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Posts posted by ascender

  1. 52 minutes ago, onevision said:

    First goal McGregor has to come off his line and clear by either catching or punching, when he doesn't he has to at least come off line and block the shot.

    Second Tavernier has to step up and play Boyle offside or at least make a better effort blocking his shot.

    Third Davis makes a stupid challenge and it was a penalty.

    I think it was at 2-0 and another looping cross came in to the box, but it landed inside the 6 yard line and there was a bit of a stramash which we got away with. McGregor could have taken a step off his line and done something, anything to clear it. It might even have hit off him if he'd just come off his line but he didn't bother and we were lucky to get away with it.


    I don't know if its a confidence thing or not, but he needs dropped. And I know I'm old fashioned, but the amount of rotating we did this season with him and McLaughlin seemed nuts given the sort of goals we were conceding. We got away with it last season but I've no idea why Gerrard did it this season.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Biblio said:

    A disappointing result to put it mildly, but when all is said and done the League Cup doesn't mean an awful lot. I know that there isn't a shop where you can do a trade in these results but I'd much rather beat them in the next league game, although admittedly that doesn't seem likely at this point in time.

    When I was growing up, the league cup was the first chance to get a trophy and I was always excited about it - Gers teams always seemed right up for it too. A good chance to lay down a marker for the season and I’m sure it gives the players a lift too. We should be aiming for all three trophies with the squad we have.

  3. 10 minutes ago, ranger_syntax said:

    Goldson, Tavernier and Morelos. All rubbish.


    Many other players were also rubbish but those three were particularly bad.


    Bring on the Patterson era.

    So with Tav, can we drop him given just how many goals and assists he gets? Because that’s the stock response you get when you mention it as a possibility.

    With Katic on loan and Helander out, who do we replace Goldson with?

    Morelos has been pish for a while. He improved his all-round game last season, but was that at the expense of just letting him do what he does best which is terrorise defences?

  4. Anyone surprised by that performance then?


    Gerrard has a lot to answer-for as we've played like that all season and the management team were unable to sort it out. I didn't think the coaching staff would change anything, but I hoped players would rise to the occasion of a semi final and also be looking to impress the new manager but what a shambles.


    Not sure where he starts with the defence. Putting McLaughlin in as number 1 would be a start. Borna is still a shadow of his former self, so not sure why Bassey didn't start. Tav? What do you do when you have someone like him who brings so much to the team, but at the same time, seems to be contributing to many of our problems.


    The midfield at times lived-up to every criticism we've had of them during Gerrard's time when things weren't going well for us. Toothless, indirect, out of ideas and afraid to have a shot.


    I thought Arfield looked much better, him and Aribo get pass marks.


    What is going on with Morelos?


    Looking at our bench, I'd have been tempted to start with McLaughlin, Bassey, Sakala and maybe even Bacuna & Haji.


    The only saving grace at the moment is that somehow we're still top of the league.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Bill said:

    Oh fucking COME ON !!!!!!! 
    Put us out of our misery Rangers. 

    I just got sent a text with a picture of a post from FF which is in Orange text which would suggest its maybe now all done and tomorrow is the day.... and David Edgar has posted a picture of himself with a new Holland top....

  6. 1 hour ago, Bill said:

    If Purslow is giving Gerrard the war chest being touted in the press, I doubt he'll lower himself to shop for bargains at Ibrox. 

    If he does get significant funds to spend, he could easily spend some of that on a player or two without making a dent in it - we'd get a reasonable fee and they'd get players he's worked-with already which would make it the very definition of low risk for Villa.

  7. 1 hour ago, DMAA said:

    I don’t think so compo. I think they were unhappy with the way we surrendered our chance to get £30m+ in UCL money in a pathetic fashion, to a smaller team with a smaller budget and then failed to get going even 3 months into the season, and chose not to put up any fight at all when AV came calling and SG wanted to speak to them. 

    Receiving £4.5m+ and getting the chance to start a new era with, hopefully, an exciting new manager was likely a very attractive prospect for the board because we have been the second best team in this league (and second best Scottish team in Europe) since our old firm win in August, a win which only served to pull the wool over the eyes of a surprising number of fans in the months since. There is no chance Ross Wilson wasn’t actively preparing for this because it wasn’t hard to see coming. 

