someone with his energy and drive, hopefully this will make us favourites to sign him in the summer. Clicky
  5. The story in the Record yesterday was that Hearts accepted one of our bids but that he and his agent never even spoke to us as he knew the Celtic offer was imminent.
  6. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/f/falkirk/6322689.stm
  7. From what's been said in the papers today, it looks like we were never even considered by Hartley once Celtic came in with a bid.
  8. Looks like he's not really changed his ways after all.
  9. Whether you were for or against him as a signing, you can't help but be disappointed in the way we pursued him. As for Thomson, great signing, but he's just replacing Clement. So really we've not done nothing to sort out our creativity and scoring problems. Great. The rest of the season could be a slog after all.
  10. I think Thomson is a better player with more potential, but he's a very different player to Hartley. I think we still need someone like Hartley in our midfield. If we'd really wanted Hartley we should have put a decent offer in at the weekend and got him tied up instead of trying to get him on the cheap. I'd like to see us pull out the stops to get Brown tonight, but that's not going to happen, so its a bit disappointing really.
  11. The Beeb reckon Hartley is now discussing terms, so we can cross him off our list.
  12. ascender


    Gow in, no-one else out. Ever the optimist! Edited to say: No-one in, no-one out. That's my newly updated prediction!
  13. Looks like Lee McCulloch won't be coming this time round either.
  14. The thing that has got FF people panicking is that they're doing a sort of update thread and at 14:04 it says that Hartley is poised to sign for Rangers!
  15. Yeah, the Beeb site is now contradicting itself. Doesn't make sense though as Celtic's bid is the highest and Buba has him at Celtic for a medical. I'd love to be able to turn off the computer until tomorrow morning so that I don't get caught up in all of this, but I just can't help myself.
  16. If Celtic are in for him, then he'll go there. I don't see why he'd choose us over them if he's been a lifelong supporter. Also, he'll have a better chance of playing in his preferred position there.
  17. TBH it just sounds like Celtic are offering more money to Hearts than we are, plain and simple. Why have a medical with them today if he was coming here? I guess that's the end of that one. So, any chance of the money for Hartley being diverted towards Scott Brown?
  18. That'll keep most of the Bears happy then.
  19. Balls. Are they doing this just out of spite? They've got more midfielders than we do just now, do they need any more?
  20. Really? Can you disclose your source Buba?
  21. Yes, that's what I think too and seems to be the story in the media as well.
  22. Lots of places have said that they might try to sign him today.
  23. Joined at the arse more like. Is there anything they won't present on TV for some cash????
  24. Interesting piece posted on FF by someone. I'm only copying it for here as I know a lot of people don't have access to FF. Anyway, this story seems to have been backed up by other people's comments and alluded to by people in the media:
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