    There have been murmurs Gerrard wasn't happy with the lack of fund this year, but when you look at the accounts, its pretty clear that if he'd qualified for the CL, he'd probably have been given some money.


    The team has looked out of sorts all season and making lots of basic mistakes. That's on the coaching staff to sort out, but they've been unable to do it. So its not unreasonable to look at where we are and assume that's come in to SG's thinking too.


    Presumably he's been told that Liverpool want him to have some EPL experience before they consider him for the job, but I also think that if he'd stayed, showed he could retain a title and win a cup, that would definitely have been plus points for him too. Its hard not to think he's jumped at the first offer in the EPL from a club which doesn't have off-the-field issues around ownership, finances or one of those clubs which isn't a favourite to be relegated.


    McCoist summed it up when he said it leaves a bit of a sour taste when you look at the timing and circumstances, that's all it is for me.

  8. 23 hours ago, gisabeer said:

    The last thing we need is another stepping stone manager.

    For as long as we play in Scotland I think that's all we'll ever get with the majority of players and managers. That ambition should help them do the best possible job for the club they're at though.


    The thing is, what you need to have is a DOF in place and the supporting infrastructure so that when a manager does leave, you can quickly get someone new in who shares the same goals & mindset so its not a wholesale "rip everything up and start again". It feels to me like we're nearly there - albeit we need to trim the squad and add a couple of quality players.


    I might be remembering this wrong, but was GVB not one of the players who admitted when he came here to play, that his ambitions were to play in England? But he was pretty honest and open about it? Maybe it was someone else from that group of players.

  9. So according to someone on FF, Frank Lampard was on his flight to Edinburgh today....


    And someone else has posted a screenshot allegedly from an airline booking system showing Gio's on his way to London tomorrow.


    Its going to be a mad few days I reckon.

  10. Gio just seems like such a good fit with where we are at the moment. Its almost like everything has aligned to bring us to this point where he's also available.


    Given the Villa thing hasn't happened overnight, I'd be disappointed if we're not already in advanced talks with someone. Especially with the international break, the sooner the better.

    Did I really see on Twitter last night that Keith Jackson was suggesting McInnes in some way??

  11. 27 minutes ago, DMAA said:

    This seems to be the only corner of the internet where the prevailing opinion isn’t that Gerrard is a rat/snake. Gersnet is clearly the place to be when the going gets tough. 

    You can be somewhere in the middle can't you?

    We all knew he'd go, but many of us presumed it would be for something like the Liverpool job, after retaining a title and giving the CL a go. Not to leave so soon after winning the title, proclaiming his undying love for the club, fans etc and then presiding over a very shoogly start to the next season. The going gets tough and he takes the first EPL job offered? Or maybe he felt he'd achieved all he ever could here? But what's changed since the close season?

    Its just all bit strange.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    I agree, but Lampard is still in nappies and shat himself at Chelsea. 

    I agree too, but Chelsea are a complete basket case of a club so its hard to judge anybody on a short time there. I thought he showed some promise from his time there.

  13. 43 minutes ago, the gunslinger said:

    we need experience here and we need it now. 


    even if it's DM to end of season if we can't get who we want now. 


    Dean Smith, Steve Bruce or even warnock would get us over the line. 

    Bruce or Warnock? That would be a massive step backwards IMO. Dinosaurs of the game and not what we should be looking to do given what we have in place on and off the field now.

    I still think this has been in the offing for a while which might explain a lot about this season. And SG can't moan about the budget as our failure to qualify for the CL has dictated available funds.

  14. 6 minutes ago, PoohBear said:

    Villa though, I can't think of a more mediocre EPL club.

    That was my first reaction, but I guess they're one of those clubs outside of the top 4/6 who seem to be well run and have potential to finish in one of those places from 5th down? Which seems crazy, but the EPL is really split in to two with the top 4 and then everyone else.

    I know its the self-proclaimed GREATEST LEAGUE IN THE WORLD, but its where the money is, a lot of the top coaches are and I guess SG sees it as a stepping stone to a job with Liverpool or another one of the elite in Europe. I think its also a move which could backfire for him, but who knows. I won't be paying much attention to him either way tbh.

